Filed Under: Chantelle Fox

April 2023 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

4/30/23 Mia Austin


Alyssa Lynn – Mia Austin – Kenna James – Diana Prince – Chantelle Fox – Rachel James

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

4/29/23 Kristal Summers, Julia AnnThe majority of the people on the planet have likely been in a conversation where a friend brings up a topic that quickly leads to a tangent from two decades earlier. Not many of these people, however, will likely find themselves in the exact same chair as they were the first time this story came up — albeit sitting in front of a vastly superior computer. Fortunately for everyone here, we do not encourage you at this time to think about 20-year-old chairs. You might, however, want to think about Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux, and Julia Ann. They may not make Architectural Digest any time soon, be each remains Art unto Herself. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Julia Ann] 
4/28/23 Jenna Jameson ... and othersThe “real” NFL Draft starts late today, in case you were confused by the 66 picks that come before the office favorite even gets a chance to crush some poor college player’s dreams of where he hoped he’d be drawing some huge salary finally. Truth be told, only a single person in the office really cares, but since he signs the checks, well, we all care. Mostly, though, we care about the Draft Day Bonus we’ve added to this time around. Superstars as pups certainly qualify as interesting, but Maverick as a pup too? That picture with Heather Vuur alone would be worth the price of admission. Of course Jenna fans might disagree. [STAR TAGS: Jenna Jameson Video, Eva Tiffany Video, Meghan Sweet, Hanna Reilly, Heather Vuur, Heather Vandeven]

4/26/23 Chantelle Fox


Any bed. Any time.

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

4/25/23 Alesandra Noir


Rebel on the LOOZ

[STAR TAGS: Alessandra Noir Exclusive Video]

4/24/23 Asami UemuraWe have been trying to explain porn stars to people literally for decades now. No matter what you might guess, they are actually just like everybody else, with hopes, dreams, frustrations and plans. They’re just not shy. … Some of them, as it turns out, even like normal things like Hello Kitty, an understanding that brought our New Guard to begin coverage of Hello Titty 12 today. As it turns out, other than the clever pun, those two concepts really have nothing else in common. Go figure. [STAR TAGS: Asami Uemura Video]

4/23/23 Jana Jordan


Roam and Hearth pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Justine Joli Video, Jana Jordan Video, Michael Ninn]


4/22/23 Dee in JamaicaSimple math tells us (no matter how much we hate cussing in just the second word of a sentence) that on your first birthday you have actually begun your second year. Of course these minor nuances do not matter so much in the earlier years as they might in the later ones. Our conclusion thus far has been simply that not all birthdays are created equal. Some have Dee, for example, a condition that makes basically anything in life better. These might also include video references to fine achievements, making the age of the Assistant Director insignificant to the meaning. So, yeah … that. [STAR TAGS: Dee, Audrey Hollander Exclusive Video, Justine Joli Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]
4/20/23 Kaylan NicoleSome people simply do not understand the warmth and serenity provided by an old pickup truck. Of course we feel sorry for those people if for no other reason than they get really upset if something dings their door in a parking lot. Then again, folks tend to prioritize a lot of silly things, so today we’ll ponder all the fun things one can store in the center console of an old pickup truck before considering an entirely different kind of “Serenity” in our quest. The Russell Wilson comments sure take on a new meaning all these years later, and yet the women remain as beautiful and vibrant as ever. Curious, that. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Dee, Kaylan Nicole Video, Serenity Video, Devinn Lane, Missy, Doria, Taylor Hayes, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video, ]

4/19/23 Good Friends of Ginger


Poon Party Hearty

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Sharon Mitchell Video, Ami Rodgers Video, Bionca Video, Heather Wayne Video]

4/17/23 Kaz B


All That Kaz can B

[STAR TAGS: Kaz B. Exclusive Video,]

4/16/23 Shayla LaVeaux & Jenna Haze


Years in the Waiting

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Olivia Parrish]

