Remembering the House of Renee Perez

House of Perez

A House of Cards (as it turned out)

by D.Minion


Renee PerezAs I mentioned in my Sophia story, I believe that when humans announce their plans, God laughs. And I’m sure He was chuckling in Heaven as Lucky and I got ready to cover the last story of our Ninn Worx career, House of Perez. Except we didn’t know it was the last story … [Despite her relatively lengthy career in the adult business, D.Minion still approaches things with a refreshing naivete. The much more worldly, and therefore cynical, among us saw the writing on the wall weeks before this particular shoot, and some day we’ll write about that. Today, though, we have enough to cover, what with DM’s 650+ pictures (and a half-dozen typically bizarre video clips). For now, just understand we realized that when the owner suddenly sells his business and becomes a 49% shareholder in a new business, well, odds are extremely good that this will end badly. … So let’s get on to the pretty girls. … That’s Renee Perez adorning the next paragraph. Good-Lookin’ thing, isn’t she?]

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Risque Origins

Risque Origins — Let There Be Sight

Origins of Our Species

Kristal Summers and Deeby (Just) Steve

[Ah, Risque Origins. What a topic, and one we approach quite carefully in some situations, just so you know.]

I guess D.Minion ran across some old pictures of the very first member’s party the Risqué gang held in Las Vegas, and to show you how jaded they’ve all become, nobody could remember much about it. [Hey, we can’t remember what’s in the storage room, and we have a couple of databases detailing the contents, and we’re in there every day. Be nice to old people, there, Mr. Use a Dog House for a Chicken Coop.] Since Lon and I were the only members able to attend (actually, we might have been the only members period way back then) she and Lucky figured the experience must have been seared into both our minds and we’d be able to supply a blow by blow account of the entire evening. Now, I’m quite sure I haven’t attended so many porn functions as a Risqué insider that I’ve become jaded, too. More likely it’s just advancing age that’s clouded my memories. But here are the few tidbits I can be reasonably sure happened that night. [For what it’s worth, I’ve been hanging around with porn stars for twenty years, and “reasonably sure” represents the highest standard one can hope for, actually. It gets distracting. When you literally have clothing older than some women making sex movies for a living, well, you try not to think about it. Ah, Risque Origins … ]

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Withholding Loads

Judging a Book by Its Bluster

by Manning Up

Potentially DEEstructive CertainlyApparently Nick Manning even has a skill withholding loads. Who would have thought that the man who made “Droppin’ F**kin’ Loads!” during orgasm a famous exclamation would have a sensitive side? [Well, he tries not to hit them in the eye. Does that count?]

Of course we cannot be certain that such sensitive moods were actually responsible for the photo exposé today, but we can be certain that Nick Manning took these himself. We can also be certain that on this day at least he demonstrates a flair for nuance in pure luminance. [Um. That means “in black and white” to all us normal folks.]

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Brooklyn Lee

Heading Leeward

Brooklyn Lee

by D.Minion

risque imageAs Lucky is wont to say, “I love it when a plan comes together.” I do, too. And I really love it when a plan comes together by providence. [We actually prefer when they come together by Southern California, but we can deal with Rhode Island as long as it’s not winter. We have simply been here too long. We no longer do winter. (We have as of yet not learned to avoid puns, however.)]

Soon after we arrived in Vegas for AEE, we bumped into our old friend Devon Cypher. He runs a PR firm now, and one of his clients is the lovely Adult Actress Brooklyn Lee. Devon wondered if we could interview Brooklyn, and take some photos of her during the show. [You can find Devon’s group at RisingStarPR if you want to follow their meanderings. D.Minion would have mentioned that, but once she saw glitter on Brooklyn’s nails, we pretty much lost her for the duration of the trip. In DM-Land, glitter reigns as a very close cousin to sprinkles — and we know how she reacts to those.] Continue Reading Risque
