In Mexico with Juli Ashton

Cam Shows Archive

Beaten (and quite stirred)

You know, we felt like we’d exhausted all of the frivolous excuses to show you more installments from Dee’s Cam Shows that you missed, and just because Kristal and Mr. Marcus were there in this particular instance, and Carol happened to be in town to authenticate the experience, didn’t seem to help cut it as a viable excuse either. Add to that the fact that some people still seem to be having trouble with the video files, despite really, really benevolent intentions at this end, and we found ourselves up the proverbial creek …. (Have you ever noticed that proverbs never really make you feel altogether wonderful about your particular situation? There’s probably a message in there somewhere ….)

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Anais — A Matter of “Choice”

Somebody’s Daughter

The calendar reads “Fathers’ Day” as I write this, and it gives me “Pa’s” to reflect. (Even on quiet Sunday mornings, approaching rather more serious issues than would be our “usual,” one must always take time out for a proper pun when the opportunity presents itself.) Despite the regular trials and tribulations of everyday life, there are moments when the issue of Family rears its head, forcing us to consider our place in the cosmos. I find this most generally occurs with me on mornings after I have consumed too many “fruity-sorbet vodka” drinks at a barbeque the day before, but that may just be coincidence.

What caught my attention this morning, after an engrossing need to find Excedrin, actually, was my own father’s traditional valediction marking the end of each of our phone calls over the past dozen years or so. “Talk to you later,” he says. “We love you. Take care of yourself. Get a different job.”

That’s my dad. I love him too.

Anais for RisqueRoutinely, I sat down at my keyboard, intending to draw up conditions for a proposed exclusive contract for Anais. Then I was to go about coding the next set of pictures the office prepared for our members, these oddly enough from a scene in My First Porno, a movie starring two additional Risqué clients at the time, Inari Vachs and Kristal Summers. I had some bookkeeping that I needed to get through, a couple of scripts to read to see if any of my girls might fit into them. And my office at home has been crying for a cleaning so long that its throat is hoarse. Then, I started thinking, and (just so you know) that’s never really a good thing.

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Hamster Time

Hamster Time — Can’t Touch This …

Kristal’s Beau in “Teau”

Every so often you just have to clear out some files and put up some of what you’ve been meaning to for some time. Today, apparently, would be one of those days. We’ve got a bit of “miscellanea” floating around with no real place to put it, so we put it all in one place.

First, it seems Kristal has a new potential beau in “teau” that dropped his “hamster” audition by the office. We chose to show it to you. Who knew there could be this many mechanical hamsters floating around the retail stores? Then, awhile back Juli talked about “doing an entire battalion” of patriotic Americans, and we wondered just exactly what that meant. A fine and helpful member wrote us to clarify our confusion. We love that. Then, there’s the little family responsibility that we feel, even though “rocks” and “getting your rocks off” don’t necessarily go together. Those of you that have mothers, which we assume to be the majority, will understand the blatant sibling plug and forgive us our direction outside the strictly adult world. Finally, we thought we’d share an unsolicited email from a Japanese Inari fan. With all the writing we do, we often wonder if anyone takes the time to read it. It doesn’t stop us from writing, obviously, but we do continue to wonder. This fine example of detente fills us with satisfaction and hope. Having been filled with much worse on occasion over the years, it seemed an uplifting way to conclude.

Never fear, though. We’ll return soon with our regularly scheduled nudity …

Ciao for niao.

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Adult Diary

Adult Diary Members’ Party

Re: Our new mascot, thanks to Mav …

[Video Files Deleted in Sample. Sorry about that.]

You know, it’s hard to know what to say about the Members’ Party, and I pretty much always have something to say. Rather than a party, it was more like a family reunion where none of your embarrassing cousins or obnoxious nieces and nephews made an appearance. It was nice. In a way, it was family.

I want to give my thanks to all who made it the event that it was–Mav, naturally, for the idea, D.Minion and Dee for their late-night dedication, and lastly to Bert, for his unmatched enthusiasm. If this sounds like a book dedication, that may be because I read a lot, but I’ll probably never write a book. I could tell the truth, and no one would believe it anyway. True to our spirit, we’ll post all of the comments, and we’ll very likely add our two (or three) cents. I don’t think I’ll be able to compete with what the members themselves said, so that’s the tactic we’ll take on this little topic. It’s honest. It’s fair, and it’s way easier than having to think of what to say myself.

I love that. We begin … [At this point we should note that for the purposes of the “Sample” here we went ahead and listed Kristal’s niece as “Anais” even though this event took place about a year before she ever entered the business. If you join and read the “real” story, you may be confused when the every early posts regarding her have a different name, but that probably won’t be the most confusing thing you’ll run across anyway, so we decided not to worry about that.]

The Adult Diary Members’ Party

for Adult Diary — Kristal Summers, Dee, [Anais]Okay. Lets see …. The Date: Friday, 20th September 2002. The Time: early evening. The Location: Las Vegas, NV. You are about to enter “The Risqué Zone” …. Well, there’s this English guy who said that he was on vacation for two weeks in September. He now is standing at the top of the Riv. [At the Riviera Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip.] Three tables are in the centre of a large room. [Mav’s English: That’s how one spells “center” there.] Everything is spot on, the food, the drinks and cake (yep,there was cake). 🙂

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