Syren Sexton

Syren Sexton BTS

While I waited for Syren to arrive, I found out that Trash would be going over to the Erotica L.A. convention the following month. [Without putting too fine a point on it, you can be certain that there happened to be a wide variety of trash at this event. Of course this explains why we enjoy it so.] We talked about hopefully bumping into each other during the convention, and we did briefly did bump into Daisy Rock and him during the convention. While Trash was looking after his pet dog Lupo, the door entry system rang announcing Syren’s arrival. I went out to get the door for her and was greeted not only by Syren, but also her boyfriend Ben Dover! Syren had told me they were going out, but didn’t know that he would be dropping her off at the shoot. [I actually know Ben a bit, and can say with some certainty that he has his own unusual list of charms – not the least of which being an admirable ability to regularly hook up with young beautiful women. (Bastard.)]

Of course, I managed to lock us all in the lobby and had to call Trash’s mobile (cell) to come and open the apartment door. [Of course he did.] The Syren Effect was making its presence felt. You know what I mean if you’ve ever met Kristal Summers or Dee in person, your mind reverts back to its childhood, and you forget whatever you were supposed to be doing! Ben introduced himself and hugged Syren and told her he’d be back to pick her up after the shoot. [During one of Maverick’s very first visits to Los Angeles, he actually walked into a trash dumpster just looking at a car that he’d just learned belonged to Kristal Summers. You have to look around a bit (and be a member) to read that story, though, but the laughing will make it worthwhile.]

Once inside, and having carried Syren’s big case of outfits up to the spare room we’d use as a changing (etc.) room, we got the paperwork out of the way. With releases filled in and having showed each other our certs we were ready to shoot. [Well, at least Maverick undoubtedly was “ready to shoot” – as it were.]

Even More Risque:  Finally "Fore" on The Four

Net BenefitWe’d prepped our usual list of behind the scenes questions and did our research on the model. [Interesting way to put it, don’t you think? On the upside, at least with this shoot he managed not to lose the list of their carefully prepared questions once the woman took her clothes off. That was a bonus.] We found out that Syren had also been over to the Miami convention early that month, and she’d told us about her being a ring beauty at the Pain & Glory fight meet a couple days before our shoot so we would ask her about that during her BTS interviews. [Maybe I’m just a jaded American, but would not all fights by definition be of the “Pain & Glory” variety?]

Syren Sexton's real 32C boobsWe started with some BTS footage of Syren going through her case looking for outfits while we asked her a couple of our questions. [Good. Start simply.] Syren had related in her emails that she loves playing up to the camera, already demonstrating this enjoyment as she found one outfit, started to get changed, and then asked me if I wanted to make sure her boobs were real by feeling one! [Yeah, that happens all the time with women out here. … Really. Swear.] I can verify that her breasts are real, a nice handful at 32C and she has nipples that though probably don’t beat Dee’s, do give Dee a close run for their money. [Well, in life many of us believe that the list starts with Dee and then everybody else ties for second place. What’s not to like about nipples?] Sadly, we didn’t think to see if we could hang a CD from Syren’s nipples. That will be something for next time. [Maverick seems to be getting more professional, right? Already planning for next time, and all. … Speaking of that, we’ll have to wait until next time to hear about how the shoot itself went, it seems. This would be just a guess, but considering that the woman is indeed about to get seriously naked, there will likely be “a little less talk and a lot more action” in that account. BTW, a keen understanding of American Country Music, while not required for members here, can add a lot to your enjoyment. (At the very least you should humor us. We’re sensitive.)]

Even More Risque:  Hip-Hip KriShay!!
Syren Sexton bts 1
Part 1
Syren Sexton bts 2
Part 2

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Syren’s BTS Parts 1 & 2
Flash Video Index

[By the way, as they apparently do in England, in order to keep an “active” status, U.S. porn performers get tested every 30 days, and the vast majority of them do use one of the “A.I.M.” (Adult Industry Medical) locations. The general battery of tests currently costs $120, but that includes the PCR DNA test for HIV as well as tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea, the latter two infections being much more common in this line of work, and also altogether icky, even though decidedly less disastrous. … And I included that last part just to prove to Maverick that we can write sentences with long strings of dependent clauses over here in America too.]

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