Filed Under: November

November 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


However you define it, we have a lot to be thankful for around here this year. Shayla and Cytherea have launched themselves into their sites with happy (and often naked) abandon. Maverick continues to evolve with, and Michael finally won his David and Goliath battle against the (allegedly) evil 800-lb gorilla of a corporate powerhouse. D.Minion continues in her inimitable way, which turns out to be fairly safe to say, because as far as we know, no one has ever tried to imitate her, actually. … As for this end of our first (and with any luck last) Thanksgiving Weekend Blast, we’re spreading a little Love today. Now we all look forward to going back to work, because this vacation has been killing us. … By the way, if you read the last four (large) first letters of each post, it turns out it spells “Ho Ho” proving a long-held philosophy around here: At the very least, we amuse ourselves. [STAR TAGS: Heather Vuur Video, Heather Vandeven Video, Justine Joli Video, Faith Leon Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn] 

Heather Vuur (Vandeven) Showing Love in the First Degree - and Second Base

Out in the “real world” it can be pretty difficult to find someone that will staunchly defend the intellect of a person that has chosen a profession in the adult industry. You show us a parent thrilled that their daughter picked “Porn Star” as a career choice, and we’ll show you someone in dire need of rehab of one sort or another. Of course, almost none of these “real” people have ever met Shayla LaVeaux, and that’s a pity. Now naturally we realize the irony in pitying someone that at best pities us, but we enjoy irony. It gets rid of all the wrinkles. [STAR TAGS: Haley Paige Video]

A Road Less Travelled

Honestly we don’t even know if the term “Black Friday” qualifies as Politically Correct anymore, although the media seems comfortable enough with it. Apparently we can use colors to describe anything except people — unless they’re white, in which case some other set of rules apply entirely. Of course that being the case has probably caused all the confusion and distress in the first place, so there’s that. Well, we happily avoid this controversy completely today, as we welcome Maverick and 247AdultStars with an entirely new section of his site, although as far as we know he has not as yet assigned a color to it. Best we should remember that the last item in Pandora’s Box happened to be “Hope” perhaps. Although thankfully whether or not that falls into the “Evil” category also remains outside our little scope on this day. [STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington,]

A Breath of Fresh Air — And Some Water

Only in Los Angeles can you see a bumper sticker that reads, “Enjoy your Health. Eat Organic!” as you ride behind a 30-yr-old foreign car belching malodorous black smoke into the air. … On the other hand, there happen to be many different things that we can in fact be thankful for today, so that will be our plan. [STAR TAGS: Happy Thanksgiving!] 

Thanksgiving 2011 - NOT Belching Smoke

So the plan was to put up this “get ready for Vegas in January” post at 11:11 on 11/11/11, since those don’t happen very often. It was a great plan, devised with meticulous care, cultivated with rapt devotion, and prepared fully for bountiful harvest. (See? Sometimes we don’t mix metaphors.) …Yeah, well, and then we forgot. It seems we prepared too early and scared ourselves. … That happens. … Consequently we decided to put it up at 11:19 on 11/19/11 because, hey, it’s still full of prime numbers. That has to count for something. We’ll try to pay more attention on the next 11/11/11. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Cheyenne Silver Exclusive Video]

Cheyenne Silver Helping Us Water Our Plants … as it were …

We would have to admit that Much Ado About Nothing has significantly more literary merit than you will likely find inside the Members’ Area today. That said, our own “Much Ado About Cytherea” has a heck of a lot more to offer in terms of pure illustration. Also, we find reason to give you some really sneaky news about one of our friends, and we tap Renee Perez to do so — also very illustrative, by the way. … OK, so “pure” might not be the appropriate adjective, perhaps, but we’ve never been big on being appropriate anyway. What’s the point? [STAR TAGS: Renee Perez Video, Cytherea, Michael Ninn]

Much Ado About SOMETHING

Most of us are too young to remember reading the instructions on one of the world’s very first video games, but we have recently learned that they provided the following guidance: 1. Insert quarter. 2. Avoid Klingons. … A unique beauty can exist in simplicity, can it not? So with that humble aim in mind, we wish our good friend Wendy Divine a Happy Birthday today. As for D.Minion’s contribution, well, let’s just go with “unique” for that as well. [STAR TAGS: Wendy Divine]

