Filed Under: Shayla LaVeaux

February 2009 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Well, we did warn you that the 2009 Adult Entertainment Expo reports were about upon us, so at least we’re not hitting you completely out of the blue here. That said, Uncle Gibby has thoughtfully begun to burst the dam with only a trickle from Day One today. He had grander plans, truth be told, but as it turns out creating projects for your friends and creating projects for web publication happen to be completely different animals. As does our old buddy Georgia Adair, though, Gibby does hail from the often bitterly cold state of Wisconsin, and we can tell you that the “frozen brain” syndrome at least comes up in the conversation when you’re enquiring about rationale, née excuse, in these sorts of situations. Still, he has a fine sense of adventure (or else he would have run from the rest of us screaming in terror, like most sane people do) and he has an excellent serendipitous flair when it comes to providing opportunity for a dazzling intermission. After seeing his words in print here, you should know, odds are good that Gibby will then set about wondering why he couldn’t accidentally get this beautiful women in his home instead of finding himself watching her from it. Yeah, we’ve all felt that on occasion around here; we consider it just one of the oddities of porn life. Cheer up, Gibby. It could be worse: You could live in London. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, Jessica Drake, Stormy Daniels, Sunny Leone Video, Adriana Sage Video, Exclusive Video, Uncle Gibby]

Getting a head at the 2009 AEE

A person can say a lot of things about people that order milk in Las Vegas casino bars, and we’ve said both of the nice ones today. Providing both a Cliffs Notes version and a caveat with regards to impending AEE coverage around here, we also offer some unique audio interviews from the show floor. Hopefully Shayla LaVeaux, Jenna Haze, Sunset Thomas, Monique Alexander, Jessica Drake, and Lexi Love can help us all quit thinking about milk — at least in some forms. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, Shayla LaVeaux, Jenna Haze, Sunset Thomas, Monique Alexander, Jessica Drake, Lexi Love, Exclusive Audio, Lon, Maverick, Steve]

Three guys that no one knows, but they do know all those women we mentioned.

Basically ’tis a story of a Message Board gone awry today, but we do have Heather Vandeven (Vuur) being a distraction from the deep sense of gloom and despair. Also, we have Dee, Inari Vachs, and a bit of Devinn Lane playing the part of Young Louvres. … We’re still crazy here, in case you were wondering. [FEATURED TAGS: Heather Vandeven, Heather Vuur, Dee, Inari Vachs, Devinn Lane, Exclusive Video, Risque News Insight]

Heather, not quite as distracting here as she ends up inside.

So … “The cows were jumping out of the barn.” Or maybe “It is a tale … full of sound and fury; signifying nothing.” Or maybe if we keep saying the word TRILLION enough, pretty soon it won’t seem like such a big number. Or maybe we should just help Maverick celebrate the birthday of 247AdultStars, and try not to think about anything except pretty girls. … Yeah. Let’s go with that. [FEATURED TAGS:, Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video]

Faulkner, Shakespeare ... or Cate Harrington. Probably Cate.

For some reason Friday The Thirteenth seems to be a festive day for our illustrious leader here at risqué. That could, of course, be due to the rather unusual name that his hippie parents anointed him with, or it could be because we find ourselves once again discussing life on a lesbian porn set. Whatever the case, it does make for a dandy day, ancient superstitions aside. Since we also have a reputation for honesty around here, we should probably also point out that our leader could perhaps be more illustrative than illustrious, though. Still, with enough beautiful naked women in the mix, who really cares?  [FEATURED TAGS: Renee Perez, Charlie Laine, Celeste Star, Sabrina Rose, D.Minion]

Monitoring the Models. It's a good gig.

