Filed Under: Syren Sexton

Party Like A Proper Porn Star
UKAP Christmas Party 2010 by Maverick For this year’s Christmas UKAP party, the British weather had decided to bring in lows that made temperatures start to head into the minuses. [True to tradition, something British once again decided to make the same decision over and over again. Even the weather repeats itself. Of course some […]

October 2010 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Goblins and Witches and Ghouls. Oh my. … Curious. Possibly creepy. We spy. … And that’s about enough poetry for today we expect. … Hey, sexual interest takes many forms, and as long as everyone playing falls into the “Consenting Adults” category, we try pretty hard to avoid judgment. Besides, on this particular day, it will be a lot more fun to think about chocolate in its various forms. Of course you might want to consider today’s videos while you enjoy something sweet. And if your personal something sweet happens to be a real live person, well, all the better. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Ashley Long, Michael Ninn Video]

Juli Ashton being a Weenie

You know how you can tell that our lives have changed, and products just aren’t what they used to be? Well, one way would probably be when you find a mouse nest in your garage made out of a d-CON box. Assuming you don’t live someplace where you notice mice trying move indoors for the winter, you might notice that current events seem a lot funnier than they used to be. We decided that the second topic would probably be more interesting than the first today. We’re clever like that. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Brittany Andrews, Capri Anderson]

“Ho“d on to Your Horses

Today the NFL has promised that they will take none of the violence out of the professional game, while they concurrently attempt to force the highly-paid players to stop hitting each other so hard. OK. So you might consider that what they’re really trying to do may be to avoid the really, really bad publicity that will result when a player breaks his neck and suffers paralysis, but what does it matter really? That’s clearly a wonderful goal, regardless of how awkwardly the League has phrased its approach. For those of the decidedly less violently motivated you might consider Shayla LaVeaux and Brittany Andrews “Playing in Pastel Perfection” – these lasses pursuing an altogether different wonderful goal of their own. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Brittany Andrews]

Technically Brittany and Shayla in this Photo

[We don’t usually just quote Maverick’s 247AdultStars “What’s New” entries, preferring as a rule to let the folks that decide to visit there peruse the European edition of the entry. Today we opted to just quote the lad. … ] “Sadly, this scene nearly didn’t ever see the light of day. One of our cameras chose this very day and shoot to go down. It locked up completely, and no matter what our tech people (and everyone else we could find around) could do, the temperamental electronics just refused to play well with others. What you’ll see today comes from a recovery of the very tape in said camera at its petulant demise. (We still shot on DV tape then.) After repeated efforts, much pleading, even more cursing, and a whole lot of video gymnastics, we finally managed to capture the tape, but not at the normal quality we would generally enjoy. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on Syren’s solo scene, however, so we added a few filters, termed it “ism” (as one of our favourite American directors, Michael Ninn, likes to call “artistic style” ) and finally bring the scene to you. No matter where you happen to be in life, a truth survives: Some women are worth the wait.” [Makes you want to watch it, right? Of course we’ve added our own little flair for those Members that choose to enter here. What’s the point of being Risqué if you don’t feel special?] [STAR TAGS:, Cytherea, Syren Sexton, Exclusive Video]

A Way to Certainly Party Hearty

Driving around the circuitous streets of Los Angeles yesterday we saw a license plate that read “2GR8M8TS” on a vehicle driving much too leisurely for its presence on the 101 Freeway, truth be told. Upon reflection back at the office, the more naive among us attributed a touching “romantic” notion to the sentiment, while the more cynically-inclined pointed out that the owner could well have simply been a well satisfied bigamist. As often happens around here, though, the incident served to point out that every coin of seeming good fortune has (at least) two sides – which (also as often happens around here) provided us with a dandy segue into a discussion of modern life as a porn star performer. Fortunately for all of you, it remains easy to skip all the economic philosophy set against a current events background and just look at the beautiful women performing in a technologically advancing environment. … If more people taught economics with naked ladies, you’d have probably paid more attention in college, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Holly Sampson, Juelz Ventura]

Somewhat Idealized Teacher and Student

Wow. Good things must be supposed to happen on 10-10-10. Honestly when we scheduled the conclusion of D.Minion’s coverage of Cytherea’s first-ever shoot for her own web site, we didn’t actually recognize the numerical significance of today. Of course we’ve never been averse to taking full credit for an absolutely accidental stroke of good fortune. Come to think of it, that must be what Sean Michaels thought when Cytherea first approached him about “trading” a little good time between them. Never underestimate the value of serendipity. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Sean Michaels]

