5/30/07 | We can tell you for a fact that looking at a blank page (or these days a blank computer screen) and being faced with the task of filling it with pithy insights can be a daunting task. It doesn’t really matter if you’re 10 and in grade school, or 20 and in college, or … well … a bit older than that. The feelings of fright and inadequacy don’t ever really change. If you happen to be new in the office around here, though, you’ll fairly quickly discover that we basically don’t care. We try and try to tell new folks to just write the truth, just write what they feel, and the rest of us will work it in. All of that said, "Bijou Boudoir" makes her debut today, and in keeping with another of our general philosophies, that’s more than enough French for one day. Suddenly we’re thinking of soup though. Odd. The rest of you can enjoy watching a newbie at work with some dazzling and beautiful young women doing some dazzling and beautiful things with each other. Then you can ponder Bijou’s curious perspective as you look for soup too. [FEATURED TAGS: Renee Perez, Jana Jordan, Karlie Montana, Carli Banks, Samantha Ryan, Andie Valentino, Celeste Star, Marlie Moore, Lena Nicole, Charmane Star, Michael Ninn] |
5/27/07 | In the midst of this Memorial Day Weekend we decided to magnify our memorable recollection of Georgia and her merry mate Justine. We may have made this decision to multiply our enjoyment, or maybe to avoid any marginal minimization of our mirthful memories. Or we might just like alliteration today. Maybe. … Whatever. Enjoy the video and stills of the two luscious ladies and then go fire up the bar-b-que. Eat some burgers, or steaks, or Johnsonville Brats – or even some portabella mushrooms if you really must. (Bleh.) [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair Video, Justine Joli Video, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video] |
5/22/07 | You’ve got Georgia Adair, Evan Stone, and Justine Joli on set. You throw in a little DP with Dominica Leone and then set visits by TJ Hart and Stephanie Swift … and then D.Minion sets about her story tasks. Quite honestly, we had no shot here. Some 230+ pictures and +/- 3,000 words later, we’ve only accomplished Day One of Becoming Georgia Adair: Self Portrait. When it rains it pours. Of course when it’s raining beautiful naked women, well then you just deal with it. Oh, the terrible toils …. [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair, Dominica Leoni, Justine Joli, TJ Hart, Michael Ninn, D.Minion] |
5/17/07 | Let’s say we have some "Cock Tales of the Kinky variety" shall we? … Now if you take that as your opening assumption then you really don’t have to dig too deeply before you think something along the lines of, "Gee. This might be interesting." … And wouldn’t you know that, "Gee. You may be correct." We should admit that today’s offering may induce some thinking rather more deep than you’re used to when dealing with XXX entertainment, but it’s not so much a requirement as a suggestion. Since we’re on the topic, we should also admit that whatever else it induces you should probably just keep to yourselves. There is such a thing as too much honesty in life, regardless of what the pure theorists think. Let’s not even think about them, come to think of it. [FEATURED TAGS: Stacy Silver, Daria Glower, Natalli DiAngelo, Kia Winston, Tarra White, Victoria Rose, Sandra, Ashley Robins, Zoe, Exclusive Video] |
5/15/07 | OK. Now we can relieve what has certainly been excruciating anticipation. We hated to make you suffer before peeking into Day Two of Fem: Staccato, but if you’ve been following the "plot" here you can see why we’re all very happily blaming D.Minion for the delay. All in all, any day that we can blame someone else for something, we’re pretty content. You take you pleasures in life where you can find them. Oh, and Jana Jordan, Charmane Star, Carli Banks and Andie Valentino frolicking in lesbian freedom seems like a dandy pleasure to take too. Bonus! [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan, Celeste Star, Renee Perez, Andie Valentino, Charmane Star, Carli Banks, Lorraine Sisco, Michael Ninn, D.Minion] |
