Filed Under: Carmen Luvana

March 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Freeways in Los Angeles can be quite entertaining places — at least if you’re the type to let traffic bother you very much. We got behind one of those tricked out SUV’s this week, the kind where the guy makes up for what he lacks in testicles with the tire size on his truck. You’ve seen them. … Well, this one had a license plate that said, “NVRGLTY” leading us to the conclusion that the owner was either a criminal defense attorney, or a six-year-old bully — not that those two psychological states differ all that much really. Still it did make us wonder about how occasionally looks can in fact be deceiving, much as the case with Nick Manning’s photography today. Of course the fact that Nick chose Dee as his subject helps a lot. People can get away with many things if they illustrate with Dee naked, after all. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jenna Haze Video, Michael Ninn]

Dee as Inspiration

The original plan for today centered around a wildly entertaining display of a bunch of scantily-clad women frolicking in a rain-soaked park. We planned on a vast amount of prose surrounding these compelling images, sufficient to secure our position as one of the web’s top Meandering Professionals. Sadly, we have no such pictures, so our wonderfully clever title of “Hello mudder. Hello Fodder.” will thus go unused. We do have a fascinating discussion of Shayla’s views on winning awards in porn, however, and have potentially found some equally interesting — although freshly showered — illustrations. [FEATURED TAGS: Bobbi Star Video, Jenna Haze Video]

Shayla Feeling Blue

Of “Cats, Tats, & Fantasy Begats” tells the tale this time around, although we do attempt to clarify that theme just a bit. Now if you have been a member for much time at all, you might be more than a bit dubious regarding our clarification skills, a stance really that we’d have a hard time arguing with, sadly enough. We do have fun, though, and how many people can say that about their lives every day? [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Alexandra Silk, Carmen Luvana]

Looking Great Naked

What we lack in eloquence we more than make up for with verve. Should you choose to read the technical trifle over on CythereasWetWorld today, you will understand precisely what we mean by that too. You may not agree with the statement, but you will at least understand it. … Feel free to disagree with us, actually. People often do. … Silly, people. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

Bath Assaults

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya. … Pip. Pip. … Cheerio. … Well, that’s a sticky wicket, wat? … To we self-absorbed Americans, most foreign expressions said with an accent that sound kinda-sorta like the Beatles must mean it’s British. Of course most Americans would probably have a hard time pointing out Ireland on the globe, but hopefully they could at least get Australia right — even if they do think Crocodile Dundee sounds like he’s from London. Fortunately on this lovely holiday, we ignore all the foolish American tendencies and leap right into the leprechaun spirit with our annual mammalian — so to speak — salute: “Erin Go Braless!” … In case you’re curious, this has less to do with having hair on our bodies or being born alive than it does that whole breast feeding thing. We never quite grow out of that fascination, you know. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton]

Braless Rocks!

Continuing to let the Fates guide our digital meandering, we somehow find ourselves adapting the theories of Albert Einstein today. OK. So they’re not any of the scientific theories, because honestly those seem really, really hard, but we figure we can debate philosophy with anyone — particularly if they’re dead. Michael Ninn happens to be alive and celebrating another birthday today, so rather than cerebral rumination with him, rather we have decided to consider the metaphysical ramifications of Jenna Haze. All in all, this did not turn out to be a tough decision.  [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jenna Haze Video, Michael Ninn]

Reflections on Jenna Haze

The power of words tends to hold a rarified significance around here, as any Member could tell you certainly. As Maverick takes 247AdultStars further into the modern world with his porn star interview system, we take the opportunity to consider old-fashioned newspaper publication versus the contemporary digital approach. Bottom line: You have to be more careful if your company uses actual ink to deliver its message. To quote Ann Landers, “The trouble with talking too fast is you may say something you haven’t thought of yet.” … And we’d venture to say that not many adult web sites quote Ann Landers, actually. … Yet that remains only a small part of what makes us odd. [FEATURED TAGS: Kelly Hart, 247AdultStars]