4/15/23 Ginger Lynn


In More Sane Times

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

4/12/23 Cytherea


Treks o’ Yore

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Ginger Lynn Exclusive Video]

4/10/23 Anna LovatoWe all face literally hundreds of decisions in any given day. Granted, we do not even think about the vast majority of them, but there can be dozens of “reasons” that we decide upon a path we take — or do not take. Of course one does not often see quite beautiful people bopping about in the background — sort of — of an adult movie scene. Then again, allegedly Babe Runners had a seven-figure budget, so maybe they could simply afford a high-dollar temptation in their Kamikaze Replicant scene. If nothing else, it gives you something unusual — and quite lovely, as mentioned — to look at. It also adds a whole new meaning to going out with a bang. [STAR TAGS: Anna Lovato Video, Charlie Monaco Video, Jasmine Black Video]
4/9/23 Priya Rai


Gina West – Roxy Jezel – Kelly Nichols – Hope – Christiana Cinn – Priya Rai

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

4/8/23 Ginger, Lynn Ray


The Butler Did Them

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Lynn Ray Video]

4/7/23 Chantelle Fox


Rock that Fetish

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

4/6/23 Kristal SummersAs the NFL Draft approaches we decided to check out what Kristal Summers and Dee were doing a few years ago when we didn’t care about the draft then either. This happens in two situations, basically. When your team happens to be really good, by rule you end up drafting well into the crap shoot territory, no matter what hype or “round” that may be. When your team happens to suck even after trading away draft position so that it would not suck, well, then you really don’t care. We mean about the draft. Despite being decidedly into the “what the hell, somebody has to win the lottery” position before even getting a chance at new players in football, we still care about Kristal and Dee a lot. One needs priorities, you know. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video]
4/4/23 Selma Sins


Captivating in English | y en Español

[STAR TAGS: Selma Sins Video]

4/1/23 Zoey Holloway, Charlie LaineTraditionally one should post a super funny, completely and obviously absurd, update today. All of this would then be followed with the classic “April Fools!” … This exclamation serves, it seems, as complete validation for any horrible thing you might do, sort of a Trumpian Get Out of Anger Free card. Then we saw the Washington Post list of major corporate “Fools” and quickly decided, “Yeah … we cannot compete with that.” So we decided instead to highlight a decidedly not foolish lesbian adventure featuring Risqué Business favorite Charlie Laine — both in photographs and video. In this way, they cannot compete with us. … So neener-neener. We are a tad disappointed that the Panera Breadbowl Hot Tub was not real, though. Sigh. [STAR TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Zoey Holloway Video]

January 2023 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

1/31/23 Beth Bennett


Up on Rooftop Beth Does Pause…

[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennett Exclusive Video,]

1/30/23 Cythereas TLC


The TSA of Dreams

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

1/29/23 Monique Alexander and Melanie Jayne


Performing Arts

[STAR TAGS: Monique Alexander Video, Melanie Jayne Video]

1/28/23 Miss Monique AlexanderAnyone who has ever worked in a group for a living has at one point or another received a “request” from someone which in that mythical, frictionless surface, full transparency sort of world would be met with the simple query, “You really have no idea at all what you are asking from me, do you?” … Well, we have that sort of situation today, but honestly most of you probably do not have such requests involving Monique Alexander naked and having lesbian sex. As you might imagine, we have less of a philosophical issue in this case. [STAR TAGS: Julia Ann Video, Monique Alexander Video, Melanie Jayne Video, Renee Olstead Video]
1/26/23 Shayla and Kristal


Convention Fantasies Well “Maid”

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Kylie Ireland]

1/25/23 Kristal Summers' WindowDo you know how many words rhyme with “Lexi” off hand? Off the top of our collective heads we could not think of anything exact, although “sexy” got a chuckle, and we gave a consolation cheer for the computer builder around here who came up with hex key. We did, however, know what the word Lexicon means, what with our reasonably exaggerated vocabulary from way too many years in higher education and all. The article author worked from this angle, actually, while we’re just going to add to that by pointing out people who work with many women who get naked for a living could well end up with way too many “Lexi” varieties in their lives. All in all, that represents but a small burden, truthfully. [STAR TAGS: Zarena Summers Video, Lexi Diamond, Shayla LaVeaux, Kristal Summers]
1/24/23 Rebecca Lord


