Filed Under: Ava Vincent

May 2008 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We love summer time around here. It brings wonderful experiences each and every year. … Long days and warm evenings. Homemade ice cream. Picnics. Vacations, short and long. The return of the annual curiosity about how in the world a company ever managed to bring “Lawn Darts” to the market. … And maybe even boating, baseball, or perhaps volleyball. … For us, it always brings a treat superior even to all of these: INTERNS! … And interns are not only thrilled to be here, but they just love searching and organizing archives in the “Content Closet” that seems always a bit overflowing around the office. … And then they find stuff. … And occasionally they find a little lesbian art with Keri Windsor and Ava Vincent and a few videos documenting a – call it solo reflection – by Wendy Divine. … And what an appropriate name for this time of year, right? Slurpees for everyone!  [FEATURED TAGS: Keri Windsor, Ava Vincent, Wendy Divine Video, Exclusive Video]

Ava and her Keri Windsor picnic.

You may have noticed that on rare (sort of) occasions we just can’t seem to keep ourselves from interjecting editorial comment (or caveats) into a particular situation. Well, as we sometimes do, we thought we’d take a very brief moment and offer Dear Maverick some things upon which he may wish to ruminate. … OK. Well if you want to be technical about it we’ve never actually done this before, but we might do it again, so we’re still going with “sometimes” here. We do what we have to, after all. Or else we do what seems fun. We forget. [FEATURED TAGS: Renee Perez, Exclusive Video, Maverick]

Renee Perez for the Coupon Clippers. We can't make this stuff up.

Oh, dear. Maverick seems to be ramping up his enthusiasm for his next trip over the Atlantic, and so he’s suddenly wrapped up his coverage of his last trip over the Atlantic. Consequently we have a whole bunch of AEE pictures, including some visual evidence that porn stars don’t always precisely follow the “rules” of a venue exactly. Don’t you just love independent women?  [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Adult Entertainment Expo, Daisy Marie, Nautica Thorn, Tera Wray, Calian Curtis, Jana Jordan, Renee Perez, Carmen Luvana, Lexi Love, Exclusive Video]

One of the many pretty parts of Daisy Marie.

If you want to know the truth, we’re sure we saw a Pussy Kat. Comic references aside (although that’s admittedly a little tough for us most of the time), in the process of this D.Minion Interaction, we also see Katsumi (now “Katsuni” because of some stupid law suit), Mia Smiles, Penny Flame, Monica Sweetheart, and Trinity – whom we think all still get to use their own names. Although we will also admit that we should probably care a lot more than we do, it turns out that when we see beautiful naked women performing for us, we don’t often think of their names first. We’ll work on it by continuing to look at beautiful naked women and trying to remember what we’re doing wrong. [FEATURED TAGS: Katsumi, Mia Smiles Video, Penny Flame, Monica Sweetheart, Trinity, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

A truly excellent picture of Mia Smiles that you'll have to see bigger to appreciate. It's number 121, by the way.

You’ve probably heard that a little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. Well, we don’t want to cast aspersions on someone who has to live in perpetual gloom, eat sausages full of blood, and thinks coffee is really tea (well, we might want to), but Maverick has been learning about video compression for the web. Consequently, suddenly he’s now got all kind of formats over there at 247AdultStars. Now you need to realize that he has the benefit of being able to share with us the first legitimate shower adventures of the delectable Cate Harrington, who apparently had a soiled “personal toy” because she decided it needed a shower too. Probably Mav just likes practicing with her clips a lot. We’ll tell him we understand … and to at least not eat that sausage. Bleh! [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video]

Cate Harrington ... Loaded for “Bare” ...

It’s a Double-Feature Day in D.Minion land as she lays out another new KSEX story as well as a new “Spice TV’s The Nooner” story. Now, true, both of these formerly dandy ventures have now deceased, but they remain near and dear to our hearts – particularly the parts where Dee’s naked. Unlike the concept of “Double Features” Dee being naked never goes out of style. [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee, D.Minion]

Dee getting ready for her “Nooner” ... and not a soul complained.

