11/29/12 | In a wild fit of traditional journalistic glee, we set about actually researching a topic. We set out our questions. We found an expert in the field. We conducted an interview. We took careful notes before transcribing our masterpiece. … So that fact that we just happened to be asking Dee about the relative merits of computer geeks could have had something to do with our enthusiasm, but we don’t really get a chance to use the word journalistic around here very often, so we’re still happy. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
11/26/12 | We make ourselves feel better by believing that “all things happen for a reason,” but would we not all feel better that when things do happen they include this reason along with the event as a handy explanation? Of course we habitually eschew the morose at risqué and our bright side invariably includes beautiful naked women, so we’re thinking the relevant deities might not feel much of a need for justification in our case. … That probably makes sense, as does Alexis Ford in this context. [FEATURED TAGS: Alexis Ford Video, Ayla Marie] |
11/24/12 | Some clever person in the office noted that “Assassin” — when used in the risqué realm — sounds more like a three-way between a guy and two anal-friendly women than it does either a not very nice person or a video game. Then a different clever person pointed out that it could perhaps more easily refer to basically any scene in a gay male movie. That pretty much covered our “analysis” of the whole Ass-Ass-In concept, so we moved along to fixing a slight oversight in the shayla.com post a couple of days ago, helpfully this time with the assistance of Keri Windsor and a Kylie Ireland archive. All in all, Keri and Kylie were a lot more fun to consider that gay sex scenes. Of course we’re undoubtedly biased. [FEATURED TAGS: Keri Windsor, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Kylie Ireland, Michael Ninn] |
11/22/12 | It may come as a bit of a surprise, but as a group we do not tend to be “gamers” in this office. New people always bring interesting new things into our lives, though, and thus we have recently learned that the new Assassin’s Creed III features the British military as the villains in the adventure. Thanksgiving seemed like the perfect chance for us to assure Maverick and his countrymen and women that nobody asked us about this decision before they did it. Obviously we would have simply deferred to Shayla, and she seems very friendly with new people. You can observe inputs (as it were) from both Mav and Shayla as you try to avoid the inevitable food comas later in the day. … Do save room for pie, however. Life’s short. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Anna Joy Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
11/19/12 | Dear and Decidedly Desirable Dee has determined to rejoin our (dare we say dysfunctional) Digital Division, and we welcome her back to the fold with … well, sadly nothing that starts with the letter “D” as it turns out. What we lacked in completing the alliterative avenue, however, we more than make up for with Dee’s request at a “redux” of some of her earliest Risqué Commune work — this time of the DP variety as a matter of fact. Speaking of Dee’s folds … [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Video, Tina Tyler, Michael Ninn] |
11/17/12 | If you have three C’s and a pair of D’s you probably have Cytherea on the Central Coast — topless. Of course you could have Cytherea and that weird triple-breasted woman from the old Star Trek episode, but none of us will admit to knowing anything at all about old Star Trek episodes, so let’s just go with the Cytherea Topless at a friend’s house bit. By the way, does anyone know the trouble with tribbles? [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Summer Cummings Exclusive Video] |
11/13/12 | Other than our friends Ernest Greene and Kylie Ireland, we can’t really think of very many people that think foreplay requires a fine collection of soft ropes, assorted gags (not the funny kind), and various incarnations of whipping devices. It seems, though, that we need to add Summer Cummings into that group, as she aptly demonstrates today with the buxom assistance of Kristal Summers. One thing we have learned, case in point via D.Minion today, if you want to make very large breasts look even larger, ropes can assist you. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Summer Cummings Exclusive Video, Goldie] |
11/10/12 | Ah, politics. … We decided to transition from the political world at least slightly with a memorable dip into the fantasy pool with Cytherea. As burglars go, one could think of a lot worse suspects to catch outside there home in the dead of night seems obvious. Of course the thing about politics that perhaps set it apart has to be that half the people think it IS fantasy, and the other half — generally the losers — wish with all their hearts that it were. Naturally our industry remains particularly well suited for the arena, however. After all, we’re all used to strange bedfellows. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea] |