Rebecca Gets Taken

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Rebecca Lord Video]

1/23/23 Emma HixOne does not often get a chance to see Penthouse Pets in their first on-screen heterosexual activity. Granted, a very select few of us have seen a Penthouse Pet in their first off-screen heterosexual activity, but that really seems beside the point here. As it turns out, before there was Emma Hix (Penthouse, May 2020), there was Eryn Andrew. Young Eryn got off a train in San Juan Capistrano, met a guy in a Ferrari — who provides a quite mood-altering tool with one of those 110-volt “wand” vibrators — and then she finds herself on a new road to experience. … See? Now you do not even need to look at the update today — well, unless you want to see the visual evidence. Trust but verify. All that. [STAR TAGS: Eryn Andrew (Emma Hix) Video]
1/22/23 Shayla LaVeaux


Rising While Sinking

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video,]

1/21/23 Kayla PaigeSpend just a little amount of time on adult movie sets, and your own sexual education will expand at an advanced rate, to say the least. As a corollary, then, what you start to accept as “normal” activity can honestly shock just a random civilian (as we call those outside the industry). Trust us. We’ve had those conversations. … Want someone to play with your earlobes while riding you cowgirl? Yep. We’ve seen that. Want to wear your partner’s old shoe like a gas mask while you perform? Happens more than you might guess. … So when we get in a title called Twisted, well, you can imagine our skepticism. Seeing as how this was a Cytherea feature, however, we pretty much knew what to expect. Turns out they really just meant Well Lubricated.
[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Soma Video, Sarah Rose Video, Kayla Paige Video, Kia Tolentino Video]
1/20/23 Samantha Bentley


Curves on a Bentley

[STAR TAGS: Samantha Bentley Exclusive Video,]

1/19/23 Syren Sexton


How Geeks Dream

[STAR TAGS: Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,]

1/17/23 Ginger Lynn


Allegedly Sorrowful

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Samantha Brownlee Video]

1/16/23 Cherry Poppins and Naudia StylesShould one control a competitive sports team at any level, we have an excellent suggestion for you. We understand that the typical “trainer” position — the one responsible for determining player health and overall condition for the coaches — tends to be filled with gym rat, former athlete, oriented in synesthesia and athletic tape, sorts of individuals. Should one, however, consider a support team for the trainer consisting of a pair of sexually liberal women, well, the team might suddenly become keenly interested in great health. At least that was the lesson we derived from the latest installment of Bad News Bs … BETTER debuting today. You may draw other deeply spiritual interpretations, of course, if you pay close attention.
[STAR TAGS: Cherry Poppens Video, Naudia Nyce Video]
1/15/23 Blake Eden


Iris Rose – Aleksa Nicole – Stacy Jay – Aubrey Gold – Blake Eden – Veronica Ricci

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

1/14/23 Shayla LaVeauxSpeaking of Las Vegas … Well, technically you may not know that we are sorting through the “voluminous and artsy” collection of assets (as it were) from our most recent trip, but that would indeed be true. Consequently, … speaking of Las Vegas we decided to highlight a past trip where a select few of us got to make the trip with Shayla. In addition to eating beautifully adorned frozen yogurt — as you can see — we all approached significantly warmer pursuits. Dig around enough, and you will note how often we can work “kapluey” (spelling our own) into our conversation. You don’t see that every day. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]
1/11/23 Chessie Kay


Accenting the Accent

[STAR TAGS: Chessie Kay Exclusive Video,]

1/10/23 Cytherea


D.Minion on High (the balcony kind)

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Angela Stone, Michael Ninn]

1/9/23 Ginger Lynn, Tom Byron


Who’s She Gonna Call?