Don’t you love it when really famous people say really stupid things? This morning on NBC a quite well-known chap actually said, “You show me a man, and I’ll show you someone that likes cross-dressing.” Now we don’t claim to speak for every man in the world here, but we’re thinking this dude really might need to spend some time outside of the theater district in New York City. … Call it a hunch. While he’s figuring that out, and undoubtedly answering all the similarly-suggestive emails he’ll certainly receive, we decided to Debut Tenaya for the members today. We’ll obviously explain more inside, but let’s just say that we’re confident in our belief that more men will enjoy meeting Tenaya than enjoy wearing high heel shoes — and probably more women too, come to think of it. [FEATURED TAGS: Tenaya]

Tenaya and her chaps. She's sure to have more friends soon.

Consider today a public service announcement on “Acceptable Hazing” methods if you will. Of course since we’re talking about Maverick’s jet-lagged haze as he prepared for the Adult Entertainment Expo this year, and we’re essentially using Jenna Haze in some admirable illustrative enterprises, some people in “The Public” might not find this announcement all that helpful (or appropriate if you want to know the truth). Basically, though, we’ve learned to ignore those people. They’re depressing. [FEATURED TAGS: Jenna Haze Video, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video]

Can you see Jenna through the haze?

We have a new writer debuting today, one Mr. “Al K. Purria” — which apparently translates to some tasty Puerto Rican dish if you know how to speak Spanish. Since he did happen to be covering his newbie view of the Las Vegas Show this year, we suggested that a more appropriate pseudonym might be “Al K. Holl” … but apparently some Puerto Rican people don’t know what’s funny. Más cerveza, por favor. ¿Dónde está el baño? [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, AVN Awards Show]

Kylie Ireland gets groped. That happens.

January 2009 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


So Day One with DM concludes today as we "coitus continuus and culminatus" — which probably isn’t proper Latin if you want to know the truth. (Yeah, we know: You’re shocked.) Fortunately you don’t need to be fluent in dead languages to understand the festive lesbian attitudes on this day on the sweltering set. That said, if you know obscure Ray Stevens songs, you can have a dandy time humming Along Came Jones when Georgia makes her faithfully anticipated appearance. [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Jones, Jana Jordan, Renee Perez, Sophia Lynn, Lorraine Sisco, Michael Ninn]

A good Jones to keep up with, that Georgia.

You don’t often get a chance to look Behind-The-Scenes in our fundamentally Behind-The-Scenes approach on We decided, though, that it would be worth the effort if we gave you such an opportunity today. Of course, a more in-depth (as it were) look at Kristal Summers as she began her learning curve on our first risqué chat sessions can pretty much justify a great deal of effort. And considering how miserable "work" happens to be for most people today, assuming they still have a place to actually go to work, spending an inordinate amount of time working with Kristal naked somehow doesn’t seem like much of a chore.  [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers]

Kristal Contemplates Toy Land - For Adults

Oddly enough, we find ourselves guilty of coitus interruptus today, which doesn’t often happen considering our line of work. That said, given the fact that we left D.Minion pretty much alone for an entire week, we probably should have anticipated that her next On-The-Set piece would end up another in the list of her occasional "epic" productions. Consequently, you’re seeing a first-ever, "Day 1A" version of another Lesson in the Life of D.Minion. … Of course we could be wrong about that "first-ever" part, as we’ve been doing this so long that we occasionally forget when we’ve done something before. Actually, come to think of it, one of the oddest things about us might be that we regularly forget how odd we are. [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan, Renee Perez, Georgia Jones, Sophia Lynn, Lorraine Sisco, Michael Ninn]

An artistic rendition of an adorned cell phone. Really.