One way to Celebrate a Birthday

If you have any chance at all of taking the day off tomorrow so that you can see Cytherea venture into the Cam Show world at 11:00 am (California time), you might want to take that step. Obviously we can never be sure when someone may read these little notices, what with them staying up historically for more than a decade, so just to be clear: Thursday, November 10, 2011 – 2:00 pm EST – Cytherea CAM SHOW! Get there from the “Sweet Fantasy Cams” link on her site. Oh, and if you’re waiting around for the show to start, you might want to consider Film School as our buddy Lorraine Sisco has done. [STAR TAGS: Adriana Sage]

Preparing to Study - Probably

Today happens to be D.Minion’s favorite day of the year — at least as far as days go where she doesn’t get to order milk in a bar and embarrass the rest of us. As you may or may not have noticed, the majority of American clocks “fell back” early this morning, thus meaning that DM could sleep an extra hour (at least without feeling guilty). … Now this may seem an odd introduction, but if you come up with a better one to talk about Shayla playing with whips and chains, you just send it on in. We’ll switch this one out. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Roxanne Hall Video]

Call if a “V” for Victory

Just when you think you’ve heard everything, right? … Apparently a professional football player got arrested in Boston on Halloween night for “indecent battery” as the media reported it. Now pro athletes doing monumentally stupid, even illegal, things comes as no surprise to anyone, and you certainly can’t go around groping whomever you feel like on a dance floor, but did the state of Massachusetts ever consider that having such a law on the books seems to imply that such a thing as “decent battery” exists? Fortunately someone allegedly much smarter than those of us around here has to figure all that out while we can concentrate on the actual A.J. Bailey and Capri Anderson. For what it’s worth, we’ll let you know now that their groping is a whole lot better than decent. [STAR TAGS: Capri Anderson Video, AJ Bailey Video, Michael Ninn]

A.J. & Capri - Very Willing Participants

November 2010 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


If you’ve followed Shayla LaVeaux’s career at all, you’ll know that she basically lives as a woman combining Colorado with Southern California. And if you’ve followed Shayla’s new personal web site evolution at all, you’ll know that she now features these aspects of her personality. (Of course following the evolution of Shayla’s new personal web site would be pretty hard, since we haven’t launched it yet, but that’s just a detail.) Well, today’s Shayla feature aptly demonstrates this new approach, and it will quite likely provide you with some insight as to how cowgirls should dress for their performances. That said, we’re thinking the National Professional Rodeo Association might have bit of difficulty getting this new standard approved, and that’s too bad really. Life can be hard. … In Shayla’s case, of course, that clearly constitutes a very good thing. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Excellent Combinations a la Shayla

Dedicated to keeping the long holiday weekend extra special this year, you’ll find “Dee Perfect” – dare we say “Kristal Clear” – bit of home-spun nudity on tap today. True, at some level all nudity would be home-spun, but if you’re really trying to be that literal around here, you should probably be reading something a little deeper than your typical Risqué Commune offering. … And go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something. That’s doing more to help the world than hanging around here too. Still, we do make for a pleasant diversion. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Dee Video, Exclusive Video]

Kristal Summers and Dee - Sufficiently Diverting

You’ve probably heard of a lot of wonderful ways to give thanks today, and maybe even some of those don’t involve gluttony or football, although “a lot” might be a stretch in that case. However, we’re pretty sure that peeking at Cytherea risking her life just for fun has got to rank right up there with the best potential celebrations today. In honor of Cytherea and her larger than life approach to every day of her life, we’ve even decided to use a “larger-than-life” thumbnail. Yeah, we know: We’re wacky that way. … Remember being young and crazy? It’s a wonder any of us lived, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Video, Exclusive Video]

Cytherea Having Fun. She Swears.

