The Other Side of the Coin
by Just Plum Nome
[Before the revelation today of yet another in the list of “HIV Scare” situations in the industry, this editorial had plans to be a somewhat happier sort of event. Still, we’re never too old to learn some things, and it seems we’re never too old to act in a spectacularly juvenile fashion either, sadly enough. But true to our core philosophy of Just Tell the Truth Because That’s Plenty Weird Enough, we decided to just slightly modify the already submitted article, basically with this little introduction. Knowing that the performers find themselves once again running around terrified, and will soon find themselves once again promising a “safe” approach to their chosen profession, does indeed add a little flavor to today’s topic. There is such a thing as too spicy, however – even for those of us that really enjoy the heat turned up.]
One would assume that a much more open “general public” acceptance of a foray into adult movie performing as a forgivable, if not precisely accepted bit of a resume would be a very good thing for the industry as a whole. In some respects, that would certainly be true. Let’s face it: You’ll often hear mentions of (or usually joking about) porn in regular prime time sitcoms these days. Once the bastion of daring late-night talk shows alone, the whole people having sex on camera thing has for the most part lost its shock value. Even “Celebrity Sex Tapes” (to use a rather old expression) just don’t mean that much to the general public – at least vis a vis the automatic media coverage that they used to garner. The Kim Kardashian frolic barely registered a blip in the radar before she and her family bopped off to a reality series on E! Apparently a rollicking good public boff no longer precludes a positive career bop. Well, that’s nice.
The new-found acceptance of the “performance artist” in adult, in combination with the general crunch in the economy, though, has led to some rather unusual circumstances here in Pornland. Without getting too deeply into a subject you probably dreaded in school, you still might remember the most basic principles of supply and demand. When you have a whole bunch of something, and not so many people want it really, well, that thing just keeps getting cheaper and cheaper to “acquire” – in this case decidedly, as it were. So if you take more and more women being willing to appear in adult movies, and you then consider that companies have for months now been making fewer and fewer of them, the “price” that the stars can command has been dropping … let’s go with precipitously. (True: We could have used “a lot” in that last sentence, but times are tough. You need to use words like “precipitously” as often as possible these days.)