Shayla LaVeaux

Our Prodigal Porn Star Shayla

Shayla happened to be sitting at a table already when I arrived, and so I sat down to try and get the necessary details, so that we could figure out how to proceed. (If you ever see a sad looking pretty girl in a topless bar, sitting alone with a bunch of papers and an irritated/worried demeanor, that’s probably somebody’s client waiting for them to arrive, just so you know.) We had finished up the brief outline of her case, and set up a more appropriate meeting for back at my office later, when a waitress arrived at the table with two LARGE Long Island Iced Teas.

“Oh, I can’t drink that, ” I explained, “I have to get back to work, and that’s the sort of behavior that got you into this mess.”

I’ll remember Shayla’s innocent look at me until the day I die. “I know that,” she said by way of simple explanation, “These are for me so I can get ready for work.”

Each of these LARGE glasses had a straw in it. Shayla promptly bent down, popped both of them in her mouth at the same time, and in about 20 seconds had completely drained both glasses. She then jumped up, said, “Welp (with a “p”), I guess I’ll see you next week.” She then hurried off into the dressing room, trailing a bunch of official paperwork in her wake.

And that’s how I met the woman who would become Shayla LaVeaux.

A Progigal Porn Star Shayla Postscript

Just as a bit of insight here (because Lord knows — and you can clearly see — I do so enjoy the asides and the parenthetical comment). I actually did pick up all the papers she dropped and started a file for them back at the office. And if you’ve ever wondered why some women take to adult movies rather than working as a house dancer during the careers of their youth, you might have developed a bit of an insight here. If you need to get plastered in order to do your job, you really should think about doing something different for a living.

Even More Risque:  Have a Risque New Year

Addendum — Because We Can Be Really Fancy That Way

Prodigal Porn Star ShaylaTo make an already long story at least a bit shorter, we’re all extremely happy that Shayla has decided to rejoin our Risqué Commune here, and even though most of you Members have probably figured it out by now, we did want to formally put the announcement in writing today. (All of the New Stuff for April goes up on the free side the first of May, and so we felt like we owed Shayla the benefit of letting people know what’s going on as soon as we can.) … You should know that the members’ side goes on for a bit, and then they get to see a bunch of special photos and videos of Shayla. They also get to see some super-secret stuff and suffer through even more pithy insights into our lives. They could skip that part and just enjoy the visuals, I suppose, but what fun would that be?

Shayla's FaviconFinally, we really put this in for Lon, but judging from the emails we receive, there seem to be other people out there that put their brains to pretty good use too. So here’s (an enlargement of) Shayla’s new “favicon” for her Blog. Get it? … (At the very least, I always amuse myself.}

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