Filed Under: Jenna Jameson

April 2023 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

4/30/23 Mia Austin


Alyssa Lynn – Mia Austin – Kenna James – Diana Prince – Chantelle Fox – Rachel James

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

4/29/23 Kristal Summers, Julia AnnThe majority of the people on the planet have likely been in a conversation where a friend brings up a topic that quickly leads to a tangent from two decades earlier. Not many of these people, however, will likely find themselves in the exact same chair as they were the first time this story came up — albeit sitting in front of a vastly superior computer. Fortunately for everyone here, we do not encourage you at this time to think about 20-year-old chairs. You might, however, want to think about Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux, and Julia Ann. They may not make Architectural Digest any time soon, be each remains Art unto Herself. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Julia Ann] 
4/28/23 Jenna Jameson ... and othersThe “real” NFL Draft starts late today, in case you were confused by the 66 picks that come before the office favorite even gets a chance to crush some poor college player’s dreams of where he hoped he’d be drawing some huge salary finally. Truth be told, only a single person in the office really cares, but since he signs the checks, well, we all care. Mostly, though, we care about the Draft Day Bonus we’ve added to this time around. Superstars as pups certainly qualify as interesting, but Maverick as a pup too? That picture with Heather Vuur alone would be worth the price of admission. Of course Jenna fans might disagree. [STAR TAGS: Jenna Jameson Video, Eva Tiffany Video, Meghan Sweet, Hanna Reilly, Heather Vuur, Heather Vandeven]

4/26/23 Chantelle Fox


Any bed. Any time.

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

4/25/23 Alesandra Noir


Rebel on the LOOZ

[STAR TAGS: Alessandra Noir Exclusive Video]

4/24/23 Asami UemuraWe have been trying to explain porn stars to people literally for decades now. No matter what you might guess, they are actually just like everybody else, with hopes, dreams, frustrations and plans. They’re just not shy. … Some of them, as it turns out, even like normal things like Hello Kitty, an understanding that brought our New Guard to begin coverage of Hello Titty 12 today. As it turns out, other than the clever pun, those two concepts really have nothing else in common. Go figure. [STAR TAGS: Asami Uemura Video]

4/23/23 Jana Jordan


Roam and Hearth pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Justine Joli Video, Jana Jordan Video, Michael Ninn]


4/22/23 Dee in JamaicaSimple math tells us (no matter how much we hate cussing in just the second word of a sentence) that on your first birthday you have actually begun your second year. Of course these minor nuances do not matter so much in the earlier years as they might in the later ones. Our conclusion thus far has been simply that not all birthdays are created equal. Some have Dee, for example, a condition that makes basically anything in life better. These might also include video references to fine achievements, making the age of the Assistant Director insignificant to the meaning. So, yeah … that. [STAR TAGS: Dee, Audrey Hollander Exclusive Video, Justine Joli Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]
4/20/23 Kaylan NicoleSome people simply do not understand the warmth and serenity provided by an old pickup truck. Of course we feel sorry for those people if for no other reason than they get really upset if something dings their door in a parking lot. Then again, folks tend to prioritize a lot of silly things, so today we’ll ponder all the fun things one can store in the center console of an old pickup truck before considering an entirely different kind of “Serenity” in our quest. The Russell Wilson comments sure take on a new meaning all these years later, and yet the women remain as beautiful and vibrant as ever. Curious, that. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Dee, Kaylan Nicole Video, Serenity Video, Devinn Lane, Missy, Doria, Taylor Hayes, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video, ]

4/19/23 Good Friends of Ginger


Poon Party Hearty

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Sharon Mitchell Video, Ami Rodgers Video, Bionca Video, Heather Wayne Video]

4/17/23 Kaz B


All That Kaz can B

[STAR TAGS: Kaz B. Exclusive Video,]

4/16/23 Shayla LaVeaux & Jenna Haze


Years in the Waiting

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Olivia Parrish]

4/15/23 Ginger Lynn


In More Sane Times

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

4/12/23 Cytherea


Treks o’ Yore

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Ginger Lynn Exclusive Video]