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

1/8/23 Victoria JuneDepending upon the date at which you find yourself reading this, you might think that Risqué Business has discovered the secrets to time travel. Sadly, that would be incorrect. As anyone who has ever seen Back to the Future can tell you, we’d be a heck of a lot richer because we’d know which sports teams to bet on. We will, however, be at the AEE in Las Vegas for the rest of the week, and we wanted everyone to have an entire movie about Sex Dolls to enjoy while we’re away with all sorts of other dolls — the kind with a pulse (and almost certainly much less interest in most of us). Barring horrible accidents, we shall return with all sorts of news (for sure), gossip (if it’s kind), and footage (in theory) next week — or this week — or we’re already back. As mentioned, it really depends upon when you’re reading this. Time being relative, and all. Also, for the record, Back to the Future was a better movie. [STAR TAGS: Ella Knox Video, Kit Mercer Video, Raven Bay Video, Victoria June Video]

1/2/23 Mackenzie LohanThe concept of “Audition” has a fairly specific meaning generally, wherein one gives a demonstration of desired abilities so that this same one can secure a gig performing these or related activities on a regular basis in the future. In this business, however, an “Amateur Audition” means essentially that some dude wants to pay you to develop a quite personal — albeit most assuredly temporary — relationship with him. The roles can reverse, of course, but by far the standard would be a “him” paying a “her” for the performance. Of course this was well before people even considered personal pronouns, let alone thought about advertising or requiring them. Have you ever noticed how “progress” can just make things more complicated? That may not be the point today, however. [STAR TAGS: Mackenzie Lohan Video]

1/1/23 Chantelle FoxWell, we were going to find a simple little “getting ready for the Las Vegas convention” post that we could polish up, seeing as how it has been so long since there were conventions in person (in Las Vegas) that we were not quite sure what we should be doing now. Of course 247AdultStars always works well for that sort of thing, but as befits the spectacularly intertwined nature of our existence, this little plan led us down a long, twisted, but fortunately often naked, road with Chantelle Fox. If this works as any indication, our New Year’s Resolution will be to continuing hanging on tight — as we occasionally glance at our history and muse, “Wow. I can’t believe I lived.” [STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

December 2022 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

12/31/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Same Old New Year Wishes

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

12/30/22 DeeThis time of year thoughts turn to highlights of times past. True, these sorts of retrospectives tend to be focused only on the last calendar year, but given our rather atypical lifestyles, the years can sort of blend together. Then when our traditional remastering retro views bring up certain topics, those tend to jump to the top of our fond memories. You will be able to find much information on Sacred Sin on the site, and we encourage you to do so — or even grab one of the dwindling supply of Collector’s Edition DVDs. For today, we simply recall how it all ended, with a little private concert in Eddie Van Halen’s back yard. [STAR TAGS: Dee, Eddie Van Halen, Michael Ninn]

12/28/22 Chantelle Fox


NOT Counting the Days

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

12/27/22 Gina West


Gloryhole Gal

[STAR TAGS: Gina West (Toni Bola)]

12/26/22 Nautica ThornPretty much every human on the planet has seen a loved one fire off the look depicted in the photo to the right here. The situations could obviously be different, but the look never means, “Gosh! You are wonderful, and I love you so much that I want to give you a big ol’ kiss!” … Now most of us did not have Nautica Thorn throwing that look at us, but for the record, loving Nautica Thorn seems like an excellent idea for anyone that has ever met her. Today, however, plans for league domination begin to take shape, although you will need to watch the video to see the intended recipient of that stern look. Nautica definitely has kissing (and so forth) in mind, but maybe not with this person. Don’t you just love a good mystery? [STAR TAGS: Nautica Thorn Video]
12/25/22 Tia Cyrus


Gia Dimarco – Misty Stone – Tia Cyrus – Marley Blaze – Amber Lynn Bach – Vicky Vixen

