Filed Under: April

April 2008 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


When the folks at the office learned that the Denver Broncos drafted guys with the names Eddie Royal, Carlton Powell, and Spencer Larson some people around here said it sounded like we’d have to start serving high tea at half time or something. … As it turns out, some people aren’t nearly as funny as they think they are. … On the other hand delving into a review of D.Minion spending time with Sean Michaels and his prodigious – um – persona on a porn set will probably be just as funny as you’d think it would be. Not everybody can be an NFL player, but not everybody can be Sean Michaels either. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayna Knight, D.Minion]

Call it Member of an Exclusive Club.

Well, we’re back from an odd combination of conventions down in L.A. again. This time the folks at “Fangoria” and the other folks at “Adult-Con” were kind enough to schedule their events at the same time, albeit at opposite ends of the Convention Center. Oddly the women at the horror gathering seemed to dress rather like the women at the porn convention, although they did seem to wear a lot more black and have a lot more holes poked in their faces – presumably for decorative purposes. We’re not sure we really understand that particular aspect of the sub-culture, but we do have D.Minion working diligently on explaining it all to us. We should mention that we’re not making any promises that this will in fact help, though. Until then (and as we’re working to wade through the “queue” here), we managed to uncover Mav’s still shoot that he somehow forgot to include with the “Cam Show” video entry, so maybe that will help. At least it provides a more traditional perspective of a beautiful naked woman, and it seems pretty difficult to complain too much about that.  [FEATURED TAGS:, Kaz B.]

KazB ... In the Pink Variations

Ah. Mr. U.K. seems to be poking around again, back from his sojourns getting various British women to disrobe and otherwise occupy themselves for his cameras. True, Maverick does seem a bit confused on the whole “and how does this make sense in the risqué scheme of things” approach, but he’s young yet and we have great faith in him. Of course we had great faith that Craig Morton was going to lead the Broncos to a Super Bowl Championship too, so it’s probably best if you don’t use our opinion as the barometer of reasonableness. Still, Kaz B performing for a photo shoot makes for a handy diversion, regardless of the rationale.  [FEATURED TAGS:, Kaz B.]

Kaz B petting her kitty - sort of.

Darn it. We keep promising Dee that we’ll catch her up on her KSEX history – which seems much more important now that KSEX itself is basically history – and then she calls and mentions that … um … we don’t seem to have done that yet. … OK. Well this time we have taken the time to develop a Dee System, which beats the heck out of a regular ol’ system if you want to know the truth. At any rate, we have determined that if we faithfully post one or two “Dee on KSEX” stories a month … we’ll absolutely be done by 2050 or so. Hey, it’s good to have a plan. [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee Video, Cytherea Video, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Dee and Cytherea plead topless. It's hard to say no when this happens.

Alicia Rhodes Well Traveled. … Hmm. Rarely do we have a title that as effectively conveys the topic being addressed as this one does. OK, so technically Maverick didn’t literally use this title, but he’s just starting to seek out his investigative journalist muse, so we’re cutting him a little slack. And if his “investigation” actually reflects much more of a “personal reflection” point of view than meetings with any sort of Deep Throat character, and his role as a “journalist” really comes down to simply writing those thoughts down, well what’s the harm in the Grand Perspective? Besides, if you think about it, you’ll see that Alicia certainly reflects one sort of deep throat character. There’s that. Also, we get to admire a refreshingly different kind of porn star, and we get to learn about European geography – maybe. Things could be worse. … Life is short. Why stress over details?  [FEATURED TAGS: Alicia Rhodes, Maverick]

Alicia Rhodes and Joey Ray

We interrupt our regularly scheduled chaos to bring you a bit of insight on current events in adult. Now we don’t do this very often, as there are scads of web sites out there that stake “news” as their particular niche on the web, but sometimes a situation will just throw one low and outside, and you just have to swing for the fence. (Don’t you just love a good baseball metaphor?) We could tell you the topic for today, in fact that would be a completely logical thing to do right now, but honestly we can only take so much “convention” in one sitting. We can at least tell you that we’re using the unusually beautiful “Tall Goddess” and the captivating Renee Perez to illustrate some of our finer points – all the while showing off some of theirs. (Yeah, we’re topical and funny. It’s a gift.) Also, if you point out the exact topic in an introductory area like this, people can go back and figure out when that happened, thus “dating” your post in the future. All the really smart web people say that only news sites date their posts, as membership sites want to appear more “timeless” in their appeal. Of course we’ve always just put the date over there on the side, plain as day. … Oops. [FEATURED TAGS: Lorraine Sisco, Renee Perez Video, Exclusive Video, Risque News Insight]