11/7/12 | Regardless of how an election turns out, you always end up with two primary groups of people. One will be running around spouting brief exclamations such as, “Yippee!” (or in our case, “What Ho!”). And you will be able to quickly pick out the other collection of individuals by their glum faces and glazed stares that convey a distinct “How the hell did this happen?” feel. While the woulda, shoulda, coulda faction decides which lawyers to hire, we have decided to move along with Kristal Summers, her activities being particularly pertinent today. As painful as today may feel for the losing sides right now, however, we would still advise them to cherish these feelings. Wait until they get the money estimates from the attorneys. That’ll put a whole new meaning on woulda, shoulda, coulda … . [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Cytherea] |
11/5/12 | Unlike all the television commercials you have grown completely sick of over the last three months (or longer, depending) we do not actually care for whom or what you vote for tomorrow. We do, however, care a great deal about whether you vote at all. Even putting aside all the potentially viable arguments that your one vote will not make any difference because by nightfall we often “know” who won anyway, voting serves a vital public interest. You may in fact affect local elections or propositions, after all, and besides, you could find it very useful in the coming weeks and months. Even if your side loses, you can always say later when everything runs amok, “Hey. It’s not my fault. I voted the other way.” [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Erica McLean Video] |
11/1/12 | Rarely can a vast majority of people agree on anything, but it seems safe to say that regardless of one’s political affiliations, we are ALL tired of all the television commercials telling us how we should feel. In the background of one local spot this week, though, we spied a poster on the wall behind some woman talking about something or other. At this point we have no idea what she was for or against, but the poster said, “When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s difficult to remind yourself that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.” We feature our own political correspondent today in Kylie Ireland, and we do plan to ask her what the current posters on her walls say. How did people live before TIVO? That must have been hard. [FEATURED TAGS: Kylie Ireland] |
Filed Under: Alexis Ford
August 2012 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
8/31/12 | All of us get used to a certain amount of unfairness in life, otherwise we could never watch young people eat like it will be their last meal without slapping them every time they picked up a napkin. A half dozen Krispy Kremes, you say? You’d like a double bacon cheeseburger with extra-large fries, and yet you’ll remain annoyingly thin? … SLAP! … Of course unfairness in life does not limit itself to caloric intake, but it always seems to surprise us when it comes from family. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux Video] |
8/26/12 | Mysteries of the concept of “Lost and Found” bear fruit today, while fully-ripened friends, Jana Cova and Isabella bare … well, other things. Of course certain of their parts bear a distinct resemblance, when bare, to certain fruits, so that could possibly tie this all together in a (freshness) pinch. Basically we have decided to simply follow ancient advice: Be fruitful and multiply, or at least practice the multiplying part. (OK. So these are both women, obviously, and the whole multiplying part really won’t work no matter how hard they try, but how far does one really need to take a metaphor on an adult site, really?) [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Cova Video, Isabella Video] |
8/22/12 | Generally when someone talks about a thing being “rock hard” in this business, odds would be good that they do not refer to actual rocks — you know, really solid chunks of the earth, broken off into pieces suitable for throwing at someone you catch using their “rock hard” part in an inappropriate manner. … In our case, however, sometimes we really do happen to be talking about rocks, in this case with petroglyphs displayed on them. Of course in this particular circumstance we utilize the liquid talents of Cytherea to demonstrate our solid reasoning, so we’re reasonably certain not to get fired because of the effort. We will stop and send you off to your adventures today before we blow it by trying to extend a metaphor too far, but just so you know: A cigar is never just a cigar in this place. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video] |