Think about “Soft Places for a Hard Drive” and just try to keep your mind out of the gutter. On the other hand, if you happen to enjoy a little gutter-thought now and again, this would be a fine place to hang out. In fact the ever-astounding and beautiful Julia Ann will probably keep you from noticing all the geek talk entirely. She’s handy that way. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Danni Ashe, Justine Joli Video]

Julia Covers the Soft Places - Or Not

Ah, to recall the halcyon days of college. It comes as little surprise, perhaps, that people with the financial wherewithal (or the cajones to borrow even more money) often choose to continue the event. So why does no one tell us that Graduate School (note the capitalization there) bears little actual relationship to the generally festive frivolity of an undergraduate collegiate experience? In case you happen to be curious, we have figured it out for you: Because That’s how They get ya! … On the upside, folks in Graduate School do have rather varied schedules, and so when such Talented Temps (again with the capitalization) get a chance to hang for another stint at our humble offices, we welcome them we open arms (although not so much “wallets” as a rule). We also tend to let them use whatever Illustration Techniques they’d like to employ, and if some such person wants to show off a variation of a Flash Video Approach and play with Justine Joli in the process, well, gosh, why would we complain? (And, yes, These Types sometimes Capitalize Too Much. Whatever.) [FEATURED TAGS: Justine Joli, Monica Mayhem Video, Capri Anderson Video]

At Home With Justine (Capitalized)

Rumor has it that Joe Montana (Hall of Fame NFL Quarterback, if you’ve been living under a decidedly unathletic rock somewhere) once said that any talk of “Genius” doesn’t belong in the same conversation with football. According to this source (which was the radio, so it’s gotta be true) Joe actually said, “If you’re going to be talking Geniuses, you need to be talking about that Norman Einstein guy.” … Just so we’re clear here: Joe was making a joke. Not all football players need help spelling the name of their college entrance exam test. … Still, some people claim not to care anything at all about football, so we’re giving them Cytherea today. Technically she’s giving herself to us, but honestly that sounds like a whole lot more fun than what’s actually happening. It’s complicated. Y’all enjoy Cy. We’re all going to go in search of that really bright Norman fellow. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Justine Joli]

Beach, Baby. Beach, Baby. Give Us Your Hand.

Christopher Moore has once again given us a wonderful turn of phrase to use around the office. Has anyone else ever felt like an old piece of Bubblicious with all the licious chewed out of it? Well, writing computer code all day (and many nights) long can certainly do that to a person, but when some of your “duties” involve working with Inari Vachs, she being rather more of the Babelicious bent, well, you learn to put up with a few things. It’s a long road, but nobody said it has to be a miserable one. … OK. So some Gandhi dude said something like that, but he was clearly not talking about Inari. [FEATURED TAGS:Inari Vachs]

Inari Looking Decidedly Not Miserable

Now even admitting that you might pay attention to the tabloids, or Heaven Forbid, Tabloid Television, almost certainly violates the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. That said, we do have friends that have been known to “appear” in/on those darned things, so we can’t just ignore them. Consequently, we dutifully continue the “What We Can Tell You So Far” part of the Capri Anderson story from inside this part of her life, and then transition much more happily into Stormy Daniels (sadly, not “as it were” in this case). It makes for a rousing good day despite the ominous beginnings. Have you ever been with someone that picks up one of those tacky “newspapers” at the grocery store checkout line? Next time that happens, just say really loudly, “Aw, Geez! Can’t we just go buy porn or something? This is really embarrassing.” History tells us they will put that reading material back on the rack immediately. You might want to hurry on out of the store while they’re paying, however. [FEATURED TAGS: Capri Anderson, Tenaya, Stormy Daniels Video, Shyla Stylez Video]

Capri with Sex Toy and Cell Phone in Hand – Both very Handy Apparently

Oh, thank the Heavens that the excruciating barrage of political ads will finally end after today. Now we do want to pass along our traditional We don’t care for whom you vote, but it remains important that you do so! message, and thus we have done that – with some degree of elegance actually. In celebration we have a bit of our (also traditional) humorous look at some decidedly not political ads, and then we ever-so-subtly remind you that you should keep up with Cytherea on her site too. She had a new post go up yesterday. Did you know that? … As for the political commercials, according to Lon we have at least a couple of months before everyone starts talking about the 2012 elections. That Lon, he’s an eternal optimist. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

It All “Ads” Up

November 2009 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Supposing you just want to experience our lovely Tenaya providing her own amount of Pink Comfort today, you’ll be quite happy with the exclusive photo set she’s provided today. If, on the other hand, you enjoy a little erudite contemplation with your less cerebral pursuits, you might find today’s editorial worthwhile as well. Considering that you all might be watching the NFL today anyway, just take solace in the fact that this will all be here tomorrow. [FEATURED TAGS: Tenaya]

