Filed Under: Anna Joy

December 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


As near as we can tell, today happens to be New Year’s eve, and most places around the world happen to celebrate the new year with substantially more vigor and glee than they do any of those gift-giving holidays. Of course the vast majority of the world has at least a culture, but often an entire political system, that stems in no small degree from religious persecution, so maybe that makes sense. After all, it seems very wise to focus more on a day of the year you won’t get shot for celebrating, right? For our part, we have decided to stick to our roots as well. What they lack in historic violence and upheaval, they more than make up for in fun and nudity. This doesn’t set the bar very high, we understand, but as a rule we tend to prefer simple goals. (You members may have noticed.) And if D.Minion happens to discover our camouflaged secret, well, we plan on employing the exact same New Year’s Resolution we enjoy every year: Blame Maverick for everything. [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair Video]

Georgia Adair Preparing to Get Wild

People do sometimes contribute to their own “Birthday Party” as Shayla has decided to do so today. True to at least our form, she chose to celebrate “Holliday” over the Holidays, and offers up some insights as to what it’s like being in the middle of 30 or 40 women all having sex together. Sadly, none of us here can really comment on this experience first-hand, but we do have a great many folks willing to learn. We value education, after all. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Serenity Video, Juli Ashton Video, Nina Hartley Video, Shawna Lenee] 

Nice Day for White Bedding

So did you sleep with thoughts of Sugar-Plums dancing through your head? Have you ever done that in your whole life? Would you even know a Sugar-Plum if it jumped out of the closet and bit you? And when is the last time you heard anyone exclaim, “My! What a clatter!” anyway? The fact that people around here spend time pondering such weighty issues serves as the only excuse I can think of for this Merry Christmas … um … Members’ Card. I worry about us sometimes. I really do. [FEATURED TAGS: Merry Christmas!]

COWards We Are Not

You may not find it intuitive, but the adult movie industry happens to display a great deal of holiday cheer among its members. Of course you can’t really have a properly caroling environment without Ebenezer Scrooge, and thus we speak today with sincere affection for our friend Gregory Dark. True, we have chosen to do so with the able assistance of Juli Ashton, Kelly O’Dell, Felecia, and Serenity, but in our defense we claimed to be festive — not foolish. Why listen to some old fat guy that’s not planning on dropping down any chimneys tonight when you fill your silent nights with young ladies clearly coming about midnight? … There are way too many seasonal songs to consider. We’d best stop now. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Kelly O’Dell Video, Felecia Video, Serenity Video]

Kelly. Do we hear what she hears?

This is the time of year where we all get a little nostalgic; we all feel a little more optimistic, a little more peaceful. Benevolent tendencies, long hidden throughout the year, come closer to the surface, and we allow ourselves to pause a few more times during the day, just to feel a part of Mother Earth. … Or if you happen to be like us, you praise Rednecks everywhere, and wonder why everyone doesn’t celebrate the way we do. You forgive them, however, because let’s face it: If you go around saying everything you really think, no one is ever going to give you a gift — at least not one you’ll want to receive. [FEATURED TAGS: Anais, Georgia Adair, Angel Cassidy, Wanda Curtis, Michael Ninn, Bree Olsen Video, Sunny Leone Video] 

Anais - Worth Receiving, Given the Chance

We all know ‘Tis the Season of Giving, but let’s be honest, it’s pretty fun to get new things too. And with any luck they won’t be the sorts of things that will live in a closet until next year when we can give them again. In a typically benevolent re-gifting game, then, we have decided to offer up some holiday gift suggestions before we shuttle everyone off to enjoy Cytherea playing fauna amongst the flora. D.Minion “naturally” adds her special touch, although DM can be a lot like a gift from a distant relative: You honestly appreciate it, but you’re just not quite sure how to explain it to anyone. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

Barely Concealed Reverence

Rarely do we link directly to — preferring rather to heighten anticipation, sweeten the experience, and generally make it more pleasantly pithy. … It’s either that or we pretty much like any excuse to show off more naked women. Theories may vary. All of this goes by the wayside this season, however, as Dear Maverick, being from London and thus used to a depressing Christmas season until the very last minute, has seen fit to visit a few ghosts on a couple of Brit Porn Stars and convince them to film a special holiday greeting for the members. You know what? … God Bless Us, Every One[FEATURED TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video, Tanya Cox Exclusive Video,]