Kelly Hart

Did you know that “laser” actually happens to be an acronym for “light amplification by simulated emission of radiation”? Well, if you had read the excellent biography on Einstein by Walter Isaacson you could have learned this. Of course, having said that, you could now also learn this same thing here at — and have the benefit of enjoying the lives of beautiful women that make their livings au naturel. For example, now you can learn about how a self-proclaimed “cheesehead” approaches a Feature Dance booking with Shayla LaVeaux. … Sorry, Walter: You just can’t compete with Shayla naked. We love your books, though, if that helps.  [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux]

Gibby with Shayla

Invoking the Deities today we further contribute to the science of modern friendship by visualizing a new method of keeping one’s furniture clean. OK. So technically we’re just sending Maverick best wishes on his next shoot and watching Cytherea on the next kitchen table in her squirting quest, but grandiose explanations tend to abound here, truth be told. On our way to a shoot last week we ended up behind a car with a bumper sticker that read, “Slay the Dragon of Ignorance.” A voice from the back seat quipped, “Well, we would, but we don’t know where it is.” … And that pretty much sums up the“aRB” view of life certainly.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Video, Tiana Lynn Video, Natalia Forrest,]

A Cytherea Well Red

Consider Kristal Summers Consciously Artified if you will. And if you have been around here much at all, you will know that we have as a rule no problem at all simply making up words to suit our purpose. Granted, the only suits worn around here tend to be of the birthday variety, but that does not mean we lack respect for those poor lost souls who must familiarize themselves with the intricacies of the “double windsor” all too often in their everyday lives. … No-No! … Truth be told, we try not to think about those people at all. They sort of give us the willies. Interestingly enough, so does Kristal, but for an entirely different reason.  [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video]

See Willy Happy!

February 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Years ago now, our dear friend SteveH decided to move back to his home town of Bumfuck, Missouri to chase some woman — although we cannot swear to this being the exact name of the town, honestly. Still, it did give us a chance to finally stop using “SteveD” to indicate the Other Steve in the office, as we progressed quickly through “Just Steve” to simply “Steve” when we refered to him. … And then the Original Steve decided to come out and visit us for the show this year, creating the Steve Confusion all over again. On the other hand, it did give all of us the chance to talk about “that woman” whom Original Steve eventually caught out in Missouri. Then we got to oft repeat one of our favorite adages: “Be careful what you wish for … .” What are friends for, after all? As for the New Steve, who became Just Steve after the Old, Original Steve left, well, his timing continued to be less than he might have hoped as you shall see. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Not the Best Plan to Get Laid

We recently learned from The Big Bang that you call a person that studies flags a vexillologist. This of course would not be the same “Big Bang Theory” that arrived to all of us courtesy of Georges Lemaître, but all in all the television series is a whole lot funnier. We can see how Fundamentalist Christians might be offended by both, however. Of course neither of these things have anything whatsoever to do with Becca, or Kristal Summers, or Kira, or Wendy … but we did want to mention them, because honestly how often do you see an adult web site admitting they understand anything at all about Fundamentalist Christians? [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Kristal Summers Video, Wendy Divine Video, Becca Video, Cytherea, Kira Reed]

Fun at the Office

Some people would argue that a “business” should not even exist that essentially bases its success on naked people. Apparently when these folks left the Garden of Eden they quickly bid it, “Good Riddance!” and took off with a whole tree’s worth of fig leaves for themselves. Of course some people also believe that if “their team” fumbled the ball at an inopportune time over the weekend, the world might indeed end — or at least be no better than a really depressing place for a few months. … You just can’t please some people. What can you do? … Well in our case, on the eve of our annual trek to the AEE in Vegas, we decided this year to take a moment to reflect upon the upstart in the industry, this of course being XBIZ. At first glance, the new approach seems quite a bit different from the older one, but then AVN has an entirely new plan this year as well, so we will see. If nothing else, we have learned to laugh — an important lesson in life.  [FEATURED TAGS: XBIZ LA Convention, Brittney Skye Video]

Ice Cream with Sprinkles. Seriously.