4/10/23 Anna LovatoWe all face literally hundreds of decisions in any given day. Granted, we do not even think about the vast majority of them, but there can be dozens of “reasons” that we decide upon a path we take — or do not take. Of course one does not often see quite beautiful people bopping about in the background — sort of — of an adult movie scene. Then again, allegedly Babe Runners had a seven-figure budget, so maybe they could simply afford a high-dollar temptation in their Kamikaze Replicant scene. If nothing else, it gives you something unusual — and quite lovely, as mentioned — to look at. It also adds a whole new meaning to going out with a bang. [STAR TAGS: Anna Lovato Video, Charlie Monaco Video, Jasmine Black Video]
4/9/23 Priya Rai


Gina West – Roxy Jezel – Kelly Nichols – Hope – Christiana Cinn – Priya Rai

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

4/8/23 Ginger, Lynn Ray


The Butler Did Them

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Lynn Ray Video]

4/7/23 Chantelle Fox


Rock that Fetish

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

4/6/23 Kristal SummersAs the NFL Draft approaches we decided to check out what Kristal Summers and Dee were doing a few years ago when we didn’t care about the draft then either. This happens in two situations, basically. When your team happens to be really good, by rule you end up drafting well into the crap shoot territory, no matter what hype or “round” that may be. When your team happens to suck even after trading away draft position so that it would not suck, well, then you really don’t care. We mean about the draft. Despite being decidedly into the “what the hell, somebody has to win the lottery” position before even getting a chance at new players in football, we still care about Kristal and Dee a lot. One needs priorities, you know. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video]
4/4/23 Selma Sins


Captivating in English | y en Español

[STAR TAGS: Selma Sins Video]

4/1/23 Zoey Holloway, Charlie LaineTraditionally one should post a super funny, completely and obviously absurd, update today. All of this would then be followed with the classic “April Fools!” … This exclamation serves, it seems, as complete validation for any horrible thing you might do, sort of a Trumpian Get Out of Anger Free card. Then we saw the Washington Post list of major corporate “Fools” and quickly decided, “Yeah … we cannot compete with that.” So we decided instead to highlight a decidedly not foolish lesbian adventure featuring Risqué Business favorite Charlie Laine — both in photographs and video. In this way, they cannot compete with us. … So neener-neener. We are a tad disappointed that the Panera Breadbowl Hot Tub was not real, though. Sigh. [STAR TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Zoey Holloway Video]

March 2022 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

3/31/22 Celeste Star and Aiden AshleyTori Black happens to be an amazing talent. Truth be told she also happens to be even more impressive as a human being, and a true inspiration for people regardless of their biological genitalia. Given the wealth of choices we had, we could still think of no better person to celebrate the end of International Women’s Month, as we begin to study up for next year. … Honestly, AVN once nominated Tori in twenty different categories — at a single awards show. She won “Performer of the Year” twice in a row. Yada-yada… Although physically performing counts a good deal in this industry, we have been around for more than two decades here, so we don’t much sweat the sweaty stuff anymore. When a woman dazzles us with her mind — y’know, and still looks that good and all — we sit up and take notice. Tori Black’s After School Special provided such a moment for us, so much so that we had to watch it several times — y’know, for scientific purposes and all. [STAR TAGS: Tori Black Video, Romana Ryder Video, Sindee Jennings Video, Rebecca Blue Video, Ruby Knox Video, Aden Ashley Video, Celeste Star Video, Capri Anderson Video, Melissa Jacobs Video, Lily Labeau Video] 
3/30/22 Ginger on Peter North


Going North, Young Woman

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

3/28/22 Faith LeonHave you ever had one of those tasks assigned where you could tell by just looking at it that the amount of time required just to organize what you were trying to do was daunting all by itself — and that didn’t even count the time necessary to try and actually do it? Then when you mention that little detail to the boss you get that annoying standard explanation of, “The longest journey begins with the first step” kind of platitude? You could try what we did by responding, “Sure, but so does the shortest journey, and we would like one of those, please.” … That won’t work to get you out of the task, but it might make you feel better. Consequently, we felt much better as the 500-odd photos, bunches of videos, and a whole heaping of D.Minion quirkiness made it out in our Full Faith and Credit for Deduction enterprise. If you must do something difficult, at least try to have fun with it. [STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video, Selina Draagen Video, Shy Love, Sophia, Michael Ninn]

3/26/22 Fracesca Lei and Kylie Ireland


The Eyes Have It

[STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video, Selina Draagen Video, Michael Ninn]

3/25/22 Fracesca Lei and Kylie Ireland


Hots o’ Gold

[STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Francesca Le Video]