Goddess of the Tall variety

D.Minion must have been bored last weekend, because she apparently spent a whole bunch of time watching XXX movies. Either that, or we missed one hell of a party over at her place. Whichever the case may be, Kristal has once again caught DM’s fancy (or fantasy) as a MILF, this time along with our old friend Wendy (Maya) Divine in The MILF Chronicles. If you want our opinion all of this has to do with breast-feeding issues. And if you want our other opinion: So what?  [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, D.Minion]

Kristal Summers. She apparently gets around.

Apparently, men are pigs. At least that’s the lesson we’re presumably supposed to learn from D.Minion’s review ofCheating Housewives #4. Of course people don’t usually make porn movies that try to teach actual life-lessons. That would be like trying to write a book about Christianity using an imaginary wonderland that a bunch of kids find by wandering through a secret room at the back of a closet. … Oh. … So that happens sometimes. … Still, life-lessons do not happen this time. On the other hand, you’ve got Nina Hartley, Kylie Ireland, Brittany Andrews, Lola and Kristal Summers to distract you from all the lessons you’re not learning this time around, and that helps a lot as it turns out. We’ll try to suffer through. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Nina Hartley, Kylie Ireland, Brittany Andrews, Lola, D.Minion]

Dis is DVD Disc - Definitely

Whoo-Hoo! The pic people have done their picks and perfected a precise pecking order for your personal perusal. … OK. Without all the alliteration, that just means that the still photos from the massive video post we just did are now up on the page. But why would you just say that without all the alliteration? One should use it when one can, it seems.  [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Harley Davis, Exclusive Video]

Kristal Summers. A babe on a bed.

Some video projects that we do for the web turn out to be a whole lot more “difficult” than we would have thought they’d be when we put them into the queue. That said, some projects involve a beautiful Kristal Summers and one of her Cam Shows, so that just logically seems like something worth a little extra effort. For those of you with good Internet connections, we’re getting a jump on the weekend today – even as we’re completing still details for the “Carol Faction” …. Give yourself some time on this one. Kristal’s worth it. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Harley Davis, Exclusive Video]

Movie Time!

April 2007 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Some of us are taking off today, folks, and we just wanted to let you know. It’s been six years since the “leader” (whatever the heck that means, and why the heck would anyone want to be one of those anyway?) has taken a true vacation, and that’s what’s going to happen. Allegedly many, many things will be ongoing in abstentia, but … well … allegedly, and all. … Regardless, everyone enjoy a little bit of the spring time in your area and we’ll see you the second week of May. It might work; who knows? My dad always used to say, “Columbus took a chance.” … Of course I’d always respond that, “He had to run because he was schtupping the Queen and the King found out; he didn’t really land where everyone thinks he landed, and, besides, he’s dead.” I’ve never been very good at lessons, in case you hadn’t noticed.


You know the thing about controversial opinions? They’re easy to ignore and just get on to the serious jobs of looking at Julia Ann and Kristal Summers naked. If you’re the thinking sort of person, controversial opinions might also be good to argue with (and when you’ve got Juli Ashton on your side that’s an easy thing to do), but even thinking people tend to get distracted by Julia Ann and Kristal Summers naked. (You can see that, right?) You think this is why thinking people don’t run for public office? And would we really want someone in public office that has never seen Julia Ann and Kristal Summers naked? … We think NOT! … Of course sometimes we’re wrong. And sometimes we’re right. … It gets confusing, if you want to know the truth.  [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Kristal Summers]

And we're climbing a stairway to ... um ... Julia Ann and Kristal. Have you been paying attention?

