Syren Sexton

Syren Sexton BTS

A Smoldering Syren

We originally met Syren Sexton during the first UKAP party in the summer of 2008. She had attended the party with a fellow producer from the north of England, where she also lives. [Just so we’re clear here, having seen Syren in action now, we have offered some alternate places that she could consider residing. So far we have not received an email reply. We blame Internet Gremlins.] We had a few chats with her and spent most of the night bumping into her (not that kind of bumping!) as we went around the party. Apart from Syren’s good looks, while I was chatting with someone else I heard her say, “Maverick is such a nice guy,” so she clearly has a lot going for her. [Also, busty blondes seem to always impress Mav. You may have noticed.]

Syren Sexton and her pink underwearOkay, I know you might think that might be silly, but I believe being nice to someone goes a long way. [Actually we really just think Mav’s easy. Of course in fairness to the lad, Syren probably finds most men (and a big number of women) easy to deal with.] So for that reason, after the party we kept in contact with Syren via email (luckily she had given us a business card) seeing when the best time to do a shoot would be. [She clearly has a method, albeit seemingly without the madness.] Syren had quickly become very popular, and it would take us until May 2009 to finally be able to schedule this shoot. She would be booked up solidly for 2 or 3 months ahead! Worth the wait we think. [You’ll have to see all of the Syren shoots, but you’ll be able to figure out why Maverick, in particular, considered this worth waiting for. Personally, we’d shoot Syren every week, at least until we got caught.]

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Testing Tenaya

Porn Stars Debuts — Tenaya

Risque Redaction

Tenaya Prepares to TeaseAs a “rule” you have to be registered to see the sample (example) stories that we’ve put out here in the free area, but on occasion we will include bits and pieces on the front page here. OK. So it’s not very often, but we’ve done it before, and we’re doing it again, so that sounds like “on occasion” to us. (We’re fairly easy to satisfy when it comes to our own rationalization. Go figure.)

Well, registration has always been free, and we don’t sell or otherwise distribute any emails we collect, even though we keep planning to have a monthly newsletter that we’ll put together to send out to everyone registered. You should know, however, that this plan got put in the queue, well, sometime in mid 2001, and we haven’t quite gotten to it yet. You’re probably safe feeling that we’re not going to barrage you with emails, even if we ever do get to that once a month plan. Let’s just call it a hunch, shall we?

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Asia Carrera for Risque

Tempering Tenaya

The Tempering of Tenaya

So the trek continues as we’re plodding through all of the various big projects we have sitting in the queue, but considering our subject matter, we really don’t mind the work all that much, as it turns out.

However, not all the “work” seems “equal” to the various members of our team here, you probably won’t be surprised to learn. So when we uploaded a few gigabytes of data for Maverick over in London to think about while wearing his Video Editing Magic Hat, I wasn’t all that surprised to get a rather brief email from him that said something to the effect of, “Did you forget some files? Tenaya has her clothes on in all of this footage.”

Wanting to be both understanding and clear in my response, I typed something to the effect of, “Nope. Yep.”

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Tenaya Debut

Tenaya’s Debut

Tenayas First Interview and Photo Shoot
Or It’s Just Like Riding a Bike!
[Or We Really Need to have Shorter Titles]

Wow. It had been a long time since I’d been on set. And I really missed it. Capturing tape, dealing with compliance, pulling photos, etc., are all fine jobs, but the face to face connection with performers and crew are what make my job worthwhile! [Right. D.Minion is all about the “face to” … something or other.]

risque debuts tenaya imageIt had been a year and a half since the Spearmint Rhino decided they didn’t want us to cover their shoots. [Once we decided not to move to Norco and keep working with the site, they sort of became rather pissy about things. They said they were “uncomfortable” with us being on set, which was pretty darned insulting. We’ve been doing this web thing for more than ten years. We ought to be able to do a lot better than merely “uncomfortable” …. The despondent dog in the photograph has no actual connection to the Spearmint Rhino, by the way, but it did seem an appropriate illustration.] So when Lucky told me that our buddy Tommy was managing a new girl and would like us to meet her and take some photos, I jumped at the chance! [… and drooled. It was a little embarrassing, actually.]

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