3/23/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Nicely Done

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

3/22/22 Beth Bennet


Quite the Step Up

[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennet Exclusive Video,]

3/21/22 Lon and ShaneWhat better way can you think of to celebrate the first day of Spring than getting up close and personal with Kylie Ireland? Granted, clever people might have scheduled a couple of days back on St. Patrick’s Day to revel someone named “Ireland” for sure, but sadly we do not know any clever people. It’s a burden we bear. On the upside, Spring lasts a whole lot longer than one day, and Ms. Kylie gets a whole different kind of “bare” on this excursion, so who really cares in the grand scheme? Big pictures can get altogether too much focus it seems to us, when at the core we are talking about human beings. Somebody in D.C. ought to reason a bit more in that direction. Don’t you think? [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Shane Video]
3/20/22 Britney Amber


Maya Hills – Joslyn James – Nyomi Banxxx – Cytherea – Britney Amber – Shay Lynn

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

3/19/22 Kristal SummersIf you have Paradise in your life, you count yourself among the blessed people on the planet. Of course if you have Paradise, and then you lose it, that’s way worse than never having it, because you don’t know what you’re missing if you never had it to begin with. Right? Of course, if you intend to lose Paradise, you’re either Milton, Michael Raven, or someone seriously needing a nap. If, however, you lost Paradise and then you found it again after hours and hours (and hours) of computer labor, well, then you can once again count members among the blessed people. Should you still be confused, Julia Ann and Kristal Summers can help guide you. What we say doesn’t really matter anyway. Nobody listens to us with those two around. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Wendy Divine Video, Maya Divine Video, Kristal Summers Video, Julia Ann Video, TJ Hart Video, Olivia del Rio Video, Tanya Danielle Video, Jana Cova Video, Monica Mayhem Video, Summer Storm Video, Phoenix Ray Video, April Flowers Video]

3/18/22 Ginger and Lynn


They Feel Pretty

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Lynn Ray Video]

3/16/22 Taren Steele


Fountain of Friendship

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Taren Steele Video]

3/15/22 Anna Joy


Anna One, Anna Two, Anna Three … Anna Joy!

[STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video,]

3/14/22 Tara Morgan


Boobies Rock on Pi Day!

[STAR TAGS: Tara Morgan Exclusive Video]

3/13/22 Cindy CruzWe pretty much love all things Latina around here, which probably has a lot of deep-seated psychological reasons, not a single one of which would be of the slightest interest to any random person who might be reading this. What could be of interest, of course, would be the reopening of an early TOC full movie featuring, Carmen Caliente, Cindy Cruz, Liv Aguilera, and Selma Sins. There are some dudes too, but we pretty much consider them props in these gonzo shows, probably for a completely different group of deep-seated psychological reasons nobody cares about either. We will say that putting them in lingerie turned out to be a stellar idea, even if some dude came up with it. [STAR TAGS: Carmen Caliente Video, Cindy Cruz Video, Liv Aguilera Video, Selma Sins Video]

3/12/22 Shayla, Kelsey, NikitaThe Shayla LaVeaux crew piped in bright and early this morning bragging about how they have now revamped all the way back through Volume 4 of the updates, which puts them complete back through 2015 as we hear tell. Shayla had a long career, so they’ve a ways to go, but it still marks an achievement we recognize. You folks can watch Shayla demonstrate Things that Never Happen and then get her Timbers Shivered all on the same day. Nice. … We’re going to try and figure out a way to explain to people in London the time difference in Los Angeles. … EARLY. Really frickin’ early on a Saturday. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Nikita Video, Jenna Jameson Video, Kelsey Heart Video, Brittany Andrews]

3/11/22 Bobbi StarrWho knew that people could learn secret tricks about how to take photographs professionally at an orgy just by being a member here? … OK. So we knew, but now we have shared this crucial knowledge with all the budding pros out there, which makes us really darned nice, for the record. Not only that, but we unearthed a Bobbi Starr performance that we had honestly forgotten about. The web can be really handy for reminding you about things; have you noticed? And none of us ever ages on the web either, which qualifies as a trick we wish the bathroom mirror would learn. Apparently not much has changed since we first learned you can’t always get what you want. Perhaps you’ll be satisfied with what you need, though, and everybody needs more Bobbi. [STAR TAGS: Bobbi Starr Video, Carolyn Reese Video, Dani Jensen Video, Krissy Lynn Video, Madelyn Marie Video]