Well we’ve been doing a bunch of boring code stuff that most of you well never even notice, but it does tend to make the site function better, and so that’s good. You need to do these things every once in a while. It’s not sexy, but it’s true. For his part, Maverick has been busy shooting much more along the sexy lines, as we introduce a little more of Cate Harrington today … honestly just because she’s a lot more interesting than Big Ben, if you want to know the truth. We have more of Mav’s discovery on the horizon too, but it’s never too soon to start with pretty women – that’s our philosophy around here as you’ve probably figured out.  [FEATURED TAGS: Cate Harrington, Maverick]

Cate Harrington ... and the view gets better.

It’s “Cinco De Mayo” which technically means “the fifth of May” but apparently it’s a reason to celebrate. Now according to D.Minion it’s sort of a Mexican Independence Day, “but it really isn’t” … and that just goes to show that former teachers can be annoyingly precise. Still, it did seem a reason to celebrate some degree of multi-cultural happiness, not that we’ve ever really needed much of a reason to do that. Actually any reason to contact Lorraine Sisco (She’s German, you know.) pretty much works for us and we’re perfectly willing to admit that. So check out what we’ve learned today (or at least what we’ve theorized at this point), and then go out and find some really good chile verde near you. Feel free to add mucho cerveza. [FEATURED TAGS: Lorraine Sisco, Faith Leon, Exclusive Video]

Lorraine Sisco gives direction to Audrey Hollander, Faith Leon, and Otto Bauer. Maybe it helped.

Did you know that England now employs Imperial Storm Troopers to assure its civil defense? And nobody there has a cell phone that they actually talk on, they just use them to send text messages? And did you know that all British women take showers with pyrex dildos instead of scrubbing brushes? … Well, you have to read between the lines a bit today to figure all that out, but we’re quite certain those are the lessons intended. How could we be wrong? [FEATURED TAGS: Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video, Maverick]

Cate Harrington. Consider her a really good-looking professor.

Mayday! Mayday! Danger Will Robinson! … Your mother may be sleeping with Dustin Hoffman! … We asked D.Minion if this was a good way to start the introduction, since she made a point of telling us that today does in fact happen to be May Day, but she said we missed the point. Dang it. We hate it when that happens. To be more direct, we suppose, we could mention that we are literally “Building to a Crescendo” today, but you would only appreciate our dazzling wit were you actually a member and thus able to read today’s entry. Let’s face it: After DM shot down our approach we basically just decided to write enough to make it seem like we’re paying attention up here. You may be sensing a theme this time around. Oh, and we do use foreshadowing a couple of times. That’s always an entertaining little literary diversion – as are Faith Leon, Audrey Hollander, Kellemarie, and Ms. Lorraine Sisco, by the way.  [FEATURED TAGS: Faith Leon, Audrey Hollander, Kellemarie, Nevaeh, Lorraine Sisco, Exclusive Video]

Neveah, Faith Leon, and Kellemarie - working toward that crescendo.

October 2005 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


In the manner of traditional holiday pursuits, we seek to make some hollow weenies today. Being somewhat distinguished from the norm in this festive tradition, though, it may be possible that we have approached this endeavor with a somewhat unusual slant. Well … that happens. As it happens too, though, sometimes very simple tasks turn out to be the most entertaining. Ain’t life grand? [FEATURED TAGS: Audrey Hollander, Michael Ninn]

Audrey Celebrates in her own special way.

We came up with the title “Podiatric Ponderings” so it would seem logical that we would have to foot the bill. … That pretty much sums it up for today, folks. Sure, we talk about Socrates, and the nature of the XXX business, and even Zaphod Beeblebrox, but basically the philosophy pales in comparison with the tanned skins of the beautiful women present. And doesn’t that just about sum up life? [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Krisz Video, Shaena Steele Video, Exclusive Video]

Juli Ashton ... world (and Krisz) traveler.

As we were going through all of the completed files, those being of the type ready to put up for the world to see (well, technically not The World, per se, but at least the world of Members) we noticed that we suddenly found ourselves in the midst of a Dee crunch. We’ve been having a lot of Dee, and we worried that we might be overdoing it somewhat. Then we sat down and rested for a bit. Too much Dee? And this time with Kristal Summers?! Riiiiiight …. We just kind of play them as they lie around here, as many of you know, and that keeps us … um … markedly above par. (Don’t you hate it when a metaphor goes astray?) Let’s consider a Dancing Endeavor with Dee as we consider our metaphorical faux pas … pas’s … pass’zzzz … Well, you know … [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Kristal Summers, D.Minion]

Kristal and Dee, getting ready to tie one on ....