Unless you happen to be a fan of one of the four teams that will remain in the championship race in the NFL after today, you might find a common thought running through your brain incessantly: What to do? What to do? … Of course a very slim chance exists that you happen to be one of those people that does not follow professional football, but worry not about that: We still have that Fifth Amendment thing, and no one can make you admit that. More significant this time around would be Tenaya’s contributions to our traditionally “uncommon thoughts” on life in the XXX Business. Now “valuable” one could argue, but “uncommon” seems self-evident. Tenaya, and Shayla, and Capri? Obviously, they would all be both. [FEATURED TAGS: Tenaya, Misty Rivers, Capri Anderson Video, Shayla LaVeaux, Bianca Video, Tanya Cox Exclusive Video,]

We Be Team Tenaya

One of the best things about attending the annual AVN convention in Las Vegas has to be that you get a chance to see a lot of friends in the business that you may not have run across on set in a few months. Given that this year’s event has all the indications of being a massive … well, we won’t say because we happen to like the AVN people a lot — but think “massive amounts of copulation in a tightly bunched group” — we plan on having a lot to talk about with them as we all sit around waiting for the organization to catch up with us. All in all, we’re going to have a good time regardless, and honestly the regular conversations with Jenna Haze always rank highly on our good memories list. Speaking of Jenna and good memories, we have a few with D.Minion — and surprisingly few dogs, truth be told. [FEATURED TAGS: Jenna Haze Exclusive Video, Kortney Kane Exclusive Video] 

Jenna Haze – In a bit of a “Haze” – actually.

Travel looms. Technically, loads and loads of travel looms. … What with XBIZ being on the schedule for the first time this year, and AVN deciding that they don’t need all those pesky CES attendees to fill up its convention halls, we will find ourselves living out of suitcases more often than not over the next couple of weeks. Naturally that got us to thinking about earlier times when this has come to pass in our world, and you know what? Come to find out, sometimes it really isn’t all that bad. Porn stars tend to be entertaining travel-mates as it turns out, even if there will likely be not near as much mating as one might hope. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Dee, Inari Vachs, Devinn Lane]  

Dee. A Most Excellent Roommate.

If you rap about a wrap party, is that redundant? What if they play rap music? Worse yet, what if the party involves absolutely no nudity, even though Julia Ann and Inari Vachs are there and so you “rip” it? Well, a wrap party by definition marks the end of something, and in that case R.I.P. would be perfectly in order, right, even if you happen not to be disappointed at all? Who knew what chaos could spring from words with just three little letters? … Hey, you should see what we can do with Cytherea and some of those $10 words. We have been waiting literally years and years for the perfect opportunity to roll out supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. “Fantastic” huh? [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Inari Vachs, Cytherea]

Dog, Julia, & Inari. Say Goodnight Gracie.

Ringing in the New Year always brings a lot of joy around here. And doing so with Shayla LaVeaux and Kristal Summers (sadly separately this time) adds a predictable enhancement to the experience. All in all the first of the year invariably brings even more chaos to our existence than even we generally experience. That said, you really can’t complain too much if the bedlam in your life involves a plethora of naked women. If it occasionally involves beds too, well, you get the picture … [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Design Master Kristal Summers

May 2008 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We love summer time around here. It brings wonderful experiences each and every year. … Long days and warm evenings. Homemade ice cream. Picnics. Vacations, short and long. The return of the annual curiosity about how in the world a company ever managed to bring “Lawn Darts” to the market. … And maybe even boating, baseball, or perhaps volleyball. … For us, it always brings a treat superior even to all of these: INTERNS! … And interns are not only thrilled to be here, but they just love searching and organizing archives in the “Content Closet” that seems always a bit overflowing around the office. … And then they find stuff. … And occasionally they find a little lesbian art with Keri Windsor and Ava Vincent and a few videos documenting a – call it solo reflection – by Wendy Divine. … And what an appropriate name for this time of year, right? Slurpees for everyone!  [FEATURED TAGS: Keri Windsor, Ava Vincent, Wendy Divine Video, Exclusive Video]

Ava and her Keri Windsor picnic.