5/14/17 | We’re interrupting our fascinating coverage of all the naked women in FEM to bring you a couple of naked women from the Risqué fold, as it were. We’re not doing this for any particular reason, and certainly Mr. A Writer didn’t think that today was anything special when he emailed in today’s submission. … Nope. … If there happens to be a special birthday today, well we plum forgot all about it. … Probably. … You will notice as you peruse the photos today, though, that Taren Steele and Vicca apparently bring a broom with them to the beach when they go nude sunbathing. Presumably they may need to sweep up. Who knows? We don’t recall. … Now when you consider this fact, it really may be difficult to tell what exactly we remember and what exactly we don’t and why exactly that happens. We keep meaning to try and find some rhyme or reason to the decisions around here, we really do, but we keep forgetting to do that too. It’s complicated. [FEATURED TAGS: Taren Steele, Vicca, Risque News Insight] |
5/13/07 | "It was chucking it down on Tyneside and the St. James’ Park pitch was slippery, so there were at least the odd hideously mistimed tackle and some handbags at ten paces, but that was as exciting as it got." … That’s a quote out of a detective story by Mark Billingham, and if you’re a murder mystery fan and have never read anything written by a modern writer from the U.K. you should put it on your list. You get sentences like this and although all of the words seem to be in English they surely do have a completely convoluted meaning, at least to us "Yanks." Actually the characters all seem to live with a rather pervasive despondency too, but that’s probably outside of where we’re going today. Rather we address another set of baffling decisions as we begin our look with D.Minion on the set of Fem: Staccato. We’re not positive any of this is quite cricket, come to think of it. [FEATURED TAGS: Marlie Moore, Samantha Ryan, Karlie Montana, Lorraine Sisco, Lena Nicole, Michael Ninn, D.Minion] |
5/11/07 | The best thing about "spring" cleaning has to be that occasionally some nifty things "fall" into your hands that you’d forgotten about. Now certainly "summer" better than others, but "winter" …. Well, honestly we lost it there. Winter just doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere, and since the (alleged) leader around here grew up in Colorado, he considers himself somewhat of an expert on the topic. Rather more to point we decided to take a look at Musa acuminata, but then we decided not to monkey around with that either. Suffice it to say that "tropical" has its place too, even though it’s not technically a season. [FEATURED TAGS: Emmanuelle] |
5/8/07 | When an old dog gets up off the porch and comes your direction, you’re never really sure just what kind of reception you’re going to get. Now he may be friendly, or he may just have learned that foolish people for some reason trust a dog that’s wagging its tail and will therefore let him get close enough to bite. What does this have to do with today’s post? … Well, nothing really, but every once in awhile it seems good to throw in a little country wisdom into a porn site it seems to us. And more of Dee naked, this time with Charmane Star? Hell, y’all, that there’s wisdom in any country. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Charmane Star, Michael Ninn, D.Minion] |
5/7/07 | Oddly, the first time many of you probably read the little notice below was YESTERDAY, which wasn’t exactly the intention. Somebody thought somebody put it on the server, and somebody else thought somebody different put it on the server, yada, yada, yada. The point being here, of course, that NOBODY checked. (We also had to explain the difference between "schlepping" and "schtupping" when we got back, if any of you did happen to notice that yesterday.) … Anyway they had some grand plans here, y’all, they really did. The first thing they were going to do was the D.Minion account from the entire shoot of Becoming Georgia Adair, Self Portrait – all 600 or so pictures – all taken back in the days before digital cameras got really good and using Photoshop to "improve" them was actually quite a bit of a challenge. And then they –"got stuck" – I think was the technical explanation I’ve heard most often. Well we’ll start with some good ol’ Dee at KSEX insights while we try to figure out what’s going on. You’ve all been on vacation, right? You know how long it takes for the stress at work to hit you after you get back from vacation? … Not very long. Sorry about that. [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee Video, Anais Video, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion] |
May 2007 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Anais| Andie Valentino| Ashley Robins| Carli Banks| Celeste Star| Charmane Star| Daria Glower| Dee| Dominica Leoni| Emmanuelle| Georgia Adair| Jana Jordan| Justine Joli| Karlie Montana| Kia Winston| Lena Nicole| Lorraine Sisco| Marlie Moore| Michael Ninn| Natalli DiAngelo| Renee Perez| Samantha Ryan| Sandra| Stacy Silver| Taren Steele| Tarra White| TJ Hart| Vicca| Victoria Rose| Zoe