Tenaya's Options, in a Fashion

The cover of Cosmopolitan this month lists an article titled, “His #1 Sex Secret” in big bold red letters at the top. Clearly they forgot to include the necessary tag line which should obviously read, “Does Not Involve You.” That said, we males should probably be thankful for that oversight, and with today being the official day for giving thanks, it seems appropriate to mention it here. We touch on some more reasons inside … which also seemed appropriate. [FEATURED TAGS: Jesse Jane,, Suzy Best Video, Juli Ashton Video, Kristal Summers Video, Becca Video, Exclusive Video]

Something Easy to be Thankful For, All Things Considered

Cold weather brings thoughts of bitter cold, too many clothes, travel woes, and general mushiness in many aspects of life, right? Well, in Southern California we do what we can to empathize with the rest of the country, but we generally only get as far as Aurora Snow before we forget to be kind and start thinking how we really don’t miss this time of year back in our home towns. Unless you’ve spent some time here, you probably don’t know it, but despite the vast number of people in Los Angeles, no one really seems to be “from” here. A dandy collection has migrated in, however, so we’re all planning on getting together to feel bad for those of you whose “drift” still means a bunch of frozen water, and not a clever idea. We’re planning on doing this at the beach, though, so odds are good you’re on your own this winter too. Sorry about that (theoretically). [FEATURED TAGS:, Aurora Snow Video, Lexi Love, Tori Black, Sunny Lane, Kagney Linn Karter, Lexi Belle, Belladonna, Kayden Kross, Eva Angelina, Teagan Presley, Exclusive Video]

Aurora Snow on white. That's close, right?

So D.Minion walks into the office this morning and says, “I had a dream about Dinah Shore last night.” … Now the story went on from there, but you don’t really need to hear it all in order to understand that life with D.Minion defies description — almost all of the time. Stir in a Day in the Life of Devinn Lane, add a bit of Juli, Wendy, and Tiffany seasoning, and you might be satiated enough to even forget the weirdness. If not, D.Minion recommends Krispy Kremes. (Hey, she’s not always crazy.) [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane, Wendy Divine, Juli Ashton, Keri Windsor]

Juli Ashton and Devinn Spreading Their ... Views

One of the basic tenets around here for the last ten years has been that we should always show the adult industry in its actual light, however dim that may be. After all, only network television routinely scripts “reality” shows, and having a bunch of isolated writers, some making tens of thousands of dollars per episode, set about determining how things “should” be to “look” real has always seemed, well, silly to us. (Yeah, yeah … So maybe TV in general elevated ludicrous to an art form, but that’s another discussion for a different day.) For now, we’re bringing in another of Maverick’s “Cam Shows” — which essentially involve simply putting a video camera on a tripod and pointing it at the beautiful women currently teasing Mav’s still camera. Even though it wouldn’t qualify as a dazzling new incarnation of applied technology, when Cate Harrington provides the talent pool, you don’t really need to over pay people completely inexperienced with the premise to tell us all how it should play out. When you look like Cate, you can pretty much play it any way you want. Some things in life do in fact make sense. [FEATURED TAGS:, Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video]

Cate, Embracing her Freedom of Choice

Friday the Thirteenth supposedly brings an ominous ambience. We fear. We fret. Or perhaps we happily embrace a “reason” to just stay home and look at porn — whatever works. In our case the day has for some reason always been a rather refreshing one, perhaps in part to the leader named “Lucky” we conjecture. On this particular day, however, we attribute our good feelings to a decision to once again let Kylie Ireland be in charge, and let D.Minion document the event. Long days spent working seem ever-so-much more pleasant in retrospect. Have you noticed? [FEATURED TAGS: Dana Vespoli, Chayse Evans, Charlotte Vale, Kylie Ireland]

Dana Vespoli demonstrating pleasant conjecture of her own.