You know what’s worse than your team losing in the last 10 seconds? Being in such a hurry to get the post up in order to watch the game that you forget the “New Stuff” link, and THEN having your team lose in the last 10 seconds … by one point … because of a missed field goal … by one of the most accurate field goal kickers in NFL history. OK, so put a technical date of 10/25/05 on this post, because after the proper amount of grieving time, we happened to notice this little clerical error. On the upside, you could have found the post if you happened to check the “Dee” Main Page, and (as you’ve hopefully surmised) you can now check out many, many words detailing Dee, Chloe and Jezabelle Bond on a “mainstream” shoot that makes the use of mirkins look sane. Straight shoots are weird. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Chloe, Jezebelle Bond, D.Minion]

Dee, looking a lot of ways, but definitely not weird.

Our conversations about the relative nature of “Innocence” have been going on at the office for about a week. We’ve also learned a few other things that you’ll discover if you decide to read D.Minion’s 2,000+ word essay on the latest Innocence title, this being of the catchy sub-phrase, Wet. Now you may not be overly interested in philosophy, mechanical inclination, or even backgammon, but fortunately we do have Roxy Jezel, Nautica Thorn, and Hillary Scott to distract you. Oh, and we have conjugating copulation and peacocks for dessert. Bon Appétit … [FEATURED TAGS: Roxy Jezel, Nautica Thorn, Hillary Scott, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Groovy Computers: More Ways to Impress Porn Chicks

So the hectic pace around here lately has led to way too many episodes of fast food and pizza delivery. We started realizing that we were probably lacking in some important vitamins, and unless somebody recently changed the four basic food groups to be Triscuits, Beef Jerky, Skittles, and Beer, we might be missing some other things on the nutritional scale too. Then we realized that we’d been lacking Dee stories as well. Obviously we decided that concepts of “Good Health” remain clearly relative, and then we sent D.Minion out for more beer. Dee, happily, happens to be present and accounted for today, as we continue to work on our “horrible warning” goal …   =) [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Video, Monique Alexander, JJ Holly (Kirsten Price), Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion, Risque News Insight]

Bloody Mary is the girl we love ...

Don’t you love words to live by? “If you can’t be a good example, at least you can serve as a horrible warning.” That’s what I learned in a book I was reading recently. At then outside the Adult Video News offices I noticed a bumper sticker that highlighted a Voltaire quote, saying, “Those that can convince you of absurdities can get you to commit atrocities.” All in all it’s been a pretty deep week, it seems to me. OK. That’s pretty much it, although you can look at some pictures if you want. This would be another one of those entries where I’d skip the words if I were you. We only have so much time in the day: We should spend it carefully. Oooooh … we are deep today. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Ava Vincent, Shayla LaVeaux, Devinn Lane, Lauren Montgomery, Keri Windsor, Inari Vachs]

Lauren Montgomery as the bottomless bride. Nice ...

This is a picture of Sunny Lane in the foreground and Justine Joli being quirky in the background. Unfortunately, this is not a day for Justine Joli, other than in this particular photograph (which gets bigger inside, fortunately). On the upside, we do have a lot of Innocence under discussion today, and we use lots of visual aids to accomplish the goal. Basically, it makes for a “Sunny” outlook. [FEATURED TAGS: Sunny Lane, Audrey Hollander, Bobbie Blair, Jordan Fleiss, Avena Lee, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Aw ... look at the Sunny Shine ...

Here’s the story of some lovely ladies … but they about as far from “Brady” as one can get while still being Homo sapien, probably. You can, though, learn about some Ancient Egyptian “herstory” and some interesting local practices near Anais’ home town. It really might be best to just look at the 150 pictures, come to think of it. Who needs morals to a story these days anyway? [FEATURED TAGS: Anais, Michael Ninn]

Anais ... Anais Alexander ... whatever, she's still beautiful.

Today might be a special day, or it might not be. Today might be a special day for someone whose name we can’t tell you, but it might rhyme with “truli” … er … “truly” …. And we might be in trouble for mentioning it, but we might not be too, and that’s always been worth the risk for us. Always remember that’s it’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission. (Damn, but she’s pretty, isn’t she? … Sucking up doesn’t hurt anything either.) [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Exclusive Video]

A rose by any other name is still not as good as whoever this might be.

Here’s something that seems like good advice: “Let us not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.