8/18/12 | Some things in life we still do not understand. One of the byproducts of the Olympic coverage on television — at least in Southern California — included a massive run of new commercials for Honda. Now we admit that all of us over a certain young age have heard commercials featuring sound tracks that made us just a little sad. Most of us in this office, for example, were just getting used to Steppenwolf hocking insurance when the new Honda advertisements hit the air. As near as we can tell, no one told any of the Honda executives what Judas Priest stood for back in the day. But at least they were a British band, so that maybe counts for something during the London Olympics. On a completely unrelated note of confusion, Kristal Summers opens for a Pearl of a Shayla LaVeaux post with another round of “Wrestling Boys” today. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
8/13/12 | Except for the fact that everyone now has to start getting out of bed “early” again, the risqué commune offices have quite the celebration going on — interestingly beginning immediately after the Closing Ceremonies concluded. Clearly not everyone shares the feelings of universal fellowship that watching highly dedicated and gifted individuals either succeed or fail spectacularly can bring. All in all, none of us mind that when we screw up in a really major fashion somewhat fewer than 4 billion people drop by to share in the experience. None of us mind Maverick’s confusion on which celebratory event he has Natalia Forrest representing either. By the way, if 4 billion of you do want to join and watch her, we would be fine with that. [FEATURED TAGS: Alexis Ford, Brooklyn Lee, Missy Martinez Video, Zoey Holloway Video, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars] |
8/10/12 | Although we did not know it until learning a bit of “Brit” over these Olympics, apparently we regularly strive to avoid things going sixes and sevens at risqué. Also we have remembered that we need to tell the new Photoshop boss that despite what D.Minion may assert, there is in fact such a thing as too many puppy pictures. On the upside, DM and her ChickaDees took over 200 photos NOT of small domestic animals on the Dallas XXX, Day Three set. You may well find those more interesting. [FEATURED TAGS: Brooklyn Lee Exclusive Video, Bobbi Starr, Alexis Ford] |
8/6/12 | The Brits had quite a resurgence in the Olympic games over the weekend, leading in our case to a bevy of “In your FACE, DM!” sorts of emails traveling across the ocean in this direction. While as a group we obviously enjoy a fine, good-natured competitive ribbing amongst ourselves, we Americans really had to admire how polite the British have turned out to be. Maybe you have not noticed, but instead of their own national anthem, every time a British citizen wins a gold medal they insist upon listening to a heart-warming rendition of My Country ’Tis of Thee. You know, maybe they have forgiven us for that whole Revolutionary War thing. … Toward a similar end, Inari Vachs and Cytherea help us with an other-parts-warming exhibition today. God Save the Queens. [FEATURED TAGS: Inari Vachs, Cytherea] |
8/4/12 | Most of us have probably heard New Jersey referred to as “The Garden State” — although if you have only flown in and out of there, or seen the state on television, you might have trouble understanding how in the world they ever came up with that motto, seeing as how most people do not associate a peaceful communing with nature and New Jersey. Regardless, as it turns out, England has a Garden State too, and Maverick introduces us to one of its finest natural resources today. Then we throw in a bit of “Garden” a la Michael Ninn, simply as a helpful counterpoint. We will tell you this much from the outset, however: We don’t exactly get “peaceful” out of these either. “Pieceful” perhaps …. [FEATURED TAGS: Tori Black, Rayveness Video, Anais Video, Crystal Coxxx, 247AdultStars.com, Michael Ninn] |
8/2/12 | Never having seen a water polo match in her life, D.Minion and her “ChickaDees” nevertheless spent a significant part of today watching a contest between the U.S. and the U.K., happily shouting, “In your FACE, Mav!” every time the Americans scored. While this may not say much for sportsmanship here in the office, it does say a bit regarding loyalty. For example, we welcome in a new (typically unnamed) Team Risqué member today, while noting the fine Pearls of Wisdom provided by Shayla LaVeaux. … If nothing else we do remain a loyal group, as D.Minion’s Minions still call themselves ChickaDees even though Dee has been retired going on six years now. Our new fellow has much to look forward to — or maybe much to fear. One can never tell. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Julia Ann] |
July 2012 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