3/10/22 Beth Bennett


Blinds Leading | The Party

[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennett Exclusive Video, Loz Lorrimar Exclusive Video, Crystal Pink, Michelle Moist, Holly D., Shay Hendrix, Syren Sexton, Tiffany Doll, Kerry Louise, Tanya Cox,]

3/9/22 Ginger Lynn


As She Wishes, Farmboy

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

3/8/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Orange We Glad

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

3/7/22 Active Menage


Demise of the ‘Stache

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Erica Boyer Video]

3/6/22 Syren SextonIt has taken a full year since we first started mapping out the process — mostly because of Maverick becoming a famous photographer and digital magazine publisher, which was really annoying, actually. (Don’t you just hate it when people around you seem to forget that it’s all about YOU?) … Finally, though, we have teams compiled on both sides of the Atlantic to coordinate putting the 247AdultStars videos back online — all 14+ years of them. Regardless of how long it took, getting all the EU stars back in viewable Exclusive Video splendor will be wonderful. Honestly, not much in the EU qualifies as wonderful these days, so we’re happy to do our little insignificant part with distraction — beginning with a couple of the earliest 247AS family members, Kaz B and Syren Sexton. [STAR TAGS: Kaz B. Exclusive Video, Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,]

3/5/22 Natalia Rossi


Hottie Harvest | vid

[STAR TAGS: Jesse Capelli Video, Natalia Rossi Video]

3/4/22 Chantelle Fox


Tattoo Whee!

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Photos, Monique Alexander Video, Jessica Drake Video, Summer Storm Video]

3/3/22 Young Cytherea


Life’s Strange Journeys

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Rebecca Love Video, Teagan Video, Ginger Lynn]

3/1/22 Ginger Lynn


Physical Therapy Extraordinaire

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

January 2022 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

1/31/22 Jenna Sativa, Goldie

Risque “TOC”

Recurring Teen Lesbian Fantasies

[STAR TAGS: Olivia Wilder Video, Kasey Warner Video, Lily Cade Video, Addison Ryder Video, Goldie Video, Jenna Sativa Video, Maci Winslett Video]

1/30/22 Rena SkyWe do not often create an entire post on behalf of one specific member, although that does happen on very special occasions certainly. We do with some regularity, however, have a specific — and therefore quite special — member in mind as we go through discussions about various options in the queue. If, say, we knew of a wonderful member that spoke fluent Japanese, we might think he could add some valuable insight into our Tokyo Cream Puffs 15 full-length feature movie today. We would never impose upon him by asking for help or anything, but he’s exceptionally bright and will likely figure it out. … Did we mention he’s also special and wonderful? [STAR TAGS: Akubi Video, Yuma Video, Riku Sena Video, Makoto Kalosaki Video, Konomi Video, Yui Video]
1/28/22 An Orgy of OneWe have actually met a few people who enjoy shooting orgies. Granted we have not met that many who enjoy shooting orgies who are not IN the orgies themselves, but honestly that makes sense. Imagine looking down to see a person quite near an orgasm, and what you need to say consists of, “Hey! You’re on my cable.” … This will not make you popular at this orgy, we can assure you. Still, the BatFxxx folks really do love orgies, perhaps because the person paying the bills is in the orgy. And, y’know, back then it was safe to have more than 6-8 people in a room. Those were the days. [STAR TAGS: Brooke Banner Video, Brooke Haven Video, Dylan Ryder Video, Jazy Berlin Video, Madelyn Marie Video, Natalie Norton Video, Mason Moore Video] 
1/27/22 Shayla LaVeaux, Chantelle FoxWithout even the slightest amount of planning, or forethought, or nary a hint of complex reasoning, we somehow ended up marking 1,000 Remastered Videos on Risqué with a little Post-Coital Planning being done by Shayla and Chantelle. Honestly this “fly on the wall” recording pretty much typifies our approach to the site over the last 20+ years. We get into intimate places with some fascinating people, then we document the experience for those not fortunate enough to have been present in person. We’re really rather benevolent if you think about it, and we definitely love it when a plan accidentally comes together. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video]
1/26/22 Cytherea


Honor, On Her

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

1/25/22 Shayla LaVeaux, Jenna Jameson, Alex Sanders


All About the Conquest

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jenna Jameson Video]

1/24/22 Ginger Lynn. Swear.