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

12/24/22 Cytherea


And to All a Good Night

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

12/23/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Goodwill for All

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

12/22/22 Cytherea Smiles



[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

12/21/22 Ginger Lynn


Lend a Friend a … Hand (and whatever)

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Noah Angel Video]

12/20/22 Hollly Kiss


Kiss for the Holly Days

[STAR TAGS: Holly Kiss Exclusive Video,]

12/19/22 Reagan ConnerEverybody likes options. Based on some recent careful analysis of statistical models of the distinctly Risqué variety, we also have determined that at least almost everybody likes jobs. Granted, they like those specifically with “hand” in front of them, but gosh does not the dedication to work just fill you with optimism? Then in the midst of rolling out a movie collection of ten more of these special jobs, we uncovered some forgotten video footage of a woman talking to us a mere two days after she relocated to Los Angeles to chase her dreams of varied, exciting, and ultimately profitable jobs. Obviously you do not need to choose between these, as you have plenty of time to pick both, but in the more macro sense, a question arose. Do you not think economics class would be a lot more popular if we stopped talking guns or butter in favor of an analysis of this all hands on deck (give or take a vowel) fascination? [STAR TAGS: Reagan Conner Exclusive Video, Tyla Wynn Video, Loni Video, Eve Lawrence Video, Cole Conners Video, Ariana Jolie Video, Amber Simpson Video, Jada Fire Video, Liza Harper Video, Melanie X. Video, Gia Jordan Video]
12/18/22 Renae CruzEven the most apolitical amongst us may at some point sit up and say, “I’m sorry. I think I missed that. You said what again?” … Of course in our case we can quickly get away from that baffling reality and settle once again into fantasy as a goal with illustration of some darned impressive oral expertise and just the cutest little Christmas tree you ever did see. People may watch this sort of fare for a few different reasons, but these days we all really need a good dose of fantasy. It almost makes you want to give up eating sausage. [STAR TAGS: Devinn Lane, Renae Cruz]
12/17/22 Renae Cruz


Sing for Your Supper | vid

[STAR TAGS: Ranae Cruz Video]

12/16/22 Ginger Lynn


We All Finish Alone

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

12/15/22 Kristal Summers


Merry Christmas Darling(s)

[STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Photos, Kristal Summers Video]

12/13/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Tome for the Holidays

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

12/12/22 AEE 2013At the risk of being overly obtuse here, and presuming you have never been forced to endure such a situation, we will tell you that “moving servers” for an entire organization as large as ours will be a bitch of a thing — to use the technical term. Of course when you have been in thriving business for 25+ years and have amassed an enormous collection of various thoughts, projects, and improvements all held together with bailing wire and duct tape (in the non-technical sense), “just moving servers” looks like a Spring walk in the park accompanied by the person you love most in the world — with free ice cream along the way. … Bottom line, we are getting close, and thus we pause to consider a 2023 attendance as we continue our Risqué History of AEE with the 2013 version remastered. [STAR TAGS: Adult Video News (AVN) Awards 2013, Shayla LaVeaux, Kristal Summers, Cytherea, Cheyenne Silver]

12/11/22 Tanya Cox


A Little Spark with Your Cox

[STAR TAGS: Tanya Cox Exclusive Video,]

12/8/22 Bella Reese


Checking Starbuck’s with Lois

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Lois Ayers Video]

12/5/22 Cindy Crawford and Nautica ThornSome things may not be as they appear. Some things may be exactly as they appear, but you really, really wish they were not. And some things you hope deeply never, ever appear anywhere someone might actually notice them. … Oddly enough, the category of one’s previous sexual escapades could fall easily into any one — or all — of those categories. On the upside, in our world it tends to be all about fun and fantasies, although we will say that some people have some truly screwed up fantasies. Not so much with Nautica Thorn and Cindy Crawford, though. We get those fantasies perfectly. [STAR TAGS: Nautica Thorn Video, Cindy Crawford Video, Nadia Styles Video]
12/4/22 Kylie Nicole