We’re thinking about Contract Players in general today, which bring up the anticipated thoughts of Jana Jordan and perhaps some slightly less obvious ones about Anais. Then we’re also thinking about Katsumi, Vanessa Hill, Anna Karin, Dillan Lauren, Rita Faltoyano, Kelly Taylor, Rita Faltoyano, Nikita Denise, Brittney Skye and Kenzie Ryan, so we’re really pretty busy, all things considered. Still, if you have to be busy, being so with a collection of women this beautiful pretty much makes it OK. And all in all, pretty much OK seems like a fine goal for any day.  [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan Video, Anais Video, Katsumi, Vanessa Hill, Anna Karin, Dillan Lauren, Rita Faltoyano, Kelly Taylor, Rita Faltoyano, Nikita Denise, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video]

Anna Karin. Never a contract girl for some reason. Hmm.

We looked up the origins of triskaidekaphobia today, because we thought this would make for a fascinating exposé – not to mention appropo, considering the “lucky” chap always roaming the hallways here. Then after sufficient research we decided, Naw. That’s too confusing. Let’s just show off Jana Jordan and the XRCO Awards we just attended. … Now it’s not that we avoid the technical and generally run from anything that’s too complicated around here …. Oh, wait a minute. … It’s EXACTLY like that. Our bad. … Heeere’s Jana (and Kristal Summers, and TJ Hart, and some others by the way) … [FEATURED TAGS: XRCO Awards, Kristal Summers, Jana Jordan Video, Georgia Jones, TJ Hart, Nikita Denise, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Kristal and an alleged Mr. Pacino

Imagine you have the chance to meet Heather Vuur. Now imagine you have a chance to meet Heather Vandeven. … Obviously those of you “in the know” would thus know that this would be the same thing, however confusing it sounds. Well, today, unless you happen to live in Hollywood and are very, very fortunate, you don’t have either of the choices anyway. Sorry. But you do have a chance to see D.Minion’s coverage of Meet Heather, and you do have a chance to see a home that reaches the absurd in its ability to store clothing. Also, Selina Draagen, Kellemarie, Kelly Kline, and Zoë Britton are hanging around and they don’t seem to care about clothes at all. Sometimes in life even “just what you get” can be rather dandy. [FEATURED TAGS: Heather Vuur Video, Heather Vandeven Video, Selina Draagen Video, Kellemarie, Kelly Kline, Zoë Britton, Lorraine Sisco, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Stairway to Heather

If you do the unusual all of the time, does it then become usual? And if it’s now usual then how can it be unusual at the same time? Fortunately, as with many philosophical questions, our standard answer works quite well: We don’t care. For example, whenever there’s a bear in the woods, our goal remains never to be around long enough to see what it does there. Speaking of animals, though, we think someone might be pulling our leg on this April Fool’s Day. The “usual” possibility exists that Bubblegum the Dog did not in fact write this account of when Jana visited Innocence. We’re usually very skeptical, which clearly makes it not unusual. [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan, Alexis Love, Lena Nicole, Amber Rayne, Jamie Elle, Alana Langford, Sasha Grey, Michael Ninn]

Jana Jordan ... Disciplinarian.

April 2006 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Apparently it’s “Epic Week” as we get yet another “on the set” piece from D.Minion about a movie that you can’t even see for a couple of months. Were this the only oddity about The Catalyst then we’d feel pretty much OK, but as my favorite aunt used to say, “Y’all ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” You know, drawling is a lost art. [FEATURED TAGS: Kimberly Kane, Britney Manson, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

A mannequin with duct tape on her mouth – in a bird cage. We're not kidding.

Well, Wet Room doesn’t officially gush until early June, but D.Minion spent some time on the set with our good friend Harry’s client Cytherea, and we didn’t see any reason not to talk about it. Think of it as water, water everywhere and quite a lot to drink. That’s what we do after all.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Video, Missy Monroe Video, Angela Stone Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Cytherea in one of her more clothed moments.