Tanya Cox - No Tease Involved

Contrary to D.Minion’s contention in the office, after making egg nog, they do not in fact use the rest of the animal to create Naugahyde seat covers. We try to be helpful with our insights here, just so no one gets confused as they go through life. You might consider, then, taking D.Minion’s view of Day Two of Ninn Worx’ House of Jordan shoot with a grain of salt — if not an entire spice rack. None of this detracts, however, from the 241 stellar photographs. … And how do we know these to be stellar photographs? Why all these women are stars, of course. [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan, Alexis Love, Tiffany Sweet, Carli Banks, Michael Ninn]

This Little Light of Mine

You know those kind of “entertainment” things where folks get really sort of devious and sneak in little bits and pieces that presumably will teach us something? Sure, they couch it all in some general “Oh, my goodness, but this is a lot of fun!” sort of way, but it always sort of sounds like Tom Sawyer and that fence painting job? … You will be happy to know that for our part we are simply celebrating Chasey Lain’s birthday today, and if anyone learns anything, well, dang that ain’t our fault. How can porno be educational anyway? [FEATURED TAGS: Chasey Lain, Alexis DeVell, Shayla LaVeaux, Kaylan Nicole, Jewel, Emma Nixon]

Chasy Lain Would Make an Excellent Teacher, Though

We’ve heard a horrible rumor that some places out there have to deal with this bizarre phenomenon called “snow” — which basically sounds like a euphemism for “frozen water that can make life hell” if you want to know the truth. Having seen pictures of it on the news, we can tell you: It looks icky. We did want you to know, however, that we do have how own version of Snow out here, though, although admittedly ours happens to be of the “Aurora Snow” variety. … So you know what we call our Northern Lights? … Yep! … Aurora Areolas. (Sorry. We blame the cold — wherever it may be.) [FEATURED TAGS: Aurora Snow, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Phoenix Ray, Jessica Drake]

Shayla Demonstrates Our Version of the Full Moon

Anyone can do an interview, but very, very few people can do a “Ninnterview” as you’ll see easily. Also, anyone can crash a wedding, but only Cytherea can do it … well … like Cytherea does. And if these two quick introductions don’t make you want to see what’s on tap for today, then perhaps you should make an appointment with your family physician. You don’t feel well. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Brea Bennett Video, Jana Jordan Video, Renee Perez Video, Cassidey Video, Nikki Kane Video, Jennifer Dark, Alexis Love, Michael Ninn]

Cytherea - Overdressed for Crashing

August 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


The best way to test the skills of a person trying to do a new job tends to be comparing the way they do the exact same thing as someone else has done. Like most philosophical principles, however, it tends to be difficult to test, since setting up the “exact” same task can be functionally impossible. Life simply has too many variables. Fortunately for us at some constants do exist, and we have people who have been around long enough to remember them. We’d never be so boring as to attempt a mere “Apples to Apples” analysis, however. Nope. We much prefer the “Cytherea to Cytherea” algorithm. We’re clever that way. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Missy Monroe, Jenna Presley, Angela Stone, Michael Ninn] 

Our Cytherea Algorithm

Occasionally in life you find yourself in a situation where your most sophisticated intellectual response follows generally along the lines of, “Huh. That’s odd. I wonder what in the world possessed them to do that.” … And then hopefully you do something worthwhile, like eat chocolate chocolate-chip ice cream or something. Today just might be one of those days, but when you have Shayla LaVeaux, Raquel Devine and various other miscellaneous pretty people to help you with your ruminations, you probably won’t mind very much. You will need to supply your own ice cream, however. We can only do so much. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Raquel Devine, Katsuni, Miko Lee, Olivia Del Rio Video]

Various Things Upon Which to Ruminate

Be careful what you wish for. And while we’re on the topic of simple advice that people almost never listen to, you might be careful about the examples you’re setting for others in life. Dedicated (or perhaps more Devious) students might take advantage of an opening to provide some teaching of their own — which the teacher will almost certainly ignore, of course. Could it be that Lessons Learned are not in fact like Bridges Burned; or could it be that “learned” doesn’t really mean what we think it means? … It’s a good thing we don’t do philosophy for a living on risque. It’s hard. … Well, we do “do” hard, but that’s a different story. [FEATURED TAGS: Renee Perez Video, Sabrina Rose Video, Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,, Michael Ninn]