Of course, it assumes you understand both the literal definition of impediments as well as the psychological concept of true minds. This could be a problem. Gosh.

Instead of really icky educational stuff we’re thinking that Angel Cassidy Exposing herself might be a fine diversion. We’ve read some captivating things in our time, and we’re pretty sure that none of this even gets to be in the (admittedly subjective) category of beautiful women naked. You know, that just might be the trouble with too narrow a definition of educational, come to think of it. [FEATURED TAGS: Angel Cassidy, Anais, Michael Ninn]

Angels are confusing, aren't they?

February 2003 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Being low people on the totem pole around here means that we get to sit around and compile photo sets and fill orders, and organize tax stuff. It decidely does not mean that we get to visit porno sets and watch beautiful women have sex and generally just hang around naked. Being low people on the totem pole, in short, sucks. That said, we did enjoy the latest Ninn Worx Weekend, and hope springs eternal for a taller totem pole in the future.  [FEATURED TAGS: Wanda Curtis, Nikki Blond, Michelle Wild, Judith Bodor, Michael Ninn]

We wonder as we Wanda ...

In terms of a quickie “FYI” we definitely have “I” and it’s definitely “FY.” However, we’re still working on the concept of “quickie” — Dang women around here don’t seem to appreciate them, but we digress as we progress … [FEATURED TAGS: Victoria Zdrok, Linn Thomas, Michael Ninn]

Victoria Zdrok, all grown up ...

For those of you planning your next orgy, you might want to give a look to D.Minion’s take on one Serenity put together early last year. Even if you’re not scheduling your own event, you might reconsider once you get a gander at the party Kristal and Dee got to attend. At the very least, we know whom we’re inviting to the next office party … And they don’t even have to bring pants … [FEATURED TAGS: Serenity, Kylie Ireland, Nikita Denise, Dee, Kristal Summers, Christi Lake, Zana, Cheryl Dynasty, Lezley Zen, D.Minion]

Notice anything missing?

As per usual around here, we had to interrupt our regular scheduled “Ninn Worx Weekend” and delay to remainder of the Euroglam galleries. We did so, however, because we wanted to “Share some Shayla” with you. We don’t get the chance to do that nearly often enough anymore, but some distant rumors think that may change if a bit. That would be nice. Until then, this will be very nice, as Shayla shows off her Fem Friends. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Jenna Haze, Ashton Moore, Star E. Night, Dru Berrymore, Michelle Michaels, Michael Ninn]

Not much Haze over Jenna here.

What with all the Georgia work, getting ready for her first professional XXX feature, and the alleged visit by Maverick, we seem to have fallen behind in our Night Calls postings. It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that Georgia herself pointed out our failings when she came into town. It seems she doesn’t get Playboy TV where she lives, so she checks out Night Calls by reading D.Minion’s accounts. Don’t you hate it when other people are right? If it makes you feel better, this installment includes a “bonus” section of our buddy Jessica Drake hosting the follow-up show Inside Adult. Hey we’re not always perfectly on time, but we always give a lot. [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Jessica Drake, Stormy Daniels, Aria, D.Minion]

A serious producer perk!

Sometimes all you have to say is something like Fade to Blue. Sometimes it helps to say something additional like, “Juli Ashton, Vicca, Nikita, Asia Carrera, Houston and Amber Lynn.” Then sometimes you need to thank some people like VCA Pictures, and then you have to just shut up and let people look at the pictures. “It’s nice to see people enjoying their jobs,” is sometimes a fitting ending. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Amber Lynn, Houston, Asia Carrera, Nikita, Vicca, Michael Ninn]

Juli in her absolute prime.

It occurs to us that in addition to our “physical” orientation around here, we’re also following at least one of the properties that we learned in physics class oh so many years ago. Remember entropy? Well hopefully we’re a ways away from total implosion, but this latest guest editorial has many of the faithful wondering. At least we’re wondering with smiles on our faces as we shake our heads, however, and at least we remain true to our appreciation of beautiful naked women. Our guest star today focuses on Jessica Drake and Monique Alexander, and he does quite a creative “covering,” as the young ladies do an equally creative uncovering … We should warn you, the thumbnail below actually has a pithy relevance to our goals here today. You worried yet?  [FEATURED TAGS: Jessica Drake, Monique Alexander, Craig]

What SteveD likes best about Vegas.