There is absolutely nothing unusual about today’s quick update on D.Minion, Lorraine Sisco, Kimberly Kane, Britney Manson, and some various oddities in our existence. Of course that presumption necessarily assumesthat you’re somewhat familiar with how we tend to define “normal” around here. Some people might find our lives a little scary, truth be told, and we were going to spend some time trying to explain it. But then we sort of got one of those “behind the eyes” kind of headaches, and just decided to eat ice cream instead. You need to rely on your instincts sometimes, as we did with The Lorraine Ranger …  [FEATURED TAGS: Kimberly Kane, Britney Manson]

Weirdness in 3D

And now for something completely depressing. … As we think about it, this might be the first time we’ve ever introduced a story with this sort of lamentation, but this is also the first time D.Minion ever wrote about her last night on Night Calls – ever. Still, we’re supposed to remain upbeat in the face of adversity, but we’ve really always thought that was an overrated concept. Heck. If you’re feeling down, you should have the right as an adult to scream, cry, kick you feet, and just generally act in a juvenile manner. Otherwise what’s the point of being an adult? Well, you can eat ice cream whenever you want, but other than that? Come to think of it, you might want some ice cream as you read about this conclusion of era.  [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Steve, D.Minion, Risque News Insight]

Juli Ashton in her dressing room, with lots of options.

Well, it’s been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks, and we can’t even tell you about it … yet. Still, you’ll probably find this to be an interesting story once it’s finally OK to let you in on the secret. Until then you can look at some secret stuff from a shoot for a movie that doesn’t come out until June, and you can also gain some rather explicit insights into Katsumi. Hey, it makes the waiting a lot easier, don’t you think? [FEATURED TAGS: Katsumi Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]

Katsumi ... almost exposed, actually.

Sometimes it’s good to be skeptical. If everyone’s out to get you, of course, paranoid is just good thinking. Then, of course, one should never look a gift horse in the mouth. And (consequently) one should always be aware of potentially naked pictures of Juli Ashton and Becca, whatever their alleged source. What the heck is a gift horse anway? It seems like it should at least include Clydesdales and beer.  [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Becca]

Juli getting ready to swing from the rafters – literally.

April 2005 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We counted 17 separate references to old television theme songs in D.Minion’s story of Carol’s visit to Southern California. We’d actually worry about our sanity, but we’re much too crazy for this kind of deep introspection. Fortunately, the 125 photos from Michael Ninn (who didn’t even meet Carol, by the way) can make up for a lot of blatent silliness. [FEATURED TAGS: Terri Summers, Brittney Skye, Anais, Shy Love, Wanda Curtis, Monica, Trinity, Monica Sweetheart, Holly Morgan, Jenaveve Joli, Carol, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Neither of these women is Carol. This makes Carol sad too.
Ninn Banner

We get to visit with a bunch of old friends today, and D.Minion’s got 180 pictures and some 3,000-odd words to prove it. She was on the set of The Devinn Lane Show, Part 3: Attack of the Divas a couple of years back, and she got to spend some time with Julia Ann, Dee, Lola and Devinn. (D.Minion should pay us for this job.) By the way, we should state for the record here that, although we haven’t always agreed with her “career” decisions, Devinn Lane has always been beautiful, innovative, daring, and extremely motivated. In short, Devinn Lane is a very good director. She also happens to be wearing one of my favortie shirts during this shoot. “I can only be nice to one person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.” She’s nothing if not style … [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Dee, Lola, Devinn Lane, Jade Marcela, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

This would be Julia Ann ... um ... style.
Julia Ann's Web Site

All of us at the office blame Carol for the lateness of the latest Ninn Worx Weekend. Michael didn’t get to meet Carol, since she “allegedly” spent her time in Southern California on the beach and eating home-cooked meals, and not on the Sybian. Both Carol and Michael are very polite people. … So we don’t have any pictures or either Carol or Michael on the Sybian, but we do have some really dandy images that will hopefully distract you from that point. If you can’t Shock and Awe, it’s better to Baffle with Bullshit. (Not pictured: Anais, Jassie, Dee, Angel Cassidy, Elizabeth, Erica Vachs, Isabella, Katsumi, Justine Joli, Kenzie Ryan, Georgia Adair, Nikita Denise, Sarah Blake, Michelle Michaels, Shy Love, Nikki Blond, Wanda Curtis, Olivia Del Rio, and Sharon Wild … But they’re inside today. Sometimes life is OK.) [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Cova, Anais, Jassie, Dee, Angel Cassidy, Elizabeth, Erica Vachs, Isabella, Katsumi, Justine Joli, Kenzie Ryan, Georgia Adair, Nikita Denise, Sarah Blake, Michelle Michaels, Shy Love, Nikki Blond,Wanda Curtis, Olivia Del Rio, Sharon Wild, Michael Ninn]

Jana Cova. Ah, Jana Cova ...