When Steve (or “Just Steve” to you older members) visits the risqué LA offices from the wilds of Colorado, people begin to reminisce. Much to Lon’s dismay, Steve happens to have been the very first member of the Risqué Commune Sites, before at some point we realized that we needed more help around here and enlisted his assistance. … More to point for today would be the conversation that began about Kristal Summers and her early days, and even more pertinent would be the actual visual evidence we have of that first memorable trip with the crew. Now Steve will eventually be heading back to work out of South Park, Colorado (Yes, there really is a place called that.), and all we’ve been able to advise him so far is to stay away from the little fat kid, because he’s always trouble, and never, ever stand too close to anyone named Kenny. … If you have any better advice, Steve would probably like to hear it. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers]

Kristal kissking Kristal. It's weird here sometimes.

Steve here (AKA SteveD, Just Steve, for today known as “Mav’s Not Here So Let’s Give That Guy All The Work” ), on location from Risqué central. While bemoaning the Broncos first loss of the season, the topic of Julia Ann came up. I don’t remember exactly how, but if you’ve spent any time with us, you know the topic can quickly shift from just about anything to a beautiful woman — and then to that same woman naked. At some point I asked if anyone knew how many tattoos Julia has, which was a trivia question at one of the member’s parties. I didn’t know the answer then, and I still don’t today, but if anyone has a guess, I’d be willing to personally check with Ms. Ann to see if you’re right. … We had to cut Just Steve off here, explaining how we really try diligently not to ramble, at least in the introductory section of a story. Understanding that, you might feel free to jump over all the whereas and whys contained in today’s presentation and just get right to that beautiful naked women part. We call it Sybian Symbiosis, and that should explain enough all by itself. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Julia Ann, Becca]

The Beautiful Naked Women Part

Two common, albeit amazingly distinct, definitions come to mind when thinking of “The Golden Rule” , neither of which seem to steadily rule the roost when it comes to adult movies, at least in a microeconomic sense. Although certainly the women in the business appreciate a hearty being done unto, they pretty much make the rules even if they haven’t socked away a whole bunch of gold yet. Maybe it’s always men that make up these sayings, you think? [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann Video]

A Good Reason to let Julia Ann Make the Rules

November 2008 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Ah, the holiday season begins, and we’ve all the more reason to party with porn stars. As it turns out, though, even way over in “Merry Ol’ England” one needs to be a bit careful about distinguishing between what people say and what we can actually expect. On the other hand, when Mav attended such a learning experience over in London earlier this month, he at least got to spend some time with beautiful women he’d previously not met, and he got to drink a lot of beer. There are worse days. [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars]

Bar Babe in Britain

Sometimes tradition for the sake of tradition can be really silly (at best), but when you get the chance to watch the worst team in the NFL play the best (arguably) team in the NFL, you can really understand why all those settlers braved the severe conditions, battles, and other hardships to stake a claim for this wonderful country. In keeping with our own traditional spirit of Giving Thanks, in our own unique way, we’re offering up our own Best Wishes to all of you before we retreat to post-gluttony stupor. Should you wish to feed, imbibe, or otherwise entertain yourselves before consuming the wonder we have to offer today, however, we will tell you that the thumbnail below has nothing really to do with the post, even though small dogs do tend to be among the things D.Minion feels most thankful about. [FEATURED TAGS: Happy Thanksgiving!]

When D.Minion does Photoshop

Post Scripts have never been a big part of the risqué site, and by that we mean that to our knowledge we’ve never done one before, but a degree of uncharacteristic efficiency in the office mandated the approach today. Before D.Minion had technically completed her story of Shayla, Juli, et. al. in Head Trip an adventurous little beaver had gone ahead and compiled the report for upload and then posted it. Consequently we’ve found ourselves in the position of needing to provide the aforementioned Post Script as a solution. After all, it would hardly seem fitting to criticize eager beavers on an adult site. Right? [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Juli Ashton, Rebecca Lord, Telore, Danielle Rogers, Nici Sterling, Chloe, Alicia, Keri Windsor, D.Minion, Risque News Insight]

Shayla teasing her own ... well, you know.

After many, many moons Minion Maverick has meandered back. During his hiatus forced by the ever-so-capable and friendly ISP company in the U.K., though, he did manage to cook up a collection of newly refined skills to aid his web presentations. … Sadly, he did seem to forget all the basic steps he used to actually make posts work, but after some time (and perhaps some recreational taunting) we did manage to get Mav’s latest KazB Bonanza off the ground. Interestingly we did have some “parts left over” when we finished and not being ones to waste leftover naked lady bits, we’ve included them for you here. … Three weeks away and he can’t remember a thing. No wonder the Revolution was tough for them. By the time the boats got to the US coast, they forgot what they were fighting about. [FEATURED TAGS:, Kaz B.]