You may have noticed that on rare (sort of) occasions we just can’t seem to keep ourselves from interjecting editorial comment (or caveats) into a particular situation. Well, as we sometimes do, we thought we’d take a very brief moment and offer Dear Maverick some things upon which he may wish to ruminate. … OK. Well if you want to be technical about it we’ve never actually done this before, but we might do it again, so we’re still going with “sometimes” here. We do what we have to, after all. Or else we do what seems fun. We forget. [FEATURED TAGS: Renee Perez, Exclusive Video, Maverick]

Renee Perez for the Coupon Clippers. We can't make this stuff up.

Oh, dear. Maverick seems to be ramping up his enthusiasm for his next trip over the Atlantic, and so he’s suddenly wrapped up his coverage of his last trip over the Atlantic. Consequently we have a whole bunch of AEE pictures, including some visual evidence that porn stars don’t always precisely follow the “rules” of a venue exactly. Don’t you just love independent women?  [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Adult Entertainment Expo, Daisy Marie, Nautica Thorn, Tera Wray, Calian Curtis, Jana Jordan, Renee Perez, Carmen Luvana, Lexi Love, Exclusive Video]

One of the many pretty parts of Daisy Marie.

If you want to know the truth, we’re sure we saw a Pussy Kat. Comic references aside (although that’s admittedly a little tough for us most of the time), in the process of this D.Minion Interaction, we also see Katsumi (now “Katsuni” because of some stupid law suit), Mia Smiles, Penny Flame, Monica Sweetheart, and Trinity – whom we think all still get to use their own names. Although we will also admit that we should probably care a lot more than we do, it turns out that when we see beautiful naked women performing for us, we don’t often think of their names first. We’ll work on it by continuing to look at beautiful naked women and trying to remember what we’re doing wrong. [FEATURED TAGS: Katsumi, Mia Smiles Video, Penny Flame, Monica Sweetheart, Trinity, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

A truly excellent picture of Mia Smiles that you'll have to see bigger to appreciate. It's number 121, by the way.

You’ve probably heard that a little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. Well, we don’t want to cast aspersions on someone who has to live in perpetual gloom, eat sausages full of blood, and thinks coffee is really tea (well, we might want to), but Maverick has been learning about video compression for the web. Consequently, suddenly he’s now got all kind of formats over there at 247AdultStars. Now you need to realize that he has the benefit of being able to share with us the first legitimate shower adventures of the delectable Cate Harrington, who apparently had a soiled “personal toy” because she decided it needed a shower too. Probably Mav just likes practicing with her clips a lot. We’ll tell him we understand … and to at least not eat that sausage. Bleh! [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video]

Cate Harrington ... Loaded for “Bare” ...

It’s a Double-Feature Day in D.Minion land as she lays out another new KSEX story as well as a new “Spice TV’s The Nooner” story. Now, true, both of these formerly dandy ventures have now deceased, but they remain near and dear to our hearts – particularly the parts where Dee’s naked. Unlike the concept of “Double Features” Dee being naked never goes out of style. [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee, D.Minion]

Dee getting ready for her “Nooner” ... and not a soul complained.

Well we’ve been doing a bunch of boring code stuff that most of you well never even notice, but it does tend to make the site function better, and so that’s good. You need to do these things every once in a while. It’s not sexy, but it’s true. For his part, Maverick has been busy shooting much more along the sexy lines, as we introduce a little more of Cate Harrington today … honestly just because she’s a lot more interesting than Big Ben, if you want to know the truth. We have more of Mav’s discovery on the horizon too, but it’s never too soon to start with pretty women – that’s our philosophy around here as you’ve probably figured out.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cate Harrington, Maverick]

Cate Harrington ... and the view gets better.