7/30/12 | Maintaining our Risqué ne’er say intrepid reporter philosophy, our keen operatives managed to catch up with the Queen after she had parachuted into Olympic Stadium. Arriving with James Bond in time for the Opening Ceremonies. we can report the Queen “shaken, but not stirred” — just in case you were curious. … OK. So we made that up, we didn’t really see the Queen, and overall the word “intrepid” fits many more of us than it does not. Still, while the Queen might be interested in our discussion of homonyms, she might not appreciate the illustrations, primarily provided by Cytherea today. … On the other hand, London does have a fancy new Aquatics Centre, and our buddy Cy could bring a whole new level of interest to that particular place. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Ann Harlow Video, MichaelNinn.com] |
7/27/12 | Hey! Did you know that America has a two-time Gold Medal fencing champion? Well, when she gets done with these Olympics, we’re going to try and get her to go spend some time at Steve’s house, because his chickens keep getting out. He could use one of those fencing experts for a few days. … Until then, of course, we will be diligently watching the event which always teaches us not only the wide range of bizarre sports that constitute Olympic events, but also demonstrates the distinct value of having a television set in the office. We will probably keep including various beautiful women displayed in various sexual situations too; that is, after all, what we do. Consequently for our “Opening Ceremonies” we begin with Kristal Summers and An Analysis of MILF Relativity. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Deauxma Video, Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
7/24/12 | Gauging from the national weather service, should one wish to spend some time in Dallas these days, one would be well advised to do so via the Dallas XXX variety courtesy of Adam & Eve. D.Minion offers up her Day Two Tribute this time around, and all of the naked photos of Bobbi Starr and Alexis Ford might even get you to ignore all ones of the puppy. She was a cute little thing, though; we’ll have to give her that — the dog, we mean. Bobbi and Alexis passed “cute” a long time ago. So far we have yet to see a canine that falls into the “sexy as hell” category, and we’re just fine with that actually. [FEATURED TAGS: Bobbi Starr Exclusive Video, Alexis Ford, AdamAndEve.com] |
7/21/12 | D.Minion has taken her annual “Girls’ Weekend Away” again, thus leaving no one around to keep the company rudder from taking us, well, who knows where? While we do happen to be smart enough not to point out that a “weekend” for most people does not in fact equal five full days, we somehow always forget all the really important things D.Minion leaves behind in her copious notes. Honestly, as far as any of us can remember, not one single person has ever read even one of those notes, and yet DM persists in their creation time and time again. Since we do realize that only members will be able to see what chaos we have wrought this time around, we did decide to pass along the same Secret to Happiness in Life that we always provide for D.Minion: Lowered Expectations. … See? Now you can go to bed content, even if you’re not a Member. Of course to be Really Happy you should be, but that will be a topic for another day. Right now we’re not expecting much. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Keri Windsor Video, Charlie Video, Shayla LaVeaux, 247AdultStars.com] |
7/16/12 | Even adult industry members can do good deeds and care about culture and society in general. … Gosh. Who knew, right? … Well, we’re still in the process of sorting the massive amounts of Shayla LaVeaux we acquired last week, along with the smaller amount, but equally as fun, “data” on Cytherea, but D.Minion has already picked out her most ominous photograph “since forever” (according to her). While we talk about (and hopefully promote) a wonderful cause on tap in the next couple of weeks we will leave to you the task of figuring out our perhaps not quite as wonderful — but still quite hysterical — pun. You see, while encouraging the protection of domestic animals and their rescue shelters we decided to illustrate with moving pictures of a slang expression for cat. We’re clever that way. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann Video, Brea Bennett Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
7/15/12 | The alleged leaders have returned from the latest “content acquisition vacation” which historically has proven to be an optimum collection of new material to roll out over the next few months: We ended up with more than we thought we would, but a little less than we had hoped for. While we sit down and try to bring some sense of organization to the thousands of files we thought it best to return with an easy volley. When you have Kristal Summers and Shayla LaVeaux to help pass the time, life seems pretty good as it turns out — even if it can be confusing. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers] |
