Probing Depth Conceptual Art

Probing Stage Name Depth

Stage Name Tori BlackEmphasis on Probing

by Nobody Special

We have always had an ongoing fascination with the manner in which people not wishing to go about professionally with their real names will happen upon a fake name that just tickles their fancy. You have absolutely zero say in your real name, obviously, as you were too young to offer much in the way of specific opinion at the precise moment someone made a decision to write it on a birth certificate. Whether you grew to love it, hate it, or pick some different nickname altogether, you always have that “Legal ID” following you around — at least until you get old enough to file a bunch of papers with a court to change it, for whatever reason.

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Have a Risque New Year

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by Just Plum Nom

Most of us have “meetings” in our lives. [Depending upon where we work, we could actually spend so much time having meetings about what we need to do that we never actually have time to do those things.]

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Tenaya and Hired Boy-Toy

Dating Tenaya

Young Ginger LynnThe Triumphs of Tenaya

by Nobody Special

Regardless of more traditional issues of simple dollars for perceived effort, almost all women get into the adult movie business for a simple reason: Recognition. … Sure, the money can be enticing, particularly for the more youthful of the budding stars, but the actual “star” part of it plays no little part in the decision to disrobe for the cameras before strutting into that Doin’ What Comes Naturally part of the job.

Some of them, however, really do just consider the work a relatively simple way to make some decent income without much in the way of prerequisite skills or onerous time commitments to earn the wage. Take, for instance, our old buddy Tenaya. (Without a specific example, this would be a fairly pointless dialogue, after all.)

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Andie Valentino: Want Somebody to Love

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by Nobody Special

Do you really want somebody to love? Do you honestly need somebody to love?

We can all form theories from a collection of known facts. Certainly if those facts exist inside an area with which we have some high degree of expertise, these theories may even be solid. Like all theories, though, without any practical application or real-world testing, they don’t really mean anything or help the world in some meaningful way. Nothing wrong with people that think about things simply for the process of thinking; we’ve simply never been much for purely academic exercise here at Risqué Business.

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