Filed Under: Heather Vuur

May 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


If someone gives you an extra-special, handy-dandy, super-secret coupon, it’s pretty easy to just throw it away. However, if someone gives you this coupon along with a whole bunch of other fascinating memories, well, then, you can spend an hour or two being entertained — before you throw the coupon away. Still, we’re covering Members and Memories today, and that seems apropos for Memorial Day. (You will need to supply your own beverage and BBQ. Sorry about that.) [FEATURED TAGS: Heather Vuur Exclusive Video, Heather Vandeven Exclusive Video, Jassie Exclusive Video, Monica Mayhem Exclusive Video, Eddie Van Halen, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]

Memories of the Heather Vuur Mammaries

Looks count apparently. Consequently a couple of talented folks spent some time on presentation this time around, although honestly the fact that you’re presenting Kristal Summers, Julia Ann, and Steve (before he left too early) doesn’t hurt one’s dedication to the effort. Sadly limited to only a “Virtual Dee” this time around, D.Minion nonetheless managed to work in yet another reference to donuts with sprinkles. Maybe it comes from hanging out with all those sweet women … maybe. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Julia Ann, Nina Hartley, Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Michael Ninn]

Shayla Floating in Here Somewhere Too

Regardless of one’s level of education, we all seem to be susceptible to the devilish “grass is greener” trap. Even if we happen to be exceptionally talented in one area, we all display an apparently human desire to do something else. Well, just so you know, that doesn’t always work out exactly as we anticipated. It does not diminish the “fun to try” factor any, though, and so around risqué we tend to let people play a bit when they feel the urge. Honestly, this should be the last place anyone ever discourages urges, right? … By the way, do you think rock stars sit around lamenting, “Dang, but I surely do wish I could do web code!” before they go to bed every night? [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Kaz B.,]

More Fun Than Geekdom Really

Today happens to be all about Shayla LaVeaux, which honestly would make any day a darned special occasion. Everyone loves Shayla, to tell you the truth, mostly because she’s kind, considerate of the feelings of others, and even after all these years in the industry still goes out and puts “fun” first in everything she does. Of course the fact that she’s sexy as all get out doesn’t hurt anything either. Life being what it is, though, somehow all of us people that love Shayla don’t get treated exactly the same way as some of the people that Shayla loves back. Presumably that has something to do with the whole sexy as all get out thing. … That bites. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Alexandra Silk, Carmen Luvana]

The Disrobe of Many Colors

Having gotten quite confused over the weekend with what we had as a plan to introduce Cytherea’s site wishes, we came into work this morning to the greetings of all those annoying “stickler for a schedule” types pointing out that we sort of forgot to put up what we were supposed to. Fortunately, a healthy dose of humor goes a long way in these parts, so we managed to sneak by with our illustration from yesterday, if we promised to put up the “other” Cytherea post today. More Cytherea? … No one can see a down side in that.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

A Sky High Sigh from Cy

We celebrate “Mom” today, even as the rest of the country does the same thing. Granted, as a general rule we probably celebrate the process in which women become moms a bit more than does the average person, but as difficult as it may be to believe for the politically conservative out there, we have mothers too. We also have fathers. … And pretty much after that everything is different.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

Toe-Tally Devoted to Mom

Today we’re doing something a little different, which considering our usual method of operation probably provides no practical clues as to our intent at all. Even we couldn’t remember the last time we did something “normal” when we tried to think about it. That said, we have never used this particular approach before. You see, our leader actually wrote an article for the FREE SIDE of risqué, and then we adapted that document to the MEMBERS’ SIDE of our world. Members may not even realize it, because why would you ever go back to the Free Side, after all, but we (sporadically) run “web safe” stories out there with the hopes of finding new folks that might enjoy our approach in here. Of course they are rarely truly “topical” — often running years after they appeared in the Members’ Area — but we spend the vast majority of our time taking care of Members, so this approach has always seemed logical to us. This time, we got instructions to flip that approach completely around. We have no idea why, but however odd we may be, we also have a decidedly prudent streak. We do what the boss says. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Dee, Holly Hollywood Video, Michael Ninn]

Holly Hollywood & Dee Enjoying Their Friendship

We always celebrate Cinco de Mayo in this office, either because we’re extraordinarily culturally aware, or we just love dark-skinned women. That could be it too. Of course it could also be that for whatever reason we all really love very spicy Mexican food. But that could be simply because initial interviews are always done at a local “Cantina” and anybody that wimps out over the chile verde never gets hired. Our own “El Jefe” disputes that last claim, but interestingly that’s not quite the same thing as denying it. … Now this year the holiday came on a Saturday, and what with all the work we’ve been doing on the new catalogue, in a rare turn of events every one of us had the weekend off. Fortunately we suffered no digital disasters in our absence, but we did miss the celebration. Consequently we’re celebrating Siete de Mayo this year. Tequila makes one quite adaptable, after all.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

Dee. Puerto Rican, but Worth Celebrating Anyway.