7/9/12 | Come to find out, when your “B-Cup” runneth over in D.Minion’s office it has nothing to do with your bra size. Rather than spend too much time on the dangerous road that is DM’s mind, though, we decided to offer up a dandy gift in the persons of Kristal Summers and Lola — interestingly in Vegas at the time of this shoot. You see, the leaders head out today, also en route to Las Vegas and what they assure the rest of us will be “nothing but work” for the week. Of course we don’t believe them, but we do enjoy Kristal and Lola gifts — particularly when enhanced by Shayla and Cytherea. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Lola Video, Juli Ashton Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Dee] |
7/4/12 | All of us have become quite familiar with scope of accomplishments over our lives. Those possessing a bit of the wisdom that comes with age — mental or literal — have learned to celebrate both major and minor perspectives in fact. Given our place in the digital entertainment environment, we decided that putting a distinctly risqué slant (as it were) on the more traditional celebrations of Independence on this Day would be just the thing to help situations heat up in the afternoon before exploding at night. … If you got more than Bar-B-Que and Fireworks out of that allusion, then you understand our aims completely. Think Labia when you consider both Major and Minor. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
7/1/12 | Just a little bit of thought would seem to support the theory that not very many posts on an adult web site end with a prayer, but around here we have learned one of life’s most important lessons — if not the most important: Play the hand you’re dealt. … With that in mind, you should probably be aware that much of today’s discussion centers around Kristal Summers’ delightful derrière, so the religious overtones are slight. … Well, come to think of it, a great many people, when viewing Kristal’s butt for the first time, often seem to exclaim, “Oh, dear God … .” [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Summer Cummings Exclusive Video, Goldie Exclusive Video] |
June 2012 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
6/29/12 | Maverick fills out his Festive Fridays in June on 247AdultStars today, but sadly he has run out of AEE reports. He filled in this week with the definitively delicious “Natalia” in a “Dreamy” solo sequence. We figured that would be just fine. You can also jump to Cytherea’s “Slut Sniffing” theory from here, in case you missed it over on CythereasWetWorld, just because we’re helpful like that. By the way, D.Minion wanted us to include the fact that Gutenberg first published his Bible in 1455 while we were putting together this New Stuff listing, but we just couldn’t figure out how to do that. So we decided not to. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video, Michelle Maylene, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/27/12 | It seems the U.S. Military pulled their “consultancy” support for Hollywood’s blockbuster film, The Avengers, because they had a problem with it being in their opinion “unrealistic.” Apparently the immortal guy with the magic hammer was no problem, nor did the fellow made out of rocks stretch credulity, but the “S.H.I.E.L.D.” group has no system in place for taking advantage of proper military channels or necessary respect for the chain of command. … Yeah, well, we’re not sure if Adam & Eve ever tried to enlist the assistance of actual Texas oil billionaires in the production of Dallas XXX, but D.Minion did not seem to focus on that aspect, at least during Day One of the production. Somehow we do not blame her. [FEATURED TAGS: Alexis Ford, India Summer] |
6/22/12 | Strangely enough Maverick has continued his commitment to having “Festive Fridays” this entire month with the conclusion of his Adult Industry Convention coverage today. Along the way, D.Minion passes us through the modern day Veronica Hart, and hopes we might even learn something in our travels. After all, hope does spring eternal in the human breast, and all. Come to think of it, that pretty much applies to porn conventions — well, the breast part at least — not so much the hope in some estimations. [FEATURED TAGS: Veronica Hart, Shayla LaVeaux, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Devinn Lane Exclusive Video, Teagan Presley, Capri Anderson, Lexi Belle, Jynx Maze, Sophie Dee, Phoenix Marie, Kayden Kross, Jessie Jane, Riley Reid, Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/21/12 | Celebrating the first full day of summer, we find ourselves having taken some heat of late for being “too early” in our helpful reminders for people. It seems that we have inadvertently hindered the mystery of our sisters in CythereasWetWorld.com and Shayla.com by being too quick to point out when new posts arrive there, that people can also view here. Naturally we feel awful, and have resolved to mend our evil ways. After all, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the bitchin’ … [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Juli Ashton Video, Inari Vachs, Rayveness] |