Bed Ideas for Cytherea

Between all of the (some say vastly over-educated) people around here, we have a pretty good vocabulary en toto, as it were. (And, no, that doesn’t have anything to do with a small dog from Kansas.) That said, many times in life a 5 cent word can beat the heck out of one of those $10 ones. So with the official launch of CYTHEREA’S NEW MEMBERS’ SIDE today, and after much careful consideration, we came up with just such a perfect little word: WHEW! … Now that may not mean much to some of the less geeky out there, but if you consider the alterative approach that came in second place, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail,” … well, you can see why we just went with WHEW. Does anyone else find it odd that the some of the most “hopeful” philosophies of the Bible come from the book Lamentations? … Yeah, we know. That’s hardly the only ironic part. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Video, Exclusive Video]

Cy's Sighs and Thighs of Relief

We’ve been crunching so much code getting Cytherea’s new Blog designed to her standards that we almost forgot a very important birthday today. OK. So the odds of D.Minion forgetting this birthday are somewhat worse than her deciding to be a last-minute write-in gubernatorial candidate for the state of California, but she’d probably have as good a chance at success with the job as either of the other two already bitter people actually on the ballot. Still she did insist we “Celebrate with Juli” today, and she even enlisted some assistance from Dee. And Juli must be in the prime of life now, or at least her age is a prime number this year. That counts, right? [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee, Juli Ashton]

Always “Dee“Lightful

September 2010 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


You know how many modern cars have CD changers built into them these days, and most of those devices have six “slots” into which you may insert your various personal music selections? … Right. … So in one particular car this week we found the following options available to us: Mötly Crüe, Bobby Darin, Aretha Franklin, Ringo Starr, Human League, and The Black Crowes. Now you might expect someone with such diverse, and potentially eclectic (Let’s be honest.), music tastes to carry these “unusual” predilictions into her everyday day life, and Shayla LaVeaux certainly doesn’t disappoint today as she gives it “Ye Olde College Try” for our entertainment. Tied very closely to this wonderful revelation was D.Minion’s glee at discovering she could do this in boring old computer code: ♥ … . Simple pleasures, y’all. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux]

A Swimsuit to which to Aspire

What if you make moccasins out of a water moccasin? Is that redundant? Well while our (significantly less than, truth be told) Illustrious Leader was off contemplating important issues such as this over the weekend, those less philosophically inclined were left behind to launch the proper celebration of Dear Maverick’s Birthday (as you can see below, actually). When His Pickiness returned, it seems that there were some very slight – hardly worth mentioning, really – variances between what happened and what was supposed to happen. Gee. Some people have no sense of humor about some things, like spending hours and hours working on a new video display method that we sort of … well … forgot. And then there was something about a whole bunch of pictures that sort of slipped through the cracks too. Oops. … Hey, if we didn’t have to spend so much time pondering the appropriate animal skins with which to make comfortable footwear, we’d have probably remembered. It’s better now, though. Whew. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Julia Ann]

Julia Ann is ALWAYS Better Now

Birthdays generally fall in the “happy occasion” category for most of us, and when Maverick has one we get to share his gift with everyone. What could be better than a Kristal Summers Cam Show Replay you may wonder? Well, a Cam Show that also featured the ever-lovely Julia Ann, of course. It seems Mav has a thing for blondes with large breasts, but we’re thinking that he may have plenty of friends out there that understand this fascination, even if they don’t share the level of his enthusiasm. True, Kristal was in one of her Brunette Phases this time, but somehow we think that her hair color won’t keep Dear Maverick from enjoying the show. … And we need to be nice to Mav: He has to live in the rain most of the time. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Julia Ann Video, Exclusive Video]

The Real Reason for Virtual Reality

Apparently after yesterday’s editorial comments regarding beer consumption and professional duties, Maverick felt a need to define (and a little bit defend) a few British traditions. Now the “point – counterpoint” approach works fairly well in conversation, but in a written environment, when you don’t get to include the final words … well … not so much. On the upside (even for the U.K. folks out there), Georgia Adair illustrates today, so everyone can pretty much ignore the “weird” as Mav puts it. There’s a saying about a pot and a kettle, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair]

Georgia Adair - A Perfectly Fine Reason to Ignore Maverick

Peeking at partying porn stars makes for a decidedly happy day, and Maverick has once again provided us just such an opportunity. Now we can’t say with certainty that the fact that these happen to be U.K. porn stars makes it even more fun, but it sure seems to. Maybe we just like seeing different women flashing and playing than the ones we usually see. Come to think of it, this might validate Ron White’s comment (that we tend to quote a lot around here, truth be told): “Once you’ve seen one woman naked, you pretty much want to see them all.” [FEATURED TAGS:, Anais, Crystal Pink, Michelle Moist, Holly D, Shay Hendrix, Loz Lorrimar, Syren Sexton, Tyler, Tiffany Doll, Kerry Louise, Sarah Jane, Tanya Cox, Exclusive Video]

Just for Gibby. We swear.