Because we have a half-dozen stories about the AEE in the queue, Maverick felt it appropriate to submit a story about Erotica 2008 in London. Seriously, most of us here hold the opinion that all that rain over there seeps into the brain after enough exposure. On the other hand, Maverick could just be bragging that performers in London can be topless at their conventions, which we’ll grudgingly admit does give England one up on us in this specific instance. We’re still winning, though. [FEATURED TAGS:]

Presumably working on a Spit Shine

So almost all of us, on this inauguration day, are doing our darndest to honestly believe, "Yes. We. Can." … And, of course, St. Louis Rams fans are trying to come to grips with the fact that the quarterback they dumped for being too old has taken a different team to the Super Bowl this year. Thus we felt obligated to at least mention recent NFL news, and then completely ignore political current events. (Because that’s how we are.) We do have some atypical views of the recent AEE show decorations, and some perhaps not atypical exactly, but certainly entertaining, adult video activity. While the rest of you are enjoying these options, we will offer a bit of solace to the Rams fans out there: Come next April, you’ll get a lot better draft choice than those poor folks employing Mr. Warner. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo]


Channeling Sylvester the Cat and Daffy Duck seems a bit odd, even for us, but somehow that accurately describes how we begin today. On the upside, although providing a potentially animated introduction to the Adult Entertainment Expo, circa 2009, we do get back in touch with real women fairly quickly. And if you think about it, that’s pretty much the point of life, isn’t it, even if you do happen to be a bit Looney Tunes? [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, Shayla LaVeaux]

Magical thoughts directed at D.Minion

As many of you probably know already, D.Minion chose to lie around eating bon-bons while watching old Beverly Hillbillies episodes while the rest of us headed off to Las Vegas for days and days of grueling exchanges with scantily-clad porn stars. (Alright, that’s not really the reason DM didn’t go with us this year, but it made for a dandy visual, didn’t it?) … Well, we happened to run in to our old friend Vicca in a casino while we were there, and it seemed a fine opportunity to call up Ms. Minion and say something subtle like, "Hey, do you think you might be able to pull some archived Vicca content we haven’t used while you’re busy letting your nails dry?" (Alright (again), while we did actually say that, we remain too stunned by DM’s response to repeat it here.) … D.Minion did uncover some wonderful new photo sets for everyone though, and, just for the record, we’re pretty sure some of those suggestions she had do in fact constitute biological impossibilities, no matter how colorful the descriptions. By the way, we did ask Vicca if she wanted to go to the convention and attend the AVN Awards show with us for old times’ sake. She said, "Um. No, thank you." And then she laughed for altogether too long a period of time it seemed to us. … At least it sounds much nicer being turned down with a Russian accent. We miss Vicca, even if she can be mean … .  [FEATURED TAGS: Vicca]

Vicca showing the difference between a rock and a soft place.

Well it’s been rather hectic getting ready for this year’s convention, since D.Minion won’t be able to attend this time around. Turns out she does a lot of work at these gatherings, which means Maverick, and Lon, and SteveD have a lot of slack to pick up. Anxious to assume their new roles, Mav and Lon are already in Las Vegas, but Mav took time to show off his interview techniques via a topless trip with Kristal Summers. We were going to point out the irony of using D.Minion’s interview as Mav sets out to show his own skills in the area, but as far as we can tell, irony gets wasted on the Brits. We’ll be back first of the week with … well, something probably. Take care until then. Here goes nothing …  [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers,]

Kristal wearing one of our favorite outfits. Her.

Happy New Year! … At least the prevailing theory seems to be that we should all feel more positively about things now — because it’s one day later. … Have you been watching the national news lately? The first story always focuses on the truly sucky nature of the economy, and the second launches into desperate pleas for banks to start lending and consumers to start spending again. It seems like they’re trying to scare us into not being frightened. Right? Now being much wiser than this, Maverick has chosen to demonstrate his "Best" version of the immediate future, this being in the fetching form of his own Suzie Best. Maybe they have learned a few things in England over the centuries. [FEATURED TAGS: Suzie Best,]

Who cares about the economy?

