2/28/10 | Maverick and 247AdultStars begin the "official" Adult Entertainment Expo coverage, which makes those of us waiting on the reports from Lon and Steve just a little nervous, quite honestly. If you think about it, one doesn’t need to spend much time writing two or three hundred words, particularly when you’re talking about the contributors around here. Oh well, in typical fashion we’ve decided to panic about that bridge when we suddenly have to cross it, and at least Mav decided to break this mega-event up into four parts. For our part, we’ve decided that only brief editorial comment, supported by a very few quite wonderful pictures of Kristal Summers at home might be just the ticket today. Apparently there’s a big hockey game at the Olympics that people want to watch anyway. At least hockey makes some kind of sense as a sport, we’ll give it that. [FEATURED TAGS: AdultStars247.com, Adult Entertainment Expo, Kristal Summers, Riley Steele, Jesse Jane, Alexis Texas, Tori Black, Sunny Lane, Rayveness, Raylene, Gina Lynn, Jenna Haze, Jenny Hendrix, Jesse Jane, Kayden Kross, Lexi Love, Exclusive Video] |
2/23/10 | Granted most people in the adult business probably don’t look at the Tiger Woods situation the same way as more "regular" folks do. We certainly don’t want to look at it as often, that’s for sure. It seems to us (at least the males) here, that no one has ever asked the question we really all want to know. How the heck can you be that famous and get away with it that many times with that many women? We don’t give one whit about "why" you did it, but if you could just tell us HOW, that would be useful information. Being (often decidedly) not one of the males here, however, D.Minion brings in her timely (and predictably weird) take on the whole sex addiction scenario. And the benefit of looking at question here? … We get to use illustrations. [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane, Penny Flame Video] |
2/21/10 | We’re not sure how many of you actually watch the world competitions going on up in Vancouver right now, but we do have a question for any of you that might be more knowledgeable than we seem to be. What kind of a person thinks it’s a wonderful idea to jump on a sled and fly down a winding tube of ice when the first thing that hits something if there’s a problem will be their head? Shouldn’t we all be just naturally wary of a sport called the "Skeleton" anyway? … At any rate, while pondering these more confusing questions, we’re continuing our own Olympic efforts with the Dee at KSEX saga, not only because it stands in marked departure from Mav’s latest entry, but also Dee has really great breasts — which never seem to be covered up by all that necessary winter clothing. [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee, Kylie Ireland] |
2/19/10 | This seems to be the ultimate day for sweethearts, which seems to assume the possibility of bitterhearts, right? … And on a completely unrelated topic (Yeah, right.), we finally got a convention report submitted by one of our certainly dedicated professionals. Curiously it was not the most recent convention, but we’re getting closer, so that has to count for something. Also, Maverick’s new post does feature a great many U.K. stars, albeit in a more clothed perspective than we’d prefer. … Finally, just as a public apology here, the date on this post was supposed to read "2/14/10" to not only fit in with the introduction above, but also to coincide with Mav’s Two Year Anniversary of 247AdultStars. The person writing the New Stuff part happened to be on time. The rest of us that had to deal with a completely unexpected deluge of material, well, we were tardy. We explain briefly inside. You’d think by now that we’d have come to expect the occasional deluge from England, wouldn’t you? [FEATURED TAGS: AdultStars247.com, Erotica London, Pixie, Syren Sexton, HollyD, Keisha Kane, Exclusive Video] |
2/12/10 | Gee. It seems like about a third of the country happens to be buried in winter weather, so we made it our task to provide a splendid diversion today. Without going too much out on a limb here, we’re assuming that getting Topless with Tenaya, and Inari Vachs and Dee working on a nude advertising campaign, just might warm you up a bit. Oh, and in case you’re curious, when we go out on a limb in California, we can still see leaves. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Inari Vachs, Tenaya Video, Exclusive Video] |
2/9/10 | Rumor has it that if you "find a penny, and pick it up, all the day you’ll have good luck." We all know that, right? Now rather a penny, we found a Penny one fine day on a Ninn set, and although we didn’t technically pick her up, we do find the meeting particularly relevant considering the coverage (so to speak) in the risqué queue right now. Don’t you just love it when nudity and brazen sexual activity become relevant? [FEATURED TAGS: Penny Flame, Breanne, Jessica Jaymes, Dee, Lonnie, Michael Ninn] |
2/7/10 | You may wonder, "Who’s playing at half time in the Super Bowl today?" The answer, simply, would be, "Of course." ("Who is the band playing at half time today?" "Absolutely,") … It always makes for a fun day when you get a chance to pirate an Abbott and Costello routine, don’t you think? … On the off chance that you’re one of the three people on the planet who don’t plan on watching the game (or the commercials) today, then we’re giving you a treat with Uncle Gibby’s brave entrance into professional journalism. More likely you’ll be looking at this some time after the final gun, and you’ll either be happy, or sad, or even just indifferent, but the AVN Awards Show 2010 will still be here to entertain you. As Gibby can certainly tell you now, it’s good to know people who know people. [FEATURED TAGS: AVN Awards, Julia Ann, Tori Black, Kylie Ireland, Syren, Wendy Divine Video, Exclusive Video] |
2/3/10 | One needs to be well suited toward the adaptable in this business, and today aptly demonstrates how this can be a darned handy survival trick. We almost never follow a feature on one lady with another one of the same lady, but if that’s what seems wisest, that’s what one has to do. Consequently, Tori Black is Back (and we’d all love to hit the sack with her, come to think of it). In our own inimitable way, we’ve decided to call the entry, "Recipe for Catchin’ a Tori" — which probably shows why people don’t really line up to imitate us, if you want to know the truth. In life you have to play the cards you’re dealt, but darned if it doesn’t seem a whole lot easier play when the deck looks like this one. [FEATURED TAGS: Tori Black] |
February 2010 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Alexis Texas| Breanne| Dee| Devinn Lane| Gina Lynn| HollyD| Inari Vachs| Jenna Haze| Jenny Hendrix| Jesse Jane| Jessica Jaymes| Julia Ann| Kayden Kross| Keisha Kane| Kristal Summers| Kylie Ireland| Lexi Love| Lonnie| Michael Ninn| Penny Flame| Pixie| Raylene| Rayveness| Riley Steele| Sunny Lane| Syren| Syren Sexton| Tenaya| Tori Black| Wendy Divine