Once again we’ve evidence of how unnecessarily complicated women can be. The current issue of Glamour magazine lists on its cover a (presumably) insightful article claiming “Ten Ways to Get What You Really Want in Bed” – which sounds nice, but has nine too many options it sounds like to us. A men’s magazine would say simply: “How Do You Get What You Really Want in Bed? Pay for It.” … See? … Sometimes perspective can make all the difference, and if D.Minion’s coverage of Exxxotica LA this summer teaches us nothing else, it should teach us that. On the other hand, any excuse for scantily-clad ladies always makes us happy – even the overly complicated women around here. [FEATURED TAGS: Exxxotica LA, Cytherea, Sunny Lane, Sophia Lynn, Joanna Angel, Exclusive Video]

Scantily-Clad. We promise.

We’re bringing in a little Brando today. OK. So technically we’re just bringing in the name, but we use it in the context of a really famous movie. Honestly, though, the movie actually sprung from an even more famous book, at least if you’re the type of person who reads. And if you’re not the type of person who reads, well, we’re not sure what you’re doing here quite honestly, but welcome anyway. If it makes you feel any better, you’ll have a lot of fun just looking at the “BTS Adornment” provided by Cytherea. You can just ignore all the words. That’s what most of the people that actually work here do, truth be told. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

Cytherea. Art needs a good frame.

Continuing our traditional celebration of really funny t-shirts, we saw one at a ridiculously fancy store in L.A. this week that said, “It’s not all about winning or losing. Well, OK. Yeah, it is.” Of course a philosophy such as this comes fairly easily in a retail establishment where some of the shoes cost more than the first car most of us had growing up. Speaking of growing up, apparently those short-legged pants have made a comeback – or maybe they never left. We tried to get the details but oddly enough the sales people at the fancy place didn’t seem all that interested in providing fashion history to someone wearing a 20-yr-old Denver Broncos t-shirt. Go figure. … And what does all of this have to do with Capri Anderson? … Thankfully very little. We’d warn you about the Mary Tyler Moore references today, but that would spoil all the fun, now wouldn’t it? [FEATURED TAGS: Capri Anderson]

Capri Anderson. But she has no pants.

No one can be quite certain why all of the sudden quotes from The Great Gatsby keep coming across the posting desk, but apparently someone has started college again and has found themselves in an American Lit class. That said, the following does indeed have some bearing on today’s introspection, albeit more in the addendum than in the information proper. “Americans, while occasionally willing to be serfs, have always been obstinate about being peasantry.” … And if you don’t understand (or don’t care) about the expatriate Mr. Fitzgerald, well, just look at the conclusion of the Cytherea having fun being a voyeur story. We all get to pick our own drummer. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

Cytherea Giving a Licking

April 2010 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Quite a few NFL rookie training camps opened today, as we’re certain each of you knows, since listening to anything at all that concerns either upcoming primary elections or whatever the government in Washington D.C. – and which political party thinks the other one has been taken over by morons – has long since ceased being interesting. Well, in Denver (in case you missed this vital information) they had a whopping 32 new team members present for this first day of workouts. And they had 47 members of the press in attendance to document all the vital information stemming from the day. They do like their Broncos in Colorado. … And speaking of Colorado, we have some news of our own regarding the beautiful state, and a bit of its homegrown beauty, actually. Sometimes in life, being a “Mile High” just makes a lot of sense.  [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux]

Colorado Presents and Presence

Considering it has been quite difficult as of late to get a plane ride out of London, it’s probably a good thing that Maverick can find fun things to do within the city. We wondered why he’d stop right in the middle of his AEE Epic to do something else on 247AdultStars, and then we saw the photos and video clips. Apparently the volcanic ash has not affected Mav’s mental capicity (yet). Also, his decision has the added benefit of giving us a moment to talk about fashion shows over there in the land of Bangers and Mash. If you’re in a hurry, you might just skip to Syren; you can reflect upon fashion statements at a later date. (But you’re going to miss all the funny stuff.) [FEATURED TAGS:, Syren Sexton Video, Exclusive Video]