So if you spend a few hundred words trying to explain just how well you can be brief, well, that sort of seems to miss the point, right? If, however, a lovely lass such as Shayla LaVeaux makes the request, you certainly try your darnedest to accommodate her. We may not have done an exemplary job per se, but if you look at it honestly we nonetheless feel rather fine about the issue. How many times in life has a pretty girl reduced a group to a bunch of blithering idiots, after all? [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video,]

Natalia Forrest. We're Blithering Again.

“Piloting” X360 — part one

Michelle Maylene
Pilot “X360” by D.Minion PART ONE It’s a good thing I love my job! Because getting up at 3:00 am, and getting on the road at 4:30 am (after feeding and medicating my three geriatric dogs), is tough. Not as tough as Lucky’s job, though. He actually had to drive to LA from the Central […]

November 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


However you define it, we have a lot to be thankful for around here this year. Shayla and Cytherea have launched themselves into their sites with happy (and often naked) abandon. Maverick continues to evolve with, and Michael finally won his David and Goliath battle against the (allegedly) evil 800-lb gorilla of a corporate powerhouse. D.Minion continues in her inimitable way, which turns out to be fairly safe to say, because as far as we know, no one has ever tried to imitate her, actually. … As for this end of our first (and with any luck last) Thanksgiving Weekend Blast, we’re spreading a little Love today. Now we all look forward to going back to work, because this vacation has been killing us. … By the way, if you read the last four (large) first letters of each post, it turns out it spells “Ho Ho” proving a long-held philosophy around here: At the very least, we amuse ourselves. [STAR TAGS: Heather Vuur Video, Heather Vandeven Video, Justine Joli Video, Faith Leon Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn] 

Heather Vuur (Vandeven) Showing Love in the First Degree - and Second Base

Out in the “real world” it can be pretty difficult to find someone that will staunchly defend the intellect of a person that has chosen a profession in the adult industry. You show us a parent thrilled that their daughter picked “Porn Star” as a career choice, and we’ll show you someone in dire need of rehab of one sort or another. Of course, almost none of these “real” people have ever met Shayla LaVeaux, and that’s a pity. Now naturally we realize the irony in pitying someone that at best pities us, but we enjoy irony. It gets rid of all the wrinkles. [STAR TAGS: Haley Paige Video]

A Road Less Travelled

Honestly we don’t even know if the term “Black Friday” qualifies as Politically Correct anymore, although the media seems comfortable enough with it. Apparently we can use colors to describe anything except people — unless they’re white, in which case some other set of rules apply entirely. Of course that being the case has probably caused all the confusion and distress in the first place, so there’s that. Well, we happily avoid this controversy completely today, as we welcome Maverick and 247AdultStars with an entirely new section of his site, although as far as we know he has not as yet assigned a color to it. Best we should remember that the last item in Pandora’s Box happened to be “Hope” perhaps. Although thankfully whether or not that falls into the “Evil” category also remains outside our little scope on this day. [STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington,]

A Breath of Fresh Air — And Some Water

Only in Los Angeles can you see a bumper sticker that reads, “Enjoy your Health. Eat Organic!” as you ride behind a 30-yr-old foreign car belching malodorous black smoke into the air. … On the other hand, there happen to be many different things that we can in fact be thankful for today, so that will be our plan. [STAR TAGS: Happy Thanksgiving!] 

Thanksgiving 2011 - NOT Belching Smoke

So the plan was to put up this “get ready for Vegas in January” post at 11:11 on 11/11/11, since those don’t happen very often. It was a great plan, devised with meticulous care, cultivated with rapt devotion, and prepared fully for bountiful harvest. (See? Sometimes we don’t mix metaphors.) …Yeah, well, and then we forgot. It seems we prepared too early and scared ourselves. … That happens. … Consequently we decided to put it up at 11:19 on 11/19/11 because, hey, it’s still full of prime numbers. That has to count for something. We’ll try to pay more attention on the next 11/11/11. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Cheyenne Silver Exclusive Video]

Cheyenne Silver Helping Us Water Our Plants … as it were …

We would have to admit that Much Ado About Nothing has significantly more literary merit than you will likely find inside the Members’ Area today. That said, our own “Much Ado About Cytherea” has a heck of a lot more to offer in terms of pure illustration. Also, we find reason to give you some really sneaky news about one of our friends, and we tap Renee Perez to do so — also very illustrative, by the way. … OK, so “pure” might not be the appropriate adjective, perhaps, but we’ve never been big on being appropriate anyway. What’s the point? [STAR TAGS: Renee Perez Video, Cytherea, Michael Ninn]

