Sam Phillips for TARA

TARA: Frankly, We DO Give a Damn

The Animal Rescue AllianceGet Behind Pet Adoptions (as it were)

by Ben Evolent

Many people know that the creative mind behind Penthouse, Kelly Holland, also spends beaucoup amounts of money and time running an animal rescue operation in the San Fernando Valley called TARA. While Kelly no longer owns Penthouse, she does still serve as the CEO, and thus we wanted to highlight her altruistic endeavors by considering a few Pet adoptions of our own. We do this because we still love Kelly, obviously, but also given how things turned out, we still have confidence in the evolution of the Penthouse Brand. [Rumor has it that we may not be quite as altruistic as Kelly, although we have no idea how people might get that impression.]

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Featured in Screen Play

Screen Play to a Head Trip

Screen Play Back CoverPost Script to the Head Trip Post (Script)

by Nobody Special

[These illustrations will make more sense as we continue here, but basically they come from a sadly little-known — and quite expensive, even by today’s standards — movie named Screen Play.]

Head Trip was a long time ago, not so much in years but in “movie sets” time. For awhile there I was on at least three or four sets a week, and this lasted for more than ten years. Over the last few years it has slowed down a lot, and now if we do that many a month it qualifies as a busy period away from the computers. Still, those memorable times in life tend to stick with us, and the Head Trip director, Justin Sterling definitely fills a few of those.

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Holly West Saving Face

Saving Face a la Risque

[As mentioned should you have happened to get here via a direct or social media promotion, we’re doing a bit of training here, essentially demonstrating how presentation can affect impact, and thus ultimately success. Should you have spent some time on, you may have already seen this article. Of course, should you be a Risqué Member, you will already learned about Saving Face way back on a Friday the 13th right before Tax Day in April. Should you be approaching this fresh, by the way, that last detail may prove helpful.]

Hunter BryceA Point of Presentation

by Faciem Pulchra

We did not accidentally pick Friday, April 13th as the perfect day to debut our new Risqué Table of Contents featuring Hunter Bryce; no we did not. A great many Americans could well feel this exact sentiment on this weekend before taxes are due, after all. Of course none of us can really go down to our local Internal Revenue Service branch — or whatever equivalent we may have near us — and start yelling out things like, “In your face!”

Yeah, well, so we probably could do that, but it really would likely not qualify as an excellent idea in many books. But golly would it not feel nice, though? Consequently, we came up with something to serve as a (hopefully) major distraction while maintaining our dedication to the theme.

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50 Ways in Risque Retrospect

50 Ways to Have Your Lover

Young Anais AlexanderRisque Retrospect

by Nobody Special

Gee. You spend a few days focusing on sex therapists and educators — and how their web needs might differ from more typically “adult” fare — and when you come back you have all sorts of weird things on your desk (or these days in your “electronic in-box” I suppose). In a manner of brief back-story, we should explain that for some completely unexplainable reason someone decided to clean out the center console on the truck that has been in risqué service since, well, since the beginning of Risqué Time. While that little collection of trivia will not hit the web for another week or so, the action did spawn a bit of “drawer examination” by some busy little beavers. (That expression might be much more humorous once you know that these were all women on the prowl. Or maybe it’s offensive. Who can keep track?)

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