It’s “Cinco De Mayo” which technically means “the fifth of May” but apparently it’s a reason to celebrate. Now according to D.Minion it’s sort of a Mexican Independence Day, “but it really isn’t” … and that just goes to show that former teachers can be annoyingly precise. Still, it did seem a reason to celebrate some degree of multi-cultural happiness, not that we’ve ever really needed much of a reason to do that. Actually any reason to contact Lorraine Sisco (She’s German, you know.) pretty much works for us and we’re perfectly willing to admit that. So check out what we’ve learned today (or at least what we’ve theorized at this point), and then go out and find some really good chile verde near you. Feel free to add mucho cerveza. [FEATURED TAGS: Lorraine Sisco, Faith Leon, Exclusive Video]

Lorraine Sisco gives direction to Audrey Hollander, Faith Leon, and Otto Bauer. Maybe it helped.

Did you know that England now employs Imperial Storm Troopers to assure its civil defense? And nobody there has a cell phone that they actually talk on, they just use them to send text messages? And did you know that all British women take showers with pyrex dildos instead of scrubbing brushes? … Well, you have to read between the lines a bit today to figure all that out, but we’re quite certain those are the lessons intended. How could we be wrong? [FEATURED TAGS: Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video, Maverick]

Cate Harrington. Consider her a really good-looking professor.

Mayday! Mayday! Danger Will Robinson! … Your mother may be sleeping with Dustin Hoffman! … We asked D.Minion if this was a good way to start the introduction, since she made a point of telling us that today does in fact happen to be May Day, but she said we missed the point. Dang it. We hate it when that happens. To be more direct, we suppose, we could mention that we are literally “Building to a Crescendo” today, but you would only appreciate our dazzling wit were you actually a member and thus able to read today’s entry. Let’s face it: After DM shot down our approach we basically just decided to write enough to make it seem like we’re paying attention up here. You may be sensing a theme this time around. Oh, and we do use foreshadowing a couple of times. That’s always an entertaining little literary diversion – as are Faith Leon, Audrey Hollander, Kellemarie, and Ms. Lorraine Sisco, by the way.  [FEATURED TAGS: Faith Leon, Audrey Hollander, Kellemarie, Nevaeh, Lorraine Sisco, Exclusive Video]

Neveah, Faith Leon, and Kellemarie - working toward that crescendo.

January 2006 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Call it a hunch, but we’re thinking we’ve got the first of a few of the “Seen on the AEE 2006 Scene” reports here. We’re trying to start everyone off easy by not subjecting you to the feared mass of a typical D.Minion elucidation on the annual event in Las Vegas, so we figured we’d start with lil’ ol’ SteveD – a man of few words and many pictures – a man, in other words, close to the hearts of many members. So if you’re looking for Kristal Summers, Juli Ashton, Christy Canyon, Julia Ann, or anyone else that might hang out at a porn convention, well, so was Steve. And all of the women seemed very happy to pose for Steve. He must be a very kind man. In a past life, maybe SteveD was Ghandi. Hey, it’s possible … [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, Kristal Summers, Juli Ashton, Christy Canyon, Julia Ann, Jessica Drake, Alana Evans, Steve]

Porn Pose 101

All in all, waking up every morning to the sounds and smells of the Pacific Ocean beats the heck out of waking up to the sounds and smells of millions of automobiles. Still, if you have to hang out in Los Angeles it doesn’t hurt to hang out with Miko Tan and Eva Angelina, particularly when you can make fun of the folks from the city. Out here, let’s just say we had a Fabulous time. Inside, of course, you’ll see (and read if you’re so inclined) much more … um … detail. It’s all about “d” tail around here, y’all. Speaking of tales, just when you think you’ve heard everything in this business, you realize you’re wrong. Now I’ve been in the XXX industry for 15 years now, and even I get suprised. While on this Ninn Shoot, one of the male performers looked over to the monitors and said, “She’s too tight.” Understandably confused, the young Director looked at me and asked what to do. Naturally I gave the most obvious answer that came to mind. “Give me her phone number,” I suggested. One need always maintain perspective I’ve learned. [FEATURED TAGS: Eva Angelina, Mika Tan, Lyla Lei, Ashley Brooks, Michael Ninn]

Eva, bending over frontwards to help.