“Reems” of Interest Below & Above Water

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

1/23/22 Dee on PhoneIf you do not evolve with technology then you will fail in your efforts to see a lot more of Dee preening while naked. … Granted, that may not be the typical for pitch for embracing new tech, but honestly if they pitched it that way it would probably be a lot easier to get people to try new things designed to make lives easier — after making it much, much worse during the learning curve, obviously. … Also, we should probably mention that not many people would put “preening” and DP (not the Director of Photography kind) in the same description, but, then, not many people are Dee either. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Michael Ninn]
1/21/22 Konomi and Yui


Garden of “Hedon” | pics

[STAR TAGS: Konomi, Yui]

1/20/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Well, Hello Shayla

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

1/18/22 Ginger Lynn


Very Good Fronds

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

1/17/22 AnaisAstute Risqué Members will recognize that when we start putting up photo galleries that all appear to come from one movie, we have a “TOC” on the horizon. Even novice members will quickly recognize, however, that we tend to decorate those updates — when they appear on Risqué Proper, compared to, say, ReelRisque — with humorous insights and video. (Although the latter would fall into a category decidedly different from humorous.) Honestly choosing inspiration as a focus on this holiday was pure accident with Emphasis on Attitudes today, but often the best inspirations happen in just this fashion, if you think about it. … That said, anyone who chooses to fight politically on a national holiday reserved to remember one of the most peaceful and inspirational humans ever to live falls way too far into the self-absorbed category for us to even consider. Idiots. … We feel comfortable with the opinion that Astute Members do not fall into that group. [STAR TAGS: Anais Video, Angel Cassidy Video, Wanda Curtis Video, Dee Video, Isabella Video, Michael Ninn]

1/16/22 Samantha Rone


Lacie James – Cameron Canela – Kendra Cole – Brooke Lynn Santos – Imani Rose – Samantha Rone

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

1/15/22 Holly DayFor people that work regular jobs, it sure seems like a whole bunch of holidays get lumped into a relatively short period of time, basically giving enough 3-day weekends in the last quarter of the year that people really start to miss them when the new year starts. A person can get certifiably Holidazed as we look at it. And basically when we look at things, you can be fairly certain of two things. First, the perspective will come from a direction ranging from odd to absurd, and second, there will be nudity involved. Hey, life is short. Try not to wear too many clothes. [STAR TAGS: Holly Day Video]
1/14/22 Phoenix RayIndustry lives tend to be fairly interwoven, as we really do function as a small community housed in a giant city (or three, now). Somehow in the midst of this, the Risqué Commune sites developed that same weaving nature as it turns out. You see, what started out as a simple Cytherea update turned to a second one for her as well. This update led to both a Risqué update and a Shayla update, of two volumes. Following the Risqué thread led to a second update there, leading to another Shayla update, this time featuring two different scenes. Bottom line, it may take you some time to follow all the new paths running in defiance of Adobe’s wimpiness today, but it will be fun — and will feature a lot of, y’know, bottoms. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Cheyenne Silver Exclusive Video, Phoenix Ray Video, Riku Sena]
1/11/22 Shayla LaVeaux


The Ashton View Couch Adorned

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

1/9/22 Makoto Kalosaki


Uniform Approval | pics

[STAR TAGS: Makoto Kalosaki Video]

1/8/22 Ginger Lynn


Putting the Answer to Bed

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

1/7/22 Madelyn Marie, Alexa NicoleLet’s be honest: Add the word “crotchless” to pretty much any sort of attire, and you have added a most definite adult flair to any potential interest out there. Now granted, one may not spend a lot of time wondering about the nature of any tailor tricks involved in creating the costumes in this next episode of BatFxxx today. For most of us Alexa Nicole and Madelyn Marie will pretty much take up what little attention we have left in the pay attention to mechanical details part of our brains. Ah well, if you want to twist your brain like that, you simply have to watch the political news station of your choice anyway. Sometimes you really wish superheroes were real, right? Then we could get Flash to zip through and slap every member of Congress to see if that would help them pay attention to the rest of us. [STAR TAGS: Alexa Nicole Video, Madelyn Marie Video] 
1/6/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Rainy Days and Fun Days

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

1/5/22 Kendra Cole


Rugged or Thugish

[STAR TAGS: Kendra Cole Video]

1/4/22 Cassidey


Intimate Contracts

[STAR TAGS: Cassidey Video]

1/3/22 Cytherea


Lethal Cytherea

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

1/1/22 Chirp!