Minding our own “B's“ness

Our Dear D.Minion can lock onto a tangent with the best of them, but when the divergence involves Shayla, well, let’s just say we don’t complain very much. A couple of weeks ago our support email received an inquiry about whether or not our quaint online catalog had a specific movie maybe lying around that wasn’t listed in the database. Well, DM happened to find one and not only did we get a happy customer, but you all get to take a peek too. Without getting into overly deep waters here, we will say that if you have to go on a Head Trip, this is exactly as far as you want to go in D.Minion’s. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Juli Ashton, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Juli Ashton in one of Justin Sterling's bizarre Head Trips

Don’t you just love it when kind acts have an otherwise useful result as well? Over the years we’ve found that when benevolence can involve Shayla LaVeaux and her wonderful ability to be a role model (whether clothed or not, as it turns out), well, it just makes for a pretty dandy day. As days go, try to have a bunch of dandy ones. … There’s a Shayla philosophy we can live with too. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Risque News Insight]

Shayla LaVeaux and Jill Kelly, teachers, both

Ironically, Customer Service in the U.K. (at least in London) seems not to involve being overly concerned with either one. After three weeks without a DSL (or phone!) connection, Maverick has finally secured an internet connection once again, and in his honor, D.Minion offers up her brief look at one of Mav’s shoots of Kristal Summers — not in her briefs, if you want to get technical about it. As an aside, Dear Maverick now has much, much work to do, indeed you might consider him dervish; and merely thinking about a dervish Englishman just brings a smile to your face, doesn’t it? [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, D.Minion]

Kristal creating dervish nerves in Maverick.

Pundits say that this past Presidential Election will have marked historical significance because “you will always remember where you were when Barack Obama became President.” Now we’re including this bit of information not because this pundit theory actually demonstrates any sort of keen insight, but rather because you just don’t get to say the word “pundit” very often in life, and so you should always take advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself. For her part, D.Minion recalls well the time when she discovered hard core adult entertainment, which happens to be a bit more on topic today, as she discovers anew her joy with Juli Ashton and Charlie. At least she’s a well-rounded pundit; that’s a bonus. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Charlie Video, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Charlie and Juli dine in while eating out. Whatever.

Well, that was an unusual election, right? Most of us around here have lived long enough to understand the surreal feeling that swept the nation when the results actually became final last night, and for the younger members of our team we released an Official Memo that covers their situation quite succinctly: They have to be quiet until they’re at least 30. We’ll cover the political insights that surfaced on the set last week in a future post, be we will say that Charlie Laine had some of the most logical takes on our socio-economic position, gay rights, and even religion in general. Gosh it was good to talk to Charlie. … Naturally that got us to thinking about the dear lass, and that got us to remembering old friends in general, and that got us to today’s diversion to all the “What the heck happened to the Republicans, and whose fault is it?” discussions littering the networks and the web. So take some time off and let the unreal feelings sort of set in as you watch Charlie doing naked standup and Georgia Adair and Cheyenne Silver doing — well — naked lie down. [FEATURED TAGS: Cheyenne Silver, Georgia Adair, Charlie Laine Video]

The Sheets of Cheyenne

The day after Halloween serves perhaps not so much as a “holiday” for adults as a “respite” for us. And being the People in Power in a domestic situation has its advantages, as we find ourselves in a wonderful position to decide exactly which candy items the brood must offer up as a “tax” — whether justified or not. … And now you know why some crazy people want to run for public office in America: They can get our best candy any time they want to. … Nevertheless, it still seems like a pretty sucky job compared to at least some of ours, and so we thought we’d give you a bit of a serious respite from the innumerable political commercials currently littering the airwaves by celebrating the workplace. Oh, and if you’re wondering how you can tell this post qualifies as a Halloween party, it’s quite simple really: Karlie Montana wore an orange and black outfit to work. Our final bit of advice: Try to have your candy and eat it too. [FEATURED TAGS:, Karlie Montana, Lorraine Sisco, Sandie Caine Video, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video]

Admirably Costumed Karlie Montana