We can’t think of a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with wild kinky sex. Of course being of that opinion and actually being able to follow through with the desire personally have historically proven to be two rather different concepts. So for the couples out there, you might take a look at the latest Ninn Worx Weekend in order to get some ideas, if not on interesting positions, at least on wonderful fantasy mates. The couples out there should also understand that the single folks among us think y’all really suck this time of year: You’re really sappy, and mushy, and just plain gross most of the time. We’ll talk to you next week. Just give us the weekend to be alone with our singleness, oh, and Wanda Curtis … [FEATURED TAGS: Wanda Curtis, Nikki Blond, Michelle Wild, Judit Vecsey, Judith, Michael Ninn]

Wonderful Wanda Curtis

Well, it’s taken some time, but we’ve finally figured out D.Minion’s plan when she writes her annual report on the January Las Vegas Convention. She would like it to take you members approximately as long to read about the conventions, and look at the pictures, as it took us to actually attend the events. Even with imported help from the U.K. it took nearly as long to put all of this in order, giving those people that D.Minion doesn’t believe exist, the ones that just look at the pictures, a reasonable chance to find everything. Just as a summation: You have 14 pages, 219 pictures, and our two best video clips ever to see, well, if you really, really liked the hampster bits. Don’t try this on an empty stomach … [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, AVN Awards, Juli Ashton, Shayla LaVeaux, Kristal Summers, Georgia Adair, TJ Hart, Wendy Divine, Julia Ann, Dee, Inari Vachs, Keri Windsor, Stephanie Swift, Amanda Lexx, Serenity, Jessica Drake, Monique Alexander, Fujiko Kano, Sydnee Steele, Devinn Lane, Exclusive Video, Lon, Steve, D.Minion, Risque News Insight]

Inari's reason to wade through it all.

We’ve hit upon a new philosophy here at the office: If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, heap ’em with hardcore. So that’s what we’re doing to distract you from the fact that we still haven’t gotten through the volumes of information D.Minion turned in regarding the AEE. (We took classes in law school that required less reading, dang.) Until we do, you can watch Stormy Masturbation and a young porn star “Gauge” a couple of potential suitors. We explain more inside, but let’s say for now we’re quite certain about the answer to an age old question: It’s beautiful, and it’s indeed art. There, now don’t you feel better?  [FEATURED TAGS: Stormy Daniels Video, Gauge]

Pretty and “Art.”

Well, now Carol has a new section to give her some navigation advice, Lon has a new board so he can let us know where we screwed up, and we all have a second “Ninn Worx Weekend” to pay attention to. All in all, this seems to be shaping up right nicely. Oh, and we should give a special thanks to SteveD for the “Flying Elvis” inspiration. As you can tell from the thumbnail below, some pictures are worth way more than 1,000 words … [FEATURED TAGS: Aurora Snow, Bunny Luv, Ava Vincent, Michael Ninn]

Lots to love about Bunny.

We’re gearing up for another round of Naughty Amateur Home Videos with our favorite hosts of the series, Julia Ann and Inari Vachs. Back in the old days, however, Julia used to host the show with Taylor Hayes, and that’s who was there on this day when D.Minion visited the set. Well, technically Taylor was only there one of the two days for the shoot. History would show that Taylor eventually became too “naughty” for the show altogether, and Inari stepped in. Never underestimate the simple value of serendipity. The kindness of strangers is nothing compared to that.  [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann Video, Taylor Hayes Video, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

How we like Julia to sit on our couch.
Julia Ann's Web Site

Today you get to take a bath with TJ Hart. At times like this, brief introduction my be a wise and understanding friend. [FEATURED TAGS: TJ Hart, D.Minion]

Our Friend TJ's Bubbly Butt.

Proving again that sometimes it’s enough just to be beautiful, we give you the Risqué version of a Christmas Photo. The story pretty much explains itself, but we should note that the executive that received this gift was indeed touched. He was also in a bit of a bind. He couldn’t hang the picture in his office for fear of seeming to have “favorites,” and he couldn’t hang it at home because, well, wives are funny about that sort of thing. Last seen, the picture was beside his desk on the floor, beautiful frame and all. Ah, well, it’s the thought that counts, right?[FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Dee, Kristal Summers, Inari Vachs, Devinn Lane, D.Minion]

Don't hate them for being beautiful.