November 2008 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Ah, the holiday season begins, and we’ve all the more reason to party with porn stars. As it turns out, though, even way over in “Merry Ol’ England” one needs to be a bit careful about distinguishing between what people say and what we can actually expect. On the other hand, when Mav attended such a learning experience over in London earlier this month, he at least got to spend some time with beautiful women he’d previously not met, and he got to drink a lot of beer. There are worse days. [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars]

Bar Babe in Britain

Sometimes tradition for the sake of tradition can be really silly (at best), but when you get the chance to watch the worst team in the NFL play the best (arguably) team in the NFL, you can really understand why all those settlers braved the severe conditions, battles, and other hardships to stake a claim for this wonderful country. In keeping with our own traditional spirit of Giving Thanks, in our own unique way, we’re offering up our own Best Wishes to all of you before we retreat to post-gluttony stupor. Should you wish to feed, imbibe, or otherwise entertain yourselves before consuming the wonder we have to offer today, however, we will tell you that the thumbnail below has nothing really to do with the post, even though small dogs do tend to be among the things D.Minion feels most thankful about. [FEATURED TAGS: Happy Thanksgiving!]

When D.Minion does Photoshop

Post Scripts have never been a big part of the risqué site, and by that we mean that to our knowledge we’ve never done one before, but a degree of uncharacteristic efficiency in the office mandated the approach today. Before D.Minion had technically completed her story of Shayla, Juli, et. al. in Head Trip an adventurous little beaver had gone ahead and compiled the report for upload and then posted it. Consequently we’ve found ourselves in the position of needing to provide the aforementioned Post Script as a solution. After all, it would hardly seem fitting to criticize eager beavers on an adult site. Right? [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Juli Ashton, Rebecca Lord, Telore, Danielle Rogers, Nici Sterling, Chloe, Alicia, Keri Windsor, D.Minion, Risque News Insight]

Shayla teasing her own ... well, you know.

After many, many moons Minion Maverick has meandered back. During his hiatus forced by the ever-so-capable and friendly ISP company in the U.K., though, he did manage to cook up a collection of newly refined skills to aid his web presentations. … Sadly, he did seem to forget all the basic steps he used to actually make posts work, but after some time (and perhaps some recreational taunting) we did manage to get Mav’s latest KazB Bonanza off the ground. Interestingly we did have some “parts left over” when we finished and not being ones to waste leftover naked lady bits, we’ve included them for you here. … Three weeks away and he can’t remember a thing. No wonder the Revolution was tough for them. By the time the boats got to the US coast, they forgot what they were fighting about. [FEATURED TAGS:, Kaz B.]

Minding our own “B's“ness

Our Dear D.Minion can lock onto a tangent with the best of them, but when the divergence involves Shayla, well, let’s just say we don’t complain very much. A couple of weeks ago our support email received an inquiry about whether or not our quaint online catalog had a specific movie maybe lying around that wasn’t listed in the database. Well, DM happened to find one and not only did we get a happy customer, but you all get to take a peek too. Without getting into overly deep waters here, we will say that if you have to go on a Head Trip, this is exactly as far as you want to go in D.Minion’s. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Juli Ashton, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Juli Ashton in one of Justin Sterling's bizarre Head Trips

Don’t you just love it when kind acts have an otherwise useful result as well? Over the years we’ve found that when benevolence can involve Shayla LaVeaux and her wonderful ability to be a role model (whether clothed or not, as it turns out), well, it just makes for a pretty dandy day. As days go, try to have a bunch of dandy ones. … There’s a Shayla philosophy we can live with too. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Risque News Insight]

Shayla LaVeaux and Jill Kelly, teachers, both

Ironically, Customer Service in the U.K. (at least in London) seems not to involve being overly concerned with either one. After three weeks without a DSL (or phone!) connection, Maverick has finally secured an internet connection once again, and in his honor, D.Minion offers up her brief look at one of Mav’s shoots of Kristal Summers — not in her briefs, if you want to get technical about it. As an aside, Dear Maverick now has much, much work to do, indeed you might consider him dervish; and merely thinking about a dervish Englishman just brings a smile to your face, doesn’t it? [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, D.Minion]

Kristal creating dervish nerves in Maverick.