Jodi Taylor – Nikki Sexx – Skin Diamond – Kylie Nicole – Alana Evans – Savana Ginger

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

12/3/22 Tiffany Fox


The Must Haves pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Tiffany Fox Video]

12/1/22 Naked Twister


Relegated to the Audience

[STAR TAGS: Erotica London 2008 Video, Keisha Kane, Candy Sexton, Lucy Lockett, Kaz B., Cate Harrington, Katie K., Yazmin, Isabel Ice, Rebecca Jessop,]

November 2022 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

11/30/22 Kristal Summers Cleans Shayla LaVeauxWhen you make your living having sex with other beautiful people, it makes sense to place personal grooming high on your list of important activities. And being a good Colorado girl — environmentally aware, and dedicated to reducing her carbon footprint while working to provide a better planet for future generations — it only makes sense to conserve precious resources whenever possible. Showering with Kristal Summers, for example, evidences an admirable devotion to a green planet. … Speaking of precious resources, by the way, Kristal has them in abundance. Yep. This post resounds From She to Shining She. … [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video] 
11/28/22 Natalia Forest


A Hip (and other parts) off the Old Block

[STAR TAGS: Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video,]

11/27/22 KariWe probe deep into the psyche of the contemporary adult film star today — or more accurately they do this themselves, on their own … per ipsum, if you will. Of course by “psyche” we mean something else, of course. Also “probe” may not be the best word choice for what they are doing, so we pretty much mean something else by that too. Fortunately all the insights into the mind of early Michael Ninn happen to be spot on. We do not understand them either, though, come to think of it. So by “spot on” we mean something else too. You’d best see for yourself. She Thinks No One[’]s Watching. [STAR TAGS: Aspen Ora Video, Aidra Foxx Video, Jessie Volt Video, Jennifer White Video, Kari Video, Molly Manson Video, Aiden Ashley Video, Michael Ninn]
11/26/22 Cytherea on the Beach


Beach Bum … as it were

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

11/25/22 Tiffany Fox


Her Lovin’ Teddy, Bare | pics

[STAR TAGS: Tiffany Fox]

11/24/22 Aiden Ashley


Giving High Key Thanks | pics

[STAR TAGS: Aiden Ashley, Michael Ninn]

11/23/22 Shayla LaVeauxUntil earlier today this writer never really gave much thought to what an application to have sex with Shayla might require. Of course even without reading D.Minion’s account of Ric in Baltimore, or looking at any of the pictures as a matter of fact, I can tell you with confidence that I will look forward to the next round of hiring with keen anticipation. We did in fact bow to Shayla’s release schedule preference and hold back until she could wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING, though. Personally I’m not sure how much I can promise to hold back if she ever hires me for … you know. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]
11/22/22 PJ Sparx and Alexis DeVell


Starting December Early (like every retail store since October)

[STAR TAGS: Alexis DeVell, Shayla LaVeaux, Asia Carrera Video, Serenity, Nina Hartley, Kelly Jaye Video, Jeanna Fine, PJ Sparxx, Paula Price, Alex Jordan, Porsche Lynn, Melanie Moore, Kiss]

11/21/22 Bella Reese


A Miss & A Shoot

[STAR TAGS: Bella Reese Video]

11/20/22 Shayla LaVeauxHaving taken a quick poll in the office, it turns out that not one of us can name a single person that has ever darned their socks. Nor can we think of anyone that still makes them with yarn. Despite this evolution into the modern age, though, we nonetheless ended up with “A Darn in the Yarn” for Shayla today. Living with porn stars may not be exactly what you might expect — or it might be, presumably for those with a firm tie to the realities of everyday life — but whatever the case, we do things a unique way with risqué, and we freely admit mistakes when they occur. Apologies take way less effort than defense we have learned. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]
11/19/22 Kimberly Kane as QueenSome of us are old enough to remember when “1984” seemed like a long time into the future. (Those same people remember a single family telephone mounted on a kitchen wall and sporting like a 50′ cord, but that would be a different story.) The point here being that whenever an author puts a date in a title, civilization will eventually reach that date, at which point many people will spend a bunch of time critiquing the accuracy of the predictions — fictional or not. Now that “could” have been the goal of Space 2077 when they envisioned it, but honestly probably not. They basically make only one extremely safe presumption with the movie. In 2077 people will still be having sex — although they may not be talking much. [STAR TAGS: Brooke Banner Video, Mandy Bright Video, Justine Joli Video, Ander Page Video, Haley Paige Video, Diamond Foxxx Video, Kimberly Kane Video]
11/17/22 Molly Manson