January 2003 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We’re debuting two new regular features for the site, starting with the addition of our new “Ninn Worx Weekend” which will feature photo galleries from the latest and greatest of Michael Ninn each and every weekend. Then we’ve improved our presentation skills (finally) with the slide show code Craig’s been on us about. He may be wrong about Rich not being very nice, but we have to admit that the show feature actually adds a bit of pizzaz that we’ve been lacking. Turns out some people like to look at pictures with their hands free. Wonder what for … Oh, most importantly we got to make a groovy new icon, and that’s why y’all are members anyway, right? You enjoy all the icons on the site. [FEATURED TAGS: Michelle Michaels, Michael Ninn]

Fetishy Michelle Michaels

As the folks around here are gearing up for the return of Night Calls Live next week, we thought we’d give you D.Minion’s account of the final show of last season, Night Calls, December 18th, 2002. You can tell by the date that this was their Christmas show, and looking at the pictures started to put us in the holiday spirit once again. Then we realized we just got the stupid lights down a couple of weeks ago, and we decided not to embrace the holiday spirit this quickly again. We decided, rather, to just look at, and read about, Juli and Tiffany (and all of their naked friends). Sounds way easier … [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Jessica Drake, D.Minion]

Nice presents: Juli Ashton and Tiffany Grannath

If you don’t want to read about Kristal Summers’ Eager Beaver, and you don’t want to see 46 beautiful pictures of Kristal and Tanya Danielle lighting theirs up. If you have no interest in Kristal’s updated journal, or the new slide show feature from her latest cam show, Nurse Kristal, or if you don’t even care anything about the adult industry’s health practices, or D.Minion’s fear of prostitutes, well then you can skip this entry entirely. You can just go on back to your local paper and read more about professional football players than any one person should have an interest in, and check back with us next week. Just go buy your beer and chips and get ready for the Super Bowl, where crazy companies spend $70,000 a second to try to sell us things. Still, we’re thinking you might have enough time to fit this story in, and then you get to do both … [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Tanya Danielle, Lola, D.Minion]

What's not to be eager about?

In an almost complete departure from anal pile driving, we have Playboy TV from a year and a half ago on tap today. It seems that back in October of 2001 Julia Ann granted The Bunny a favor and filled in for an absent Tera Patrick on Night Calls: 411. D.Minion dutifully accompanied her and wrote a fine account, even talking about anal, but not actually demonstrating it. Sometime thereafter we upgraded D.Minion’s hard drive at the office, and some of the files got dropped in the switch. When we put the old hard drive in a computer we’re building for Kristal, we found them. Now that’s probably way more information than you really needed, but there’s never too many pictures of Julia Ann, so here are some more. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Crystal Knight, D.Minion]

Damn fine representations of womanhood.
Julia Ann's Web Site

To tell you the truth, even with a fairly large site, it’s rare for people to actually write in to the webmaster about anything, well, unless they’re complaining. Those of you that use the Message Boards or the Chatroom know that there are a lot more “views” than there are actual people posting or chatting. Maybe it’s just the nature of the genre; maybe people just like their anonymity. So when we posted the first photo galleries from Ninn Worx last week, we didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary. We were surprised by the amount of positive comments people actually took the time to write. For all of you that wrote in, thank you! Here are some more from Fetish. For all of you that didn’t, you can look at them also. We still like you, too. Oh, and as another first for us, you’ll be able to see a hard core anal pile driver position, accomplished on a concrete floor. And people say there’s nothing to this profession. Pshaw. [FEATURED TAGS: Nicole Sheridan, Mia Smiles, Michelle Michaels, Aurora Snow, Bunny Luv, Ava Vincent, Michael Ninn]

Mia Smiles. TWICE.

It seemed like it was time to talk about Kristal and Inari, and so we are, in the flesh, so to speak. Actually D.Minion was on a set with them last summer for a movie called The Flesh Game from Ultimate Pictures, and she took 50 rather stunning, and occasionally personal-type pictures. Of course, that’s what she does for a living, giving us all just one more reason to be jealous of D.Minion’s job. One day we’ll actually get a picture of her too. Wonder what she looks like …[FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Inari Vachs, Shelbee Myne, Faith Leon, Jessica Dee, Naomi Marcella, and Tiffany Mason, D.Minion]

Kristal, a way we love her.