Pundits say that this past Presidential Election will have marked historical significance because “you will always remember where you were when Barack Obama became President.” Now we’re including this bit of information not because this pundit theory actually demonstrates any sort of keen insight, but rather because you just don’t get to say the word “pundit” very often in life, and so you should always take advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself. For her part, D.Minion recalls well the time when she discovered hard core adult entertainment, which happens to be a bit more on topic today, as she discovers anew her joy with Juli Ashton and Charlie. At least she’s a well-rounded pundit; that’s a bonus. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Charlie Video, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Charlie and Juli dine in while eating out. Whatever.

Well, that was an unusual election, right? Most of us around here have lived long enough to understand the surreal feeling that swept the nation when the results actually became final last night, and for the younger members of our team we released an Official Memo that covers their situation quite succinctly: They have to be quiet until they’re at least 30. We’ll cover the political insights that surfaced on the set last week in a future post, be we will say that Charlie Laine had some of the most logical takes on our socio-economic position, gay rights, and even religion in general. Gosh it was good to talk to Charlie. … Naturally that got us to thinking about the dear lass, and that got us to remembering old friends in general, and that got us to today’s diversion to all the “What the heck happened to the Republicans, and whose fault is it?” discussions littering the networks and the web. So take some time off and let the unreal feelings sort of set in as you watch Charlie doing naked standup and Georgia Adair and Cheyenne Silver doing — well — naked lie down. [FEATURED TAGS: Cheyenne Silver, Georgia Adair, Charlie Laine Video]

The Sheets of Cheyenne

The day after Halloween serves perhaps not so much as a “holiday” for adults as a “respite” for us. And being the People in Power in a domestic situation has its advantages, as we find ourselves in a wonderful position to decide exactly which candy items the brood must offer up as a “tax” — whether justified or not. … And now you know why some crazy people want to run for public office in America: They can get our best candy any time they want to. … Nevertheless, it still seems like a pretty sucky job compared to at least some of ours, and so we thought we’d give you a bit of a serious respite from the innumerable political commercials currently littering the airwaves by celebrating the workplace. Oh, and if you’re wondering how you can tell this post qualifies as a Halloween party, it’s quite simple really: Karlie Montana wore an orange and black outfit to work. Our final bit of advice: Try to have your candy and eat it too. [FEATURED TAGS:, Karlie Montana, Lorraine Sisco, Sandie Caine Video, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video]

Admirably Costumed Karlie Montana

October 2008 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Apparently the “business” Internet connections in the U.K. don’t function the same way as the ISPs do over here in civilization. Poor Maverick has waited almost a week to get his connection back, as they keep sending someone out to “try something” and then it doesn’t work so they just promise another technician will be by in 24-48 hours. … For our part we decided to help the chap out by posting his 247 update and telling everyone about it here. This method has the distinct benefit of allowing us to say pretty much whatever we want, and he can’t even check it to defend himself. We’re off to LA for the next “super-secret” shoot, but rumor has it that we’ll at least be able to talk about it next week, so that’s a plus. First thing we’ll do when we get back this weekend will be to make corrections to protect Mav’s reputation. … Probably. It would be wrong to title this Sandie Caine is Able, right? [FEATURED TAGS:, Sandie Caine]

Sandie Caine, Conveniently

So it may not rank up there with Aristotle and the Round Earth theory, or Pythagoras and his Theorum(s), or Newton and the Apple on the some silly scale like “change the evolution of human thought and civilization” or anything, but today a new risqué author confronts a challenge of impressive proportions as he attempts to set about placing porn in relative perspective. That said, we will warn you: History is good — often sad, generally misremembered, and continually open to debate, but “good” in a wholesome sense of the word. Our dear historian here, however, should probably spend just a little more time on the language arts, however, at the very least learning a few more words. He should be more intrepid, for example. For our part, consider this a most winsome threesome. [FEATURED TAGS: Monique Alexander, Penny Flame, Charlie Laine]

A decidedly not very intrepid, Monique Alexander, Penny Flame, and Charlie Laine.