Revisiting Renee Perez

Well a warden didn’t throw a party in the county jail — at least not for anyone we know, which doesn’t say much because we don’t actually know anyone in the country jail — so we had to modify the song allusion to “Jailhouse Walk” for our purposes today. If Elvis had not died back in 1977 he would be 76 now, as all of those people remembering the anniversary of his death kept telling us this week. Of course we responded by pointing out that if Duke Albert of Austria hadn’t died on the same date, he’d be 653 today. None of that has anything whatsoever to do with Cytherea or Katja Kean, however, a fact that probably makes members feel a lot better about coming inside. [FEATURED TAGS: Katja Kean, Cytherea Video, Michael Ninn]

Katja Kean - Probably Worth Going to Jail For

One of the exceptional benefits of having an intelligent, insightful, and interested Membership base stems from the fact that it tends to keep poor, overworked, webmasters focused on task. Of course, should any web minions make an error, a zealous Member might jump upon the oversight, resulting in general feelings of sadness around the office. Over the years we have found a rapid and complete lapse into Denial to be quite a benefit in the recovery process — even if only in the psychological sense. In addition, a quick ratchet into righteous indignation can be helpful. In this case, alas, the intelligent, insightful, and interested Member might actually be correct, so after hours and hours of anguish and pointed despair, we arrived at a fitting Official Response: “Whoops. Dang.” … Honestly descending into proper angst really takes much more devotion and dedicated attention than we were willing to devote to the project. We have many naked women to document; we’re really busy. [FEATURED TAGS: Athena Angel, Shayla LaVeaux Video] 

The Answer is Blowing in the “Win”

Every once in awhile, no matter how long you’ve been doing something professionally, you can still be surprised — at least if you have fun doing what you do for a living. Differently in this job, most likely, you can accidentally run across a beautiful woman masturbating and it doesn’t result in some mandatory report to Human Resources (a title which takes on an entirely different connotation when you put it in terms of masturbation, actually). Should Aurora Snow be such a woman you might be inclined to comment upon how many people in the country would welcome a little “snow” in their lives right about now. But that wouldn’t be necessary, really. “Beautiful Woman Masturbating” pretty much gets people’s attention without much elaboration. [FEATURED TAGS: Aurora Snow Video, Michael Ninn]

Aurora Snow - Cool, right?

The intricate process of becoming a beautiful model — with professional-level skills — took Anais, well, maybe five or six seconds as it turned out. Some people just seem to be born for the camera. And wouldn’t you know it, we just seem to always have a collection of cameras with us. Ain’t serendipity cool? … Now since this complete (this time) collection of “first time as a professional on camera” photos happened to take place in a fancy bathroom, and since we’re set to the task of reminding everyone to check because Shayla does some bizarre stuff over there, well, this all seemed perfect. Truth be told, though, we honestly can’t remember when an excuse to see Anais (and Shayla) naked came up that didn’t seem perfect. Odd. … [FEATURED TAGS: Anais, Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Still Not Missing the Milk

Chaos surrounds us! France has turned out not to be that reliable of an ally, and people have suddenly realized that the stock market may not be something that we should just play around with on a daily basis. Gosh, who knew? To provide a calming influence, we’re doing a bit of “Dee Constructing” today, providing pithy economic lessons, critical utopian philosophy, and beautiful naked women. Seriously, where can you find a better combination — even on the big ol’ World Wide Web? [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Inari Vachs, Alektra Blue Video, Jessica Drake Video, Kirsten Price Video, Kaylani Lei Video, Mikayla Mendez Video]

Dee Constructing - Well

Did you happen to know that a flibbertigibbet refers to what you might more easily recognize as an “airhead” if you tried to have a conversation with one? Now the fact that we’re ruminating upon the vast array of adjectives that have evolved throughout civilization simply to describe stupid people should not worry you at this point. You can just ignore us as usual, and get to the more centered reality of our typical discourse, that being life in the adult movie business. … Yep. Not a flibbertigibbet around here anywhere. We’re a very serious lot. What does “serious” mean again? [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Cassidey, Anna Joy, The Four Trailer Video, Michael Ninn]

Interesting Office Position

Kristal called in the other day, very excited about a series of “Wrestling Videos” she’s set to do with our old friend Tanya Danielle. Rather than correct Dear Ms. Summers by pointing out that “video” would probably not be the technically correct term anymore, D.Minion immediately recalled that she had a photo set of Kristal and Tanya from way back, ironically at another time in her life when our Dear Kristal Summers fell into the Eager Beaver category. Granted we probably didn’t correct Kristal because many of us here still use the term “video” to describe a shoot, but it could have been the thought of soon getting to see Kristal and Tanya naked again. That can be very distracting all on its own you know. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Tanya Danielle, Lola, Jade Marcella]

They DO Look Eager, Right?