Keep the Faith

[STAR TAGS: Vicca, Nikita, Samora Morgan, Mia Malkova Video]

December 2021 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

12/31/21 jessica drakeWe tend not to publish our Adult Entertainment Expo diaries right after we get back, because all the adult press does that. Everyone was at the same convention, and even though our coverage clearly represents the most clever and insightful — not to mention hands down the most fun — people might be bored and not even click on the story if we got lumped in with everybody else. So we save ours until just before we leave for the next event. That drums up excitement for us, and at least theoretically for the members. Well, as we got ready to publish our 2020 coverage, um, COVID happened. Then there was no next convention. And now there is no next convention again. (We do not really count virtual conventions, because, well, those suck.) So we decided to post Lon and Gibby’s Report from 2020 on the last day of 2021. We consider it a move to bring about good luck for future conventions, and honestly it was a lot easier than trying to find a virgin to sacrifice around here. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Taylor Hayes, Rayveness, Georgia Adair, jessica drake, Victoria Zdrok, Kenna James, Riley Reid, Katie Morgan, Ana Foxxx, Ginger Lynn, Christy Canyon, Jenna Jameson, Stormy Daniels, Misty Stone, AEE 2020 Video]

12/30/21 Akubi and Yuma


Two for One | pics

[STAR TAGS: Akubi Video, Yuma Video, Takashi Video]

12/28/21 Actress Ginger Lynn


Turning Pages in Film & Music Video

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

12/27/21 VenusGenerally when one ceases being mystified, a sense of joy and clarity overwhelms the body. No we’re not suggesting that you will not feel joy — and perhaps other — overwhelming feelings as you wrap up your Mystified (the movie) journey. Odds are very good you will feel some, well, very good things overall. One should not expect “clarity” in any fashion, however. Crude nursery rhymes, though, we definitely have those. And the ever-lovely Venus, we have her as well. [STAR TAGS: Venus Video]
12/26/21 Ruby Reyes


Nikki Phoenix – Dayton Rains – Tessa Lane – Beverly Lynne – Alyssa Lynn – Ruby Reyes

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

12/25/21 Bridgette MichaelsWe picked this day to debut this particular “TOC” movie for a very simple reason. Without any shopping at all, we can let you in on the gift that all but the most jaded of males will enjoy more than any other. Outboard Evinrudes, Shimano fishing reels, even a pedal-assisted motorized Santa Cruz bicycle will pale in comparison to the joy you will receive illustrated by today’s feature movie, Homemade Blowjobs— technically “5” in this case. Of course we do not mean to imply that you should wait for only national holidays that coincide with major religious events to bestow this gift. We are simply making the point that you could be over-thinking this whole gift process. Everyone appreciates homemade, after all. [STAR TAGS: Bridgette Michaels Video, Daisy Rae Video, Kayla Jade Video, Peaches Video, Selena Video, Sunshine Haddah Video, Vivian LaVey Video]
12/24/21 Michael Ninn CelebrationThis time of year always brings to the forefront thoughts of family — that which we were born into, and that which we have chosen over the years. Without getting into a debate as to which of those might be the most important (because it’s obviously the chosen family, duh) we wanted to wish everyone the time to consider both for a least a little while today and tomorrow. For the most part “work” things should sit at bay, and before all those theoretical resolutions reach up to bite us in the butt in a week, we would all benefit from a little time spent doing nothing but thinking in the quiet. As for distant friends and family, you can send them one of our favorite toasts (that we absolutely did not make up ourselves): “May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future.” Don’t use email or any kind of IM, though. Send them an actual note through the USPS written on a physical piece of paper. That’ll screw with their heads. [STAR TAGS: Audrey Hollander Video, Nikky Blond Video, Adriana Rouso Video, Victoria Swinger Video, Jana Jordan Video, Renee Perez Video, Brea Bennett Video, Nikki Kane, Cassidey Video, Michael Ninn]
12/22/21 Cytherea


Holiday Treats

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

12/20/21 Young Ginger


When Legends Co-Ride

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

12/19/21 Alexia Rae


A Season of Red pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Alexia Rae Video]