Much Ado About SOMETHING

Most of us are too young to remember reading the instructions on one of the world’s very first video games, but we have recently learned that they provided the following guidance: 1. Insert quarter. 2. Avoid Klingons. … A unique beauty can exist in simplicity, can it not? So with that humble aim in mind, we wish our good friend Wendy Divine a Happy Birthday today. As for D.Minion’s contribution, well, let’s just go with “unique” for that as well. [STAR TAGS: Wendy Divine]

One way to Celebrate a Birthday

If you have any chance at all of taking the day off tomorrow so that you can see Cytherea venture into the Cam Show world at 11:00 am (California time), you might want to take that step. Obviously we can never be sure when someone may read these little notices, what with them staying up historically for more than a decade, so just to be clear: Thursday, November 10, 2011 – 2:00 pm EST – Cytherea CAM SHOW! Get there from the “Sweet Fantasy Cams” link on her site. Oh, and if you’re waiting around for the show to start, you might want to consider Film School as our buddy Lorraine Sisco has done. [STAR TAGS: Adriana Sage]

Preparing to Study - Probably

Today happens to be D.Minion’s favorite day of the year — at least as far as days go where she doesn’t get to order milk in a bar and embarrass the rest of us. As you may or may not have noticed, the majority of American clocks “fell back” early this morning, thus meaning that DM could sleep an extra hour (at least without feeling guilty). … Now this may seem an odd introduction, but if you come up with a better one to talk about Shayla playing with whips and chains, you just send it on in. We’ll switch this one out. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Roxanne Hall Video]

Call if a “V” for Victory

Just when you think you’ve heard everything, right? … Apparently a professional football player got arrested in Boston on Halloween night for “indecent battery” as the media reported it. Now pro athletes doing monumentally stupid, even illegal, things comes as no surprise to anyone, and you certainly can’t go around groping whomever you feel like on a dance floor, but did the state of Massachusetts ever consider that having such a law on the books seems to imply that such a thing as “decent battery” exists? Fortunately someone allegedly much smarter than those of us around here has to figure all that out while we can concentrate on the actual A.J. Bailey and Capri Anderson. For what it’s worth, we’ll let you know now that their groping is a whole lot better than decent. [STAR TAGS: Capri Anderson Video, AJ Bailey Video, Michael Ninn]

A.J. & Capri - Very Willing Participants

June 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We’ll pretty much consider anything as a topic if it leads to a discussion of female masturbation. We’re quirky that way. And every group needs a leader, of course. Well if you’ve spent any time at all as a member in the Risque Communes you’ve undoubtedly become familiar with D.Minion, our resident Queen of Quirk. This time around she somehow manages to take Lala X, a British adult actress, and meld her into a special Love, American Style. As you probably guessed, we are in fact talking about the television show that ran 40 years ago. … See? … Quirky, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Lala X Exclusive Video, ]

Two for the Show

Odds seem pretty solid that we’d have paid a lot more attention in Health class if Nicki Hunter had been our teacher. In addition to being an awesome singer, Ms. Hunter has a rather unusual (we assume) perspective on at least one of the four basic food groups, as you may learn today. Should education enterprises such as this seem overly taxing for your current mood, you might just pop over and see how Shayla LaVeaux chooses to pass the time in a recreational vehicle. Road Trip anyone? [FEATURED TAGS: Nicki Hunter Exclusive Video, Erica McLean Exclusive Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

Learning is Good

If you spend some of your free time reading, you’ll occasionally run across some wonderful quotes. For example, John D. MacDonald wrote, “Life is the process of finding out, too late, everything that should have been obvious to you at the time.” Now the fine author penned this pithy observation in The Only Girl in the Game, but to be fair, we actually discovered it as the introduction in Paul Levine’s Slashback. After such a literary introduction of our own, you might think that we’d be on an intellectual quest today, perhaps explicating a poem by John Donne and dealing with a rather different form of conceit than the adult industry usually provides, this of the metaphysical sort. … Naw. We’re just letting D.Minion rant about how she hates to miss things and remembering fondly the first time we got to see Cytherea’s new boobs. … We all enjoy life’s callings a little differently. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

Not Far From Donne, Truth Be Told

To be quite honest, one of our favorite aspects of working on this site for over a decade has to be that we simply don’t need to make stories up. While we do rather enjoy reading fiction, the dedication and attention to detail that it requires to actually write it really doesn’t interest us much. Around here it works much more like a typical “editorial” job in an old fashioned journalistic setting. Of course we would maintain that our particular subject matter tends to keep one’s general interest more than, for example, local politics, or even the local football team. Come to think of it, probably all the NFL players are looking at every single day while they wait for the lockout to end. That makes sense, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Cassidey Video, Michael Ninn]