Fun Set Strip | pics

[STAR TAGS: Molly Manson, Michael Ninn]

11/16/22 Ginger Lynn


Whole Lotta Somethin’ Goin’ On

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Kristara Barrington Video, Terry Lynn Video]

11/15/22 Kayla Louise


Garden of Feedin’

[STAR TAGS: Kayla Louise Exclusive Video,]

11/14/22 Holly Wellin and Faith LeonTeam sports can lead to some very close relationships. In theory, working with others towards a common goal instills all sorts of important traits in one which will be useful later in life when pesky things like hips and knees start to have other opinions about what exactly constitutes reasonable behavior for a particular body. Of course on women’s teams all the players are gay — or at the very least bisexual — because … well, basically because narrow-minded men cannot wrap their little heads around a competitive nature being present in anything without a penis unless it involves a decided attraction to those without one. Men are simple little idiots, are they not? On the other hand, it can make for some darned pretty movie scenes, like one with Faith Leon and Holly Wellin. Good thing that same-sex attraction does not carry over into all male sports, though. What a scandal that would make. [STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video, Holly Wellin Video]
11/13/22 Samantha Rone


Dyanna Lauren – Nicki Hunter – Tara Lynn Foxx – Cher Adele – Allysin Wonderland – Samantha Rone

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

11/12/22 Kristal Summers


Good Cleaning Fun

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video]

11/11/22 Ginger Lynn


OHHH … Put Me In Coach

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

11/10/22 Aidra Foxx


Gator Baiter | pics

[STAR TAGS: Aidra Foxx, Michael Ninn]

11/9/22 Diamond Foxxx


Pop Goes the Whee Sell | pics

[STAR TAGS: Diamond Foxxx]

11/8/22 Cytherea in Chair


Tone with the CyMaster

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

11/7/22 Missy Martinez and Ela DarlingCome to find out, some companies do care enough about their story to do more than simply fade to black and roll credits after the last sex scene in the movie finishes. Granted, the fact that both Ela Darling and Missy Martinez both have on perfect makeup after a particularly rowdy romp could lead one to believe that they shot this part of the scene before the rather more sweaty portion took place, but thinking like that would require a cynicism we try to avoid around here. If you start thinking too critically when watching adult fare, you should probably just skip to the making a sandwich part anyway, we figure. Instead, we always appreciate the effort. [STAR TAGS: Ela Darling Video, Missy Martinez Video]
11/5/22 Audrey Lords


Lords of Controlled Chaos pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Audrey Lords Video]

11/4/22 Chantelle Fox


Wet with the Best of Them

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

11/3/22 Kari


The Dressing Table | pics

[STAR TAGS: Kari, Michael Ninn]

11/2/22 Shayla LaVeaux and Kristal SummersAll in all it seems like a bad idea to go around pissing off deities, even if they’re really new ones, and may not have that whole “zotting” thing down yet. That said, it turns out to be a really bad idea to irritate Those That Delegate Deities, like our own lovely (and ever-so-forgiving) D.Minion. In fact, our trespass turned out to be so egregious that you may not even notice the 80 pictures or the 10+ minute video of Shayla masturbating for some good friends. … Yeah, well. You might notice, come to think of it. … Some people pay a lot of attention, so there’s always a chance. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers]
11/1/22 Raven Rockette


Rockette and Her Pocket

[STAR TAGS: Raven Rockette Video]