A Very Clean Syren

You love Fun Facts, right? … So Yahoo, clearly one of the better-known Internet Giants has been running a very simple poll that only had one question in it: “Are you in favor of the Health Care Reform Bill?” And, presumably not nearly such a major player in the virtual world, has been running a rather more complicated poll, theoretically attempting to determine “The Top 75 Draft Picks of All Time.” (This wording sounds a bit like we could vote for Charleton Heston in Ben Hur, but it could just be that “Time” didn’t really start until the 1960’s.) … Now as of last Friday, slightly over 39 thousand people had voted on the Yahoo poll, and somewhere over 45 million people had voted on the Pro Football question. We’re not going to try to draw any conclusions for you from that little tidbit of information, but we will tell you that Michael Ninn did not cast a vote in either arena, because he’s been rather busy being all artistic and such. Risqué members get to see how, assuming they’re not trying to remember whom the Broncos drafted in 1967. (Floyd Little, just so you know.) [FEATURED TAGS: Heather Vuur, Heather Vandeven, Georgia Jones, Monique Alexander, Jana Jordan, Michael Ninn]

Visit Michael at

Clearly almost everyone finds themselves now camped in front of ESPN, waiting breathlessly for the NFL Draft to begin tomorrow. For some odd reason a few of the office people here think that it being Earth Day might be of more significance, but those people are obviously disturbed. … On the off chance that you have a computer near your television, we’re filling you in a bit more with “Knowing Cytherea” — the modern version. We’ve got a lot of the demonstrably liquid lass in the queue these days, and not one of us feels any problem with this. Apparently Cy’s a lot less controversial than the more vital Football vs. Ecosystem debate. It’s all about priorities in life. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

Cytherea AND the Ecosystem. Excellent.

Tax Day may seem like an odd day to tell a Love Story, but if you think about it, Love generally has no rhyme or reason, and besides most of us love it when we finally put the tax junk away for another year. Of course to get to the Love Story, you might have to meander through another day of nudity and fun with Dee at KSEX, but we do what we must (as this day reminds us every year). Oh, and if meandering with a naked Dee doesn’t interest you, well, then you’ve clearly been looking at depressing numbers for too long. Have a nice glass of warm milk and come back tomorrow. We’ll still be here.  [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee, Annie Cruz]

Annie and Dee, Probably Not Thinking About Taxes

Goodness but we have philosophy for you today. Of course when D.Minion goes on set and gets to spend time with a friend she hasn’t seen in a few years, that tends to happen. At least this time we forced her to break the experience up into four parts, so you have some at least minimal chance of getting all the way through her barely 1,800 words. If you’d rather just jump to the photographs and BTS video, naturally, you can do that as always. Of course you’ll need to come up with your own philosophies regarding Cytherea and her new attitude. Opinion around here seems to be that her new boobs speak for themselves. Boobs do that.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Video, Exclusive Video]

Cleavage in the Conversation

Some surprises in life are better than others. OK. So some surprises in life can really basically suck, but today’s “hint” of a surprise doesn’t suck at all. … Oh. Yes she does, come to think of it. But that’s not always bad, even as surprises go. And this doesn’t even technically qualify as the “big” surprise, but it does explain why we’ve been as busy as we have. Actually, maybe you’d better just see for yourselves. That might be best.  [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Chasey Lain Video, Phoenix Ray Video]

Shayla. Now We Need an Uncharted Desert Isle.

Today we celebrate Fools (with a capital “F” ). Or maybe we’re supposed to fool them (with a small “f” ). Or maybe it’s just a day for us to excuse every mean thing we do with “April Fool’s” , like that justifies anything. Now it probably makes as much sense as being able to pinch somebody just because they don’t happen to be wearing the proper colors some days, or letting young children gorge themselves on candy because it’s good for them that one day. … Come to think of it, we have some weird holidays. … Sticking to today for the sake of brevity, then, if a woman chooses not to promote herself as a Penthouse Pet on some days because she has to attend a prom or graduation with her boyfriend, and the company gets really mad about that, which of them is the greater Fool? [FEATURED TAGS: Tenaya Video, Exclusive Video]

Tenaya on Fools and Other Foibles