It seems that the St. Louis Rams have suddenly decided that they’re a professional football team. Hmm. Apparently some things do change. Closer to home, D.Minion has decided that she’s a “very” big fan of Dee, Mr Marcus, and Juli Ashton. Hmm. … And apparently some things do not change. Now if you’ve decided not to watch the Broncos on Monday Night Football on ESPN this evening, because you really don’t care, you at least have some other — certainly more nude — forms of entertainment with which to fill your time. Naturally we don’t understand that decision, since these video clips will be here tomorrow too, but you do have that options. … See? Some things definitely do not change. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Dee Video, Taren Steele, Charlie, Nikita, Shayla LaVeaux, Rayveness, Vicca, Exclusive Video]

Dee. Shyness assured by white latex. Dee's not always shy.

Maverick has a bit to say about Harry’s last party today, what with him being all in the party mood again with Vegas and mucho porn partying on the horizon. For our part we bring some party favors in the form of a delicate “Pink Package” to add to the festivities. That’s said, it’s still before Halloween here and before the Presidential Election, as you certainly can’t miss hearing about unless you’re living under a rock or something. Still, according to many, many television commercials, they’re even “finding the Internet” under remote rocks these days, so who knows? We do know that the candidates ought to address the resilient “truth in advertising” issue tonight, along with the more predictable “Economy” and “War” and “Ain’t this current President sucky?” comments. Thinking about Halloween, D.Minion has already begun buying candy (because she loves any excuse for sugar), and yesterday we ate an entire bag of Smarties in the office. You know that this morning not a one of us felt appreciably more intelligent at all? Fortunately, you don’t have to be really bright to know what “Pink Package” refers to. That’s handy. … [FEATURED TAGS:, Wendy Divine, Chasey Lain]


Ah, but sometimes you just love the easy ones. Not that we’re saying you could consider Lorraine Sisco “easy” , of course. Because that would be wrong. But during her Tall Goddess days she certainly qualified as a daring and curious lass, and to her credit she hasn’t forgotten the fun of that type of — call it performance. Also when the entire focus today has to do with a refreshingly positive outlook on higher education in America, well, you take your respites when you can. If congress hasn’t taught us anything lately, we should at least try to remember that. Well, we should remember that and it’s very good to be an AIG executive. [FEATURED TAGS: Tall Goddess Video, Exclusive Video]

Lorraine studying deeply. For sure.

Juli Ashton celebrates a birthday today, and thus D.Minion happily compiled a celebration in her own odd way. Imagine that. … Then we pointed out that Juli shares a birthday with one of the original risqué contribution team, and yet D.Minion has overlooked him completely. As only DM can do, when faced with the apparent contradiction, she explained simply, “But it’s Juli.” Oh. That helps. We’ve given a more complete analysis of the — call it thought process — here, just in case you decide that watching the NFL seems like a good plan. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, D.Minion]

A vat of the Juli Ashton recipe.

You ever meet anyone that just can’t throw anything away? To these unusual creatures “old, obscure, and useless” somehow morphs in their brains into “retro, cool, and valuable,” and most of (read: sane among) us have no idea how this happens. Well, D.Minion has been a bit ill lately, giving her an unusual amount of time wandering the recesses of her … um … unique abode. Understanding that this place boasts overflowing shelves of Sonny and Cher dolls, you can see that it always frightens us when DM spends too much time there. The brain can only take so much 70’s influence before it starts rebelling, at least that’s our theory. Now consider the “super-secret extra collection” of risqué memorabilia she unearthed recently, and you have some idea of what you’re in for today. It won’t make anything easier to “grok” (since we’re using retro terms), but sometimes just trying to figure out how you got to a place can help. At least you can try to avoid the problem in the future. For our part we’ve issued an official memo forbidding D.Minion from ever getting sick again. [FEATURED TAGS: Keri Windsor, Rayveness, Alexis DeVell Juli Ashton, Taylor Hayes, Taren Steele, D.Minion]