12/17/21 Hench PeopleThings always get a little batty during this “holiday” — formerly known as “Christmas” — season. Without even trying to imagine what life will be like if we truly manage to eliminate even the potential of (even possibly) offending anyone at all with anything thing we say, Risque has helpfully decided to concentrate instead on the batty part. Well, we’re more in the BatFxxx Orgy category, rather than a political one, truth be told. On the upside, we were able to actually come to a consensus, and we feel supremely confident in our ability to forecast the outcome and costs of our program. … You may need a towel. [STAR TAGS: Anna Lovato Video, Cindy Behr Video, Delta White Video, Isis Love Video, Jasmine Black Video, Anaya Leon Video, Rio Lee Video, Stacey Saran Video]

12/16/21 Stacy Jay


Stacy Likes Llamas

[STAR TAGS: Stacy Jay Video]

12/15/21 Shayla LaVeaux


Smelly & Clean

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

12/13/21 Breanne Benson and Charisma ColeWhen rose petals fall from the sky onto the nude form of your lesbian lover, you’re probably having a really good dream. When they fly up from the ground in bizarre “well this scene of Mystified seems to be complete” sort of way, you are probably in a Bluebird movie. The bizarreness does not distract (mostly) from the appeal of Charisma Cole and Breanne Benson, though, so you’ll likely want to just run with it. It was always going to be a weird day, after all. Friday the 13th came on a Monday this month. [STAR TAGS: Charisma Cole Video, Breanne Benson Video]
12/12/21 Scarlett Pain


A Gun and Many Piercings pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Scarlett Pain Video]

12/11/21 Cheyenne SilverSay you had a slightly nervous star, not about nudity at all, but more about “the dancing striptease” part of the event. Let’s say that would be Kristal Summers. Then let’s say that being a nervous but clever young woman Kristal sees the wisdom of inviting over a coach, not so much for choreography, but more as an experienced friend for emotional support. We’ll identify this expert as Dee. … At this point, we should probably just clarify that as far as coaching goes, Dee gets rather more involved that would a traditional tutor. Adult stars apparently have a genre-unique inspirational style. You’ll see. (Or, y’know, members will.) [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video]

12/9/21 Many Women


An Orgy of Solos

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Ann Harlow Video, Envy Mi Video, Drew Hurlie Video, Lyla Lei Video, Angel Smith Video, Divalicious Video, Ivy Leaguez Video, Noah Angel Video, Sassy Video]

12/8/21 Cytherea


Flirting and Squirting

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

12/6/21 Bella-Marie WolfEveryone loves a good fantasy. Although we would be the first to admit that a simple concept like “fantasy” can mean very, very different things to biologically diverse individuals. One person’s fantasy can easily be another person’s freak show; let’s be honest. … That said, angelic nymphs wandering through the — preternaturally clean, of course — woods just looking for innocent campers to seduce seems like a fairly universal fantasy to pursue. At least that was the theory in Mystified today. Besides, since we’re being honest, we can say with confidence that Bella-Marie Wolf can play a role in pretty much any fantasy we can conjure up. (“Wolf” in the forest. Get it?) [STAR TAGS: Bella-Marie Wolf Video]
12/5/21 Briella Bounce


Melissa Jacobs – Jacky Joy – Skin Diamond – Briella Bounce – Ana Foxxx – Victoria White

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

12/4/21 Shayla LaVeaux


Balls of Not Blue

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

12/3/21 Juli Ashton, Ginger Lynn


Torn, Between Two Lovers

[STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Ginger Lynn Video]

12/2/21 DeeHappy Palindrome Day!! … So we don’t really know any math super-geeks that could tell us how often this happens, but it sure seems like a calendar date palindrome (at least with the American way of notating dates) has to be pretty rare. … Because 12-02-2021 just seems fun overall, and this one even works with the shorthand notation of 12-2-21, although that does not seem as fancy. Heck you might care nothing about watching Dee and Anais today now that you know about Palindrome Day. Granted they do not look the same forward and backwards, but they do look excellent from either direction. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Anais Video, Michael Ninn]
12/1/21 Victoria Lawson, ustin Magnum


Return of Geekettes

[STAR TAGS: Vanessa Leon Video, Kim Tao Video, Victoria Lawson Video, Amia Miley Video, Jasmine Jolie Video]