Tenaya Debut

Tenaya’s Debut

Tenayas First Interview and Photo Shoot
Or It’s Just Like Riding a Bike!
[Or We Really Need to have Shorter Titles]

Wow. It had been a long time since I’d been on set. And I really missed it. Capturing tape, dealing with compliance, pulling photos, etc., are all fine jobs, but the face to face connection with performers and crew are what make my job worthwhile! [Right. D.Minion is all about the “face to” … something or other.]

risque debuts tenaya imageIt had been a year and a half since the Spearmint Rhino decided they didn’t want us to cover their shoots. [Once we decided not to move to Norco and keep working with the michaelninn.com site, they sort of became rather pissy about things. They said they were “uncomfortable” with us being on set, which was pretty darned insulting. We’ve been doing this web thing for more than ten years. We ought to be able to do a lot better than merely “uncomfortable” …. The despondent dog in the photograph has no actual connection to the Spearmint Rhino, by the way, but it did seem an appropriate illustration.] So when Lucky told me that our buddy Tommy was managing a new girl and would like us to meet her and take some photos, I jumped at the chance! [… and drooled. It was a little embarrassing, actually.]

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Jana Cova and Jana Jordan

Nymphetamine Ninn — On Set

Same Singer, Different Tune

On the Nymphetamine SetI have been on a lot of sets with Michael Ninn. Over the last 15 years, I have not been on every Ninn set, but since the earliest days at that upstart VCA, I have been on the vast majority of them. If you need to put a number on it, call it “well over 100, probably closer to 150, Michael Ninn sets,” and that will do for now.

Predictably, over the years I have been fortunate to witness some very grand Michael Ninn sets. I have seen him shoot with world-famous rock stars and legendary porn stars. (I have also seen Michael be instrumental in building a few of those legends, truth be told.) I watched him drop a baby grand piano into the middle of twenty square miles of California desert, and I have seen him set up in shots so tight that just placing the cameras became a substantial physical challenge. We’ve shot in miserable heat, howling winds, horizontal rains, and cold so severe that all of us not on camera could only thank the Fates that we never decided to try and be porn stars (all the while looking for more layers of clothing to wear and wondering why we don’t own mittens anymore).

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Erotica Los Angeles 2008

Moving (Stepanie) “Swiftly”

[You’ve probably learned to worry a bit when we start a post with “editorial blue” — right? Still, we did think it best this way, as the following convention report seems odd, even for D.Minion. At least this time she did not inadvertently change the mpeg settings on her camera, so they’re not itty-bitty, but that doesn’t change their … um … uniqueness it seems. Rather than pump too many more words into this, maybe we should just show you “Angels Wiggle” and you’ll be up to speed here real speedy quicko. Just press “play” here, but don’t say we didn’t warn you. It looks to be a fun day, no?] Continue Reading Risque

Kristal Summers

MILF Baby, MILF Baby, Gimme a Chance …

MILF’s Night Out (Directed by Dee)


When I first began writing for Adult Diary, one of my jobs was to accompany Lucky’s girls to their movie sets. I’d take photos of (pretty much) only the girl I came with, and because I was so shy, sometimes I’d hardly even talk with anyone else. [Of course now DM is a lot better – and more comfortable. Now she talks to the person responsible for the food on set too.]

milf kristal summers for risqueWhen I began writing for Michael Ninn’s site, it was a whole different ballgame. Often on set I wouldn’t know any of the actors. I had to learn to introduce myself, ask questions, and take photos of everything and everyone. [Not that this particular picture has anything specifically to do with Ninn sets, as it actually applies more generally to shoots in general now that almost everyone books off of the Internet.]

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