We’ve been deluged with sights and sounds from the convention, and last we checked D.Minion was on “Page Eight” of her review. We’ve decided not to ask anymore, and we’ve specifically ruled out murder and suicide as options for our web posting folks. You can’t be too careful, and DM occasionally has a lot to say. That said, we’re giving you a fan’s perspective, and a husband’s perspective while we wait, and, assuming The Force is with Us, a couple of different presentations of the perspectives. Sometimes it’s confusing around here … and that’s on a good day. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, AVN Awards, Juli Ashton, Wendy Divine, Jessica Drake, Monique Alexander, Sunrise Adams, Sydnee Steele, Georgia Adair, Dee, Inari Vachs, Kristal Summers, Julia Ann, Devinn Lane, Ginger Lynn, Jenna Jameson, Carmen Luvana, Wanda Curtis, Holly Hollywood, Craig]

Odd attire as the norm.

We’ve been telling you that we’d have a big announcement concerning Risqué’s Georgia Adair, and we’re sorry that you’ve probably been laying awake nights wondering what it could be. Well you can rest easy after you read our latest entry, but you might want to look at the 100+ hard-core pictures generously offered to you by Michael Ninn. We’re calling it Hardcore Announcement. And remember you heard it here first; we’re predicting big things in Georgia’s future. [FEATURED TAGS: Gauge, Aurora Snow, August, Taylor Ann, Michael Ninn]

Gauge smiles. Twice too.

It’s not the full-featured, action-packed, expose you might be waiting for. Rather it’s an aperitif, a sweet little taste, of the experiences of the Risqué troupe in Las Vegas. We attended the Internet convention, and then we attended the video convention, and, honestly, that’s really just a little bit boring to write about. However, we managed the enviable task of visiting with dozens of beautiful women, one of whom (That would be TJ Hart) decided to prance around the living room naked while she was waiting for everyone else to get ready to go to the convention. Just so we’re clear, if TJ decides to strip every time we’re late, it’s very likely we’ll never be on time again. You can understand why when you look at the pictures. [FEATURED TAGS: TJ Hart, D.Minion]

TJ Over Glass ...

Everyone who knows her understands that Julia Ann actually is one class act. Then Wicked made a movie called Class Act, and now it’s all very confusing. We’d love to tell you that D.Minion clears everything up for us in this second, massive, post, right in a row. Notice, however, that we are not. There are 212 pictures here, and that means we’re even boiling in Farenheight (Mav). Look at it this way. If you look at 50 pictures a day, it will only take you eight days to cover the last two stories. After that, we’ll be back from Las Vegas. You didn’t think you’d get away with one measley little Wicked homework assignment while we’re out of town did you? Oh, and there will be a quiz later … [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann Video, Stormy Daniels, Tanya Danielle, Nicole Sheridan, Zana, Exclusive Video, D.Minion, Risque News Insight]

What one wants waiting at home.
Julia Ann's Web Site

The entire office, and every one of the girls, are going to Las Vegas next week to see Bert and Lon. Well, there might be a couple of conventions in town too; we’ll check it out when we get there. With this in mind, we’ve put together D.Minion’s massive coverage of Devinn’s first productionThe Devinn Lane Show Part One: Forbidden Zone. There are 195 pictures, and 14 pages, here, but take your time. We’ll be back in a week, oh, and you haven’t seen the blue writing up above for about a month because of the holidays. Now you can look forward to coming along with us live again … [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane, Jubilee, Nikita Denise, Nikita Kash, Phoenix Ray, Lola, Dru Berrymore, Monica Mayhem, D.Minion]

Devinn: shady in shades.

Ooooooh … There’s nothing more exciting than a good old-fashioned Geek Fight. OK. There might be a few things more exciting, but when the geeks are fighting over Georgia, well, that’s worth noticing. So we noticed, and now you can too. If you’re confused now, wait until you see this entry to our Adult Diary … [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair]

Adair you to pick a winner ...

Dee’s come up with a wonderful way to start the new year, as we show off minds as well as bodies. While Kristal makes herself ready for the Playboy Mansion New Year’s Eve Party, Julia Ann and Inari make themselves ready for Playboy Duties in Jamaica. Dee dabbles in gadgetry, and members are suitably impressed. Really. Swear. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Julia Ann, Inari Vachs]

Even Barbie is jealous of Julia Ann