Kristal Summers Rocks!

Rock Hard Sex

by Just Plum Nome

kristal summersApparently we’re secretly running Alex Sanders week here in the communes, as Cytherea just posted a feature with Alex as well, but we really didn’t plan it that way. [If you have been a member for any time at all, you certainly can vouch for the fact that we consider planning to get in the way of all the stream of consciousness wonderment that working in adult can provide. Also, even as a group we tend to have pretty bad memories. Consequently, all “planning” operations must bear that in mind.] So …

What if you have a rock and a hard place stuck between you? That sounds like it might be unpleasant, right? Well, according to Kristal, in this case it most definitely was not. Back before he was even officially “Steve” — and thus fair game for all sorts of taunting — “SteveD” covered the shoot in question today because D.Minion apparently wanted to go half way around the world to play with kangaroos and koalas. [Well, she had Devinn Lane and Sydnee Steele too. That probably didn’t hurt.]

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A Contented “Cy”

Art in the Living

by Nobody Special

CythereaWe’ve all heard this: Art is Pain.

OK. Perhaps, not “all” of us have heard that, but anyone that makes their living creatively has very likely heard that. Even in the bastard step-child world of XXX movie-making, we joke about it. On many a shoot I have seen a poor crew member splayed on the ground in 100 degree heat, with wind blowing grime in their eyes, and insects feasting on any sweat-soaked exposed skin, and I invariably ask them, “So can you think of anything else you’d rather be doing right now?”

You’d be surprised at how often you hear a by now stock response, always delivered with a smile: “What? And give up show business?”

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Shayla LaVeaux

Adult Model Quirks

Just “Plane” Sexy

by Nobody Special

Shayla LaVeauxAt the risk of raising the ire of some of the XX chromosome people out there, I think most of us would agree that trying to understand women could be the most intellectually daunting task any of us will ever undertake. If you want to take that confusion to an entirely new level, just apply that general state of confusion to a woman who has decided that having sex on camera seems like a dandy way to make a living. Yep. Take the mysteries of women in general, run them through a shredder, wad up all the scraps into a ball, toss it into a washing machine, and then just try to make sense out of what you get after the last spin cycle concludes.

You see, I’ve known Shayla for over 20 years now, and she still will say things that completely baffle me — and we have never even dated.

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London Keyes

London Keyes

Sister from Another Mister

by Spooky Sapience

London KeyesHalloween might be the most unique of all holidays, and yet according to some we do not give it due reverence here on risqué. If you think about, Halloween does have a bit of a uniqueness about it, actually. As a kid you love it because you get to play dress-up; you get to stay up late, and you get free candy. Then you get a bit older, and you just sort of do it for the candy. [True. We’ve all seen teenagers in jeans and sweatshirts going door to door mooching with all the cute little toddlers.] At some point, though, you realize that adult dress-up can be a heck of a lot of fun too, and it leads to a whole different type of sweetness if done properly. Of course most of us remain too shy to try a lot of wildly different sexual experiments, but at Halloween we can pretend it doesn’t bother us because we’re supposed to dress up and be someone different. [Woo-HOO! … That said, Dee was basically naked in this clip so we had to excise it from this free side display. There are benefits to membership, did we mention?] Continue Reading Risque