6/15/12 | If you have to drive all the way out to the middle of the California desert, doing so in order that you might observe some very large-breasted naked women frolicking around does tend to make the trip less taxing. Of course when Kristal Summers, Summer Cummings, and Goldie (from the U.K., Maverick, so how about that?) decide to “frolic” you really might not know what to expect. Think “butt-stacking,” “hand-waving,” and large inflatable pool toys. … That’s what you guessed, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Summer Cummings, Goldie, Jessica Drake, Alektra Blue, Jynx Maze, Sophie Dee, Alexis Texas, Kristina Rose, Bobbi Starr, Capri Anderson, Stormy Daniels, Kaylani Lei, Spencer Scott, Lexi Belle, Abella Anderson, Riley Reid, Tori Black, Belladonna, Cytherea, Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/13/12 | For many people, “going through the Big D” refers to getting a divorce, those of course being the sophisticated country music fans among us. For the less enlightened, perhaps, the Big D might in fact mean Denver, but then depending upon where one lives, we suppose it could be like Decatur, Dubuque, Daytona, or maybe even Dublin. At Adam & Eve today, though, it means whatever Alexis Ford wants it to mean, and she picks “Dallas, XXX.” … Luuucy, she’s hooome … (Yeah, that was New York, we know. Whatever.) [FEATURED TAGS: Alexis Texas Exclusive Video] |
6/11/12 | We learned over the weekend that apparently a couple other groups in the country have a “Big Three” on staff. Hmm. Go figure. Of course our Big Three handle very important decisions like which beautiful naked porn star we get to talk about on which day, or which XXX movie we get to show off when. And another of our Big Three figures out how best to display these pithy and revealing insights, continually playing with new technology to accomplish these “nude by design” goals. (OK. So the third of our Big Three is basically in charge of Mexican food, but around here that’s very important.) All of that said, in deference to the Oklahoma City Thunder and Miami Heat fans, we will admit this: Your Big Threes are taller. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Amytheist Stone Video, Taylor Anne Video, Michael Ninn] |
6/9/12 | Somehow we don’t seem to have seen as many fun bumper stickers driving around the LA freeways lately, although D.Minion found one she claims to identify with that said, “I’m a Raggedy Ann in a Barbie World.” Honestly, DM’s a lot more “Anne” rather than “Ann” but we try not to mention that to her very often, and we don’t talk about it certainly. How do you explain to people that the lead writer for your adult news site has the largest collection of Sonny and Cher collectibles you have ever seen, after all? Odd what motivates some people, although at least we understand the Shayla ones a lot more than Mary Kate and Ashley (also DM favorites). [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Olivia Parrish Exclusive Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Ginger Lynn, Christy Canyon, Sienna West, Bree Olsen, Jessie Andrews, Lily Carter, Kagney Linn Karter, Tori Black, Missy Rhodes, Selena Rose, Alexis Texas, Brooklyn Lee, Skin Diamond, Holly Michaels, Riley Reid, Kristina Rose, Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/4/12 | The reigning “Diminutive Minion” in our midst has always demonstrated a certain piquancy in her life — a trait that makes some degree of sense considering what we do for a living. True, the things that baffle her continues to grow as rapidly as technology moves forward, but D.Minion consistently maintains a keen devotion to the beautiful — and regularly nude — among us. Consequently, while DM can meander a bit in prose, we really can’t argue with her focus on Kristal Summers and Cytherea. … So we do not. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Cytherea Video, Michael Ninn] |
6/1/12 | An ambitious Maverick has decided to update 247AdultStars.com every Friday this month, according to plan with (finally) the U.K. take on a new AVN approach this year to the AEE. We assume the 247 crew has set an unusual system in place to accomplish this goal, and have thus promised that we will vary our usual “oh, by the way” approach to their updates with coinciding entries of our own. Of course you likely have heard what “assume” does, and we all know to Beware Geeks Bearing Gifts. So caveat yada, yada … . (We made that last sentence up ourselves, but feel free to make it a common part of the American vernacular. It does have a certain flair.) [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Stoya, Jessie Andrews, Skin Diamond, Lily Carter, Holly Michaels, Kagney Linn Karter, Asa Akira, Gracie Glam, Alexis Texas, Kristina Rose, Bree Olsen, Lisa Ann, Sienna West, Emily Addison, Jesse Jane, Stoya, Kayden Kross, Riley Steele, BiBi Jones, Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
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