Pretty much every day, everyone pretty much has to do something. So today we pretty much figured we’d just spend some time looking at Wanda Curtis. All in all, in our experience, this turns out to be pretty much of a fun thing to do, and so we’re encouraging you to do it too. I don’t know if any of you ever had the opportunity to see Wanda in person, but she looks like a drawing or something. When artists draw their idealized visions of the perfect female form, they generally look like Wanda, actually. If Barbie Dolls had a human incarnation, they would look like Wanda too. That pretty much sums it up. [FEATURED TAGS: Wanda Curtis]

Wanda Curtis ... She even looks good in glasses.

… [DMinion wrote this. It’s not my fault.] “From Nightingale poop to human foreskin.” According to a TV show I just watched, these are some of the things people put on their faces to keep them looking young and beautiful. Anais looks beautiful without any of these, uh, interesting concoctions. (I should know. I’ve seen her without makeup and she’s stunning. It just isn’t fair.) If you’d like to see pictures of Anais looking gorgeous, plus photos of her very beautiful friends, click here. [FEATURED TAGS: Anais, Jana Cova, Mia Smiles, Elizabeth, Wanda Curtis, Michael Ninn]

Anais. Yeah, and then what?

In the movie business, a “side” is a small part of the script that the director intends to record on a particular day. Generally, when the “players” show up in their really groovy (or at least ego-gratifying) trailer room, some nameless person will have placed the sides in the room — most often directly upon the only horizontal seating area in said ego-gratifying room. The point, here, being that sometimes things don’t always turn out the way they “historically” should. In our ongoing efforts to convince Juli to release some of her “owned, albeit heretofore hidden,” footage of Essentially Inari, we’re providing a peek into the past lives of, not only Inari Vachs, but Dee, Kristal Summers, a very happily endowed man, a couple of genuinely nice women from Juli’s past, and even Juli herself. We call it “Old Irony-Sides” … but we’re like that. We would also like to point out that using words like “albeit” and “heretofore” should be at least a misdemeanor in any civilized country. [FEATURED TAGS: Inari Vachs, Kristal Summers, Dee, Shaena Steele, Juli Ashton]

According to Inari is an island, and “The island-studded lake is a tourist attraction.” Hmm.

OK. Technically it may be a little late for a Ninn Worx Weekend, but, also technically, it’s still the weekend for three more minutes in LA as we’re posting this. Besides, some days “It’s all about the Porn Star, baby.” … and what’s a little tardiness when those are your options? We’re going to follow the advice of a dandy country song here: “A little less talk. A lot more action.” [FEATURED TAGS: Brittney Skye, Tory Lane, Kelly Taylor, Malibu, Michael Ninn]

Brittney Skye ... representing many others.

Well we’re still plowing through Tax Hell, which wouldn’t be as bad if you didn’t have to do it every year, we’re thinking. And as it turns out, although it really, really sucks to move with a broken leg right before Christmas, it’s even worse if you didn’t think about putting all of the various tax document areas from the office and warehouse in one box so you could find it easily when you needed it. (I don’t know why they were always in various places; that was not my job.) So we decided to make up for it with a Night Calls post from Juli and Tiffany’s February Show this year. This one turned out to be extra long, as it included the soon to be more famous Justine, along with a side trip to a Dee dance gig. We decided, “What the heck, let’s put a bunch of exclusive pictures of Anais up too. What, you want to spend more time on the Quicken Category and Transfer List?” Too many numbers in your life make you talk to yourself, you know.  [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Dee, Ann Marie, Ashley Blue, Justine Joli, Anais, D.Minion]

Anais. Butt her late and often.

For some reason we’re very concerned about The Learning Channel (and yesterday was April Fool’s Day). We don’t really know how to explain it better than that, other than point out that Bob Seger will be happy, and we do have the benefit of 80 (plus) pictures of Dee thinking of … probably anything but The Learning Channel. Sometimes it’s very strange in California … but it often involves beautiful naked women, and that makes up for a lot. Cheers, D.Minion.  [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

On a long lonesome highway ... It's good to meet Dee.