It occurs to us that some people may need something to take their mind off of fumbles, interceptions, general embarrassment and overall ickiness. In our vast experience with these feelings of sadness, we’ve found that Anais can be a dandy diversion. If, for example, you have some stunning exclusive pictures of Anais practicing her modeling on a country set, and then you have visual evidence of Anais being somewhat skilled at self-satisfaction, you might be able to avoid burning everything orange and blue in your wardrobe. Today, for example, is just such a day. Whew. [FEATURED TAGS: Anais Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]


Have you ever felt like important things just take an eternity to come to fruition? Well as it turns out a lot of things come (at least as a sort of fruition) in Wicked’s Eternity, and because we know people that know people we can tell you some things about it. For example Julia Ann’s horse didn’t really die in this movie, nor did our buddy Eric Masterson. See how important it is to keep up to date around here? [FEATURED TAGS: Eye of The Beholder and Eternity (Stormy Daniels, Jessica Drake, Kaylani Lei)]

Hanging for an “Eternity” with Julia Ann might be a good idea.

Sometimes the simplest things in life can make all of the difference, can’t they? Take for example a week where you get stuck doing all sorts of really un-sexy things like upgrading servers and checking php code for a new catalogue system that no one else is even going to know is there if it works right. And then say you still have like 70,000 images from the Vegas convention to go through (well, there probably aren’t that many, but there are a lot) and some of them are quite frankly just a little oogey. When you’re having a week like that, it turns out Monique Alexander can just brighten your whole day. Come to think of it, she’s always pretty much had that effect on the office. It’s probably because she’s a very nice person. That must be it. [FEATURED TAGS: Monique Alexander, Michael Ninn]

Nice little Monique

Woo-Hoo! In going through some of the current “tasks” for the folks over at we happened across some devilishly fun clips of our old friend Shayla LaVeaux. Naturally, we blatently coopted these little diddies for our own use as well because we Risqué are a loyal bunch … and we have historically enjoyed sexy naked women too. OK. So maybe we’re not all that complicated. Still, simple things are good. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]

Shayla - apparently on the menu today.

Well, we’re still going through a bazillion pictures and mpegs from the recent AEE show, and we finally took a break to let everyone know we’re still alive, despite having had to listen to all of the sportcasters across the country explaining how wonderful the Indianapolis Colts are, and how sadly overrated the Denver Broncos are. Odd, that. More to the point, however, we took some time to put together a quick set of Kristal Summers hanging around the hotel room, when she wasn’t hanging around the convention. True, we mostly did this to torment Maverick, but the rest of you might as well enjoy it too. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Captivating Kristal Summers

Apparently while we were gone the “New Year’s” post (below) kept appearing and disappearing. Not being sure what exactly happened, we decided to blame it on Gremlins, since we don’t want to waste all of our “Blame it on D.Minion” chits this early in the year. That said, we’re trying something different, which for us generally means we’re going to end up in a place completely different from the one we imagined we’d end up when we set out, but at least we’re used to that. So read a bit about acceptance speeches, weird politics, theories on Jenna Jameson, and drunken compatriots. And watch out for Pirates. [FEATURED TAGS: Pirates (Janine, Jesse Jane, Carmen Luvana)]

Little Bitty picture of Janine and some other people.

Consider these our New Year’s Nudity Resolutions. Now these are a lot like regular New Year’s Resolutions, but they’re a lot more fun to keep. If you factor in Juli Ashton, Nikita, Vicca, and some (close, it seems) friends of theirs, you get one dandy equation that will hopefully keep y’all busy for the week we’ll be away in Las Vegas mingling, mixing, doing interviews and taking pictures … basically doing all the fun stuff Maverick doesn’t get to this year. If you have to struggle through these tedious work exercises, at least you should be able to taunt your friends about it. Hmm. That’s another fine New Year’s Resolution, come to think of it.  [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Vicca Video, Nikita Video, Nici Sterling Video, Exclusive Video]

Nikita ... probably quite resolved.