Cassidey - Doing Her Bit for the NFLPA

Most of us have probably heard the saying “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” – or some sort of variation on that translation. Many of us, however, might be surprised to learn that the quote does not come from the book Of Mice and Men, but rather comes from a really old poem by Robert Burns, which inspired the name of the aforementioned book. Sadly neither Mr. Burns, or the excellent author John Steinbeck ever got a chance to photograph Cytherea taking a bath, and we feel sorry for them. As for the members, you can look up the poem if you want, but looking at Cytherea would probably be a lot more fun. Because we’re kind and like to give hints, the relevant lines in the poem read literally, “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an ‘men / Gang aft a-gley” (ouch) while Cytherea in a tub reads like the photo here. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Wendy Divine]

Poetry Perhaps of a More Relevant Sort

At its essence life comes down to a matter of perspective. You can approach it with emotions ranging from calm benevolence to malevolent ire, but in the end we’re all going to end up in the same place. No matter how rich you happen to be, no matter how many friends you have on facebook, the final chapter will read the same for each of us. What matters, therefore, becomes how we interact with the world before that final date on the tombstone. Take D.Minion. … We keep asking and yet no one seems willing to. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo 2011, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea, Raquel Devine Exclusive Video]

Shayla LaVeuax in Consdieration of D.Minion

Do you know how you can tell if you’re bowling with Cytherea? At some point in the evening the PA announcer will utter the words, “Wet cleanup on Alley 11” in one variation or another. (True story.) … Not everything that porn people do in life has to do with being nude and sweaty, shocking as that may seem, and this time around we’re celebrating that fact to rather lengthy extent. Heather Vandeven and Michelle Maylene drop by to help D.Minion’s story (thus the “lengthy” part of the description), and then you can pop over to Cy’s site in case you missed her update earlier this week. Come to think of it, you can watch her “prepare” for bowling, although you’ll still need to bring along your own sweat, assuming you find that appropriate. We figure you can handle that part. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Heather Vuur Exclusive Video, Heather Vandeven Exclusive Video, Michelle Maylene Exclusive Video, Nicki Hunter]

Monitoring Heather and Michelle. It's a living.

Let’s see, shall we? We should be talking about shooting explicit photos of Cytherea on a couch, and eventually we do get there, but we take what we’ll term an unusual path in the process. We’ve got modern technology, Greek Mythology, inventions from classic Hollywood starlets, WWII, and even foreign nuclear reactors to get through first. Can you tell Lon wrote the story? Really, really smart fellow, that Lon. He does seem to rattle easily on occasion, however. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Vicca]

Cytherea's NOT hiding from Lon's lessons. We swear.

Doing some of the most normal things in life can take on an … let’s go with unusual … twist when you do them with porn stars. Of course given the choice between the normal and the not, everyone in this business would choose the latter. Look at it this way: We wouldn’t have chosen this profession if we felt at all typical in our overall approach to life. Allegedly time will tell if we’ve chosen the right path, but until then, everyone should lobby for the chance to make ice cream with Shayla LaVeaux. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Jessica Drake, Phoenix Ray, Dolorian, Evan Stone]

It's All About Concentration

You have your basic Hall of Fame in a lot of different places in life. What you’ll find a lot more rare will be these instances where you can find a Hall of Should Be Fame when you run across it. Of course if you found a hall that contained Sabrina Rose, Celeste Star, and our good friend Charlie Laine, you could probably think of a lot of ways to make that famous too. It all seems relative in life, doesn’t it? [FEATURED TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Sabrina Rose Video, Celeste Star Video, Michael Ninn]

it must be hot in that hall

Should you be reading this historically, you won’t notice any difference, but those looking at it currently certainly will. As almost all of you know by now, for the last week or so we (along with millions of others in cyberland) have been under attack by an admittedly quite smart, but altogether nefarious character nonetheless. For the first time in our history we actually got “cracked” and have been frantically dealing with the aftermath for some time now. Finding the leak, as it were, is nothing compared to repairing all the damage done, if you want to know the truth. We’ve got it all locked down again now, better than ever ironically enough, and we’ve got a bunch of stuff backed up in the queue which we’ll rebuild quickly. We’ll catch up. We always do. And we do so elegantly, as you can tell from the picture of Shayla here. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo 2011, Shayla LaVeaux, Cheyenne Silver, Rayveness, Stormy Daniels, Kayden Kross, Sophie Dee, Bobbi Star, Stoya, Ginger Lynn, Monique Alexander, Faye Reagan, Jesse Jane, Jenna Haze, Tori Black, Alexis Texas, Jessica Drake, Alektra Blue]